2. What is STPR2?
2. What is STPR2?
Transport Scotland did the first Review in 2008.
A second review was started in 2019 – this is STPR2.
This review will say how money should be spent on transport projects in Scotland for the next 20 years. Scottish Ministers can use the review to make decisions about future transport projects.
It looks at the transport needs of Scotland’s people and communities. This includes active travel (walking, wheeling, cycling), bus, ferry, rail, motorways and major roads as well as passenger and freight access to major ports and airports.
It looks at the different travel needs of different parts of the country and different communities.
The goals of STPR2 cover these topics:
- take climate action
- less inequality and more accessibility
- improve health and wellbeing
- support financial growth
- better safety and more reliable.
These topics make sure that STPR2 recommendations:
- are in line with Scottish Government policies and plans
- help reach the goals set out in the second National Transport Strategy.
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