Compulsory Purchase Order
Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 And
The Acquisition Of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947
The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) Compulsory Purchase Order (No. 2) 202[ ]
Notice is hereby given that the Scottish Ministers in exercise of the powers conferred by the above mentioned Acts, on the Sixth Day of December Two Thousand and Twenty-Four prepared the above mentioned Compulsory Purchase Order which affects the land described in the Schedule hereto, for the purpose of improving and constructing a new grade separated junction of the M90/A90/A9000 Edinburgh – Fraserburgh Trunk Road in the vicinity of Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire.
The Order is about to be made and comes into operation only if made. If the Order is made, a conveyance registered in implement of the Order may vary or extinguish rights to enforce real burdens and servitudes affecting land.
A copy of the Order with the relevant plans may be inspected, free of charge, during normal business hours from 6 December 2024 until 31 January 2025 at:
- The offices of Transport Scotland, Reception, 2nd Floor, Geroge House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
- Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB; and.
- Mearns Community Campus Library, Aberdeen Road, Laurencekirk, AB30 1ZJ
Any objections to the Order must be made in writing sating the title of the Order and the grounds of objection to the Director of Major Projects, Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, George House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD. Any such notice must be received on or before 31 January 2025
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Major Projects
George House
36 North Hannover St,
Glasgow G1 2AD
6 December 2024
The plot references and areas referred to below correspond to those given in the Schedule and map annexed to “The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) Compulsory Purchase Order (No. 2) 202[ ]”.
Plot No |
Land in the County of Kincardine |
1001 |
549 square metres or thereby of the solum of the unnamed access track to the southwest of Denlethen Woodand northwest of the Perth and Aberdeen railway line and the trunk road. |
1002 |
7,496 square metres or thereby of arable land lying to the southwest of Denlethen Wood, west of the Perth and Aberdeen railway line and north of the U91K. Land Register of Scotland Title Number KNC8402. |
1003 |
2,622 square metres or thereby of the solum of the U91K lying to the west of Perth and Aberdeen railway line and north of the trunk road. |
1004 |
958 square metres or thereby of arable land lying to the southwest of Denlethen Wood lying to the west of Perth and Aberdeen railway line and north of the trunk road. |
1005 |
4,439 square metres or thereby of arable land lying to the east of Perth and Aberdeen railway line, southeast of Denlethen Wood and north of the trunk road. Land Registered of Scotland Title Number KNC5739. |
1006 |
1,475 square metres or thereby of the solum of the U91K lying to the east of Perth and Aberdeen railway line, southeast of Denlethen Wood and north of the trunk road. |
1007 |
651 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the southeast of Denlethen Wood, east of the Perth and Aberdeen railway line and north of the trunk road. Land Registered of Scotland Title Number KNC8402. |
1008 |
693 square metres or thereby of the airspace over the Perth and Aberdeen railway line and its cutting embankments. |
1009 |
805 square metres or thereby of arable land lying to the to the east of Perth and Aberdeen railway line, south of Denlethen Wood and north of the trunk road. Land Register of Scotland Title Number KNC5739. |
1010 |
644 square metres or thereby of arable land and verge lying to the southwest of Denlethen Wood, southeast of the U91K and north of the trunk road. |
1011 |
132 square metres or thereby of solum of the U91K junction with the trunk road lying to the north of the trunk road and southwest of Denlethen Wood. |
1012 |
462 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the north of the trunk road and southeast of Oatyhill. |
1013 |
366 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to north of the trunk road, south of Oatyhill and the solum of an old trunk road lying to the north of the trunk road and south of Oatyhill. |
1014 |
147 square metres or thereby of scrubland and the bed and banks of Oatyhill Tributary lying perpendicular and in a north westerly direction to the U91K, north of the trunk road and southeast of Oatyhill. Land Register of Scotland Title Number KNC8402. |
Compulsory Purchase Order Unknown Notice
If in any doubt about the effects of this Notice consult the acquiring authority or a Solicitor.
Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 And
The Acquisition Of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947
The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) Compulsory Purchase Order (No. 2) 202[ ]
To: Owner/ Lessee/ Occupier
Of: Plots 1001, 1003, 1006, 1011 & 1013.
Notice is hereby given that the Scottish Ministers in exercise of the powers conferred by the above mentioned Acts, on the Sixth Day of December Two Thousand and Twenty-Four prepared the above mentioned Compulsory Purchase Order which affects the land described in the Schedule hereto, for the purpose of improving and constructing a new grade separated junction of the M90/A90/A9000 Edinburgh – Fraserburgh Trunk Road in the vicinity of Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire.
The Order includes land in which you are believed to have an interest as either owner/ lessee/ occupier.
The Order is about to be made and comes into operation only if made. If the Order is made, a conveyance registered in implement of the Order may vary or extinguish rights to enforce real burdens and servitudes affecting the land.
A copy of the Order and of the map referred to therein may be inspected, free of charge, during normal business hours from 6 December 2024 until 31 January 2025 at: -
- The offices of Transport Scotland, Reception, 2nd Floor, Geroge House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
- Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB; and.
- Mearns Community Campus Library, Aberdeen Road, Laurencekirk, AB30 1ZJ
And may be seen there without payment of fee during normal opening hours.
Any objections to the Order must be made in writing sating the title of the Order and the grounds of objection to the Director of Major Projects, Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, George House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD. Any such notice must be received on or before 31 January 2025
If no objection is duly made by an owner, lessee or occupier (except a tenant for a month or less), a benefited proprietor, the holder of a personal real burden or owners’ association, or if all objections so made are withdrawn, or if the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that every objection so made relates either exclusively to matters of compensation which can be dealt with by the Lands Tribunal for Scotland or in the case of an objection made by a holder of a personal real burden, a benefited proprietor or owners’ association if the Scottish Ministers give a written undertaking that any conveyance in implement of the acquisition will provide that the real burden or servitude in question is not varied or extinguished in respect of the enforcement rights of that person the Scottish Ministers may, if they think fit, make the Order with or without modifications.
In any other case where an objection has been duly made by an owner, lessee or occupier (except a tenant for a month or less), holder of a personal real burden, a benefited proprietor or owners’ association, the Scottish Ministers are required before making the Order, either to cause a public local inquiry to be held or to afford to the objector an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed by the Scottish Ministers for that purpose, and may then, after considering the objection and the report of the person who held the inquiry or the person appointed as aforesaid, make the Order with or without modifications.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Major Projects
George House
36 North Hannover St,
Glasgow G1 2AD
6 December 2024
This is the Schedule referred to in the foregoing Notice M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) Compulsory Purchase Order (No. 2) 202[ ].
(See further up this page)
EIA Addendum
Roads (Scotland) Act 1984
A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement
Notice Of Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Addendum)
The Scottish Ministers, as the relevant roads authority, are considering implementing the M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) project in the vicinity of Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire which is a road construction and improvement project.
They also intend to make The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) (Side Roads) (No. 2) Order 202[ ], the general effect of which will be to provide for the construction of new side roads; the improvement of certain existing roads to form new and improved connections in relation to the trunk road; the stopping up of various existing roads and private accesses; and the provision of certain new means of access in connection with the construction of a new access at Oatyhill.
The Scottish Ministers, give notice that the project is subject to the environmental impact assessment procedure prescribed by sections 20A and 55A of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as amended and Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, and published an Environmental Impact Assessment Report on 19 December 2019. They now have prepared supplementary information to the Environmental Impact Assessment Report in an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Addendum).
A copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Addendum) may be inspected, free of charge, during normal business hours from 6 December 2024 until 31 January 2025 at: -
The offices of Transport Scotland, Reception, 2nd Floor, Geroge House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB; and.
Mearns Community Campus Library, Aberdeen Road, Laurencekirk, AB30 1ZJ
Copies of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Addendum) can also be obtained from Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, Geroge House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD at a charge of £150 for a hard copy. Requests for further information about the project may be sent to the same address.
Any person wishing to make any representations about the project and the Environmental Impact Assessment Report Addendum may do so in writing to the Director of Major Projects, Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, George House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD or by email to Any such representations be received on or before 31 January 2025.
The Scottish Ministers will take into consideration any representations so made before deciding whether or not to proceed with the project with or without modifications.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Major Projects
George House
36 North Hannover St,
Glasgow G1 2AD
6 December 2024
EIA Addendum Determination
Notice Of Determination
A90 / A937 Laurencekirk Junction Access To Oatyhill
Environmental Impact Assessment
Determination Under Section 55a Of The Roads (Scotland) Act 1984
The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have determined that the project to provide an alternative access to the Oatyhill dwellings and Denlethen Wood, including the construction of a new bridge and associated roads to allow the A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement Scheme to progress is a relevant project within the meaning of 55A of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as it exceeds 1 hectare in area and falls within Annex II of Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, but that having regard to –
- the selection criteria contained in Annex III of that Directive, namely
- the size and design of the whole project;
- cumulation with other existing and/or approved projects;
- the use of natural resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity;
- the production of waste;
- pollution and nuisances;
- the risks to human health (for example due to water contamination or air pollution),
- the results of the Environmental Screening Assessment under section 55A(2) of the 1984 Act and the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the A90 / A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement Project,
- the information set out in the Record of Determination dated 13 November 2024, available at Project details - A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement Scheme
the project does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment.
The main reasons for the conclusion that no Environmental Impact Assessment is required are:
- The works are not situated in whole or in part in a “sensitive area” as listed under regulation 2 (1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (as amended);
- The works entail a like-for-like asset replacement with already existing infrastructure and non-significant resource use;
- The works are not located within an area designated for its specific landscape character or quality;
- Any potential impacts of the works are expected to be temporary, non-significant, and limited to the construction phase; and
- Addition of the Access to Oatyhill works will not result in any new or different baseline conditions or significant effects and will not alter the findings or conclusions of the A90 / A937 Laurencekirk Junction Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The features of the project which are envisaged to avoid or prevent significant adverse effects on the environment are:
- Containment measures of the working area will be in place to prevent debris or pollutants from entering the surrounding environment;
- Measures will be in place to ensure appropriate removal and disposal of waste;
- Mitigation measures and best practice will be implemented to ensure no short-term or long-term significant negative impacts on the environment;
- Traffic Management restrictions/arrangements and any expected travel delays will be publicised within the local and wider area, in an effort to minimise disturbance to vehicular travellers; and
- Discussions with the local authority and local residents regarding the scheme contacts, proposed working hours, and access/egress will be held in advance of the works.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Major Projects
George House
36 North Hannover St,
Glasgow G1 2AD
6 December 2024
Side Roads Order
Roads (Scotland) Act 1984
The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (A90/A937 Laurencekirk Junction Improvement) (Side Roads) (No. 2) Order 202[ ]
The Scottish Ministers hereby give notice that they propose to make the following Orders in connection with improving and constructing a new grade separated junction of, the M90/A90/A9000 Edinburgh - Fraserburgh Trunk Road in the vicinity of Laurencekirk Aberdeenshire: -
An Order under section 12(1) and (5) and 70(1) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 to construct new side roads, improve existing roads, provide for the stopping up of various existing roads and private accesses and the provision of certain new means of access.
Copies of the Order together with the relevant plans may be inspected, free of charge, during normal business hours from 6 December 2024 until 31 January 2025 at:
- The offices of Transport Scotland, Reception, 2nd Floor, Geroge House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
- Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB;
- Mearns Community Campus Library, Aberdeen Road, Laurencekirk, AB30 1ZJ
Any person may object to the making of this Order by notice in writing to the Director of Major Projects, Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, George House, 36 North Hannover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD, stating the title to the Order, the objector’s names and address and the grounds of objection. Any such notice must be received on or before 31 January 2025.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Major Projects
George House
36 North Hannover St,
Glasgow G1 2AD
6 December 2024