
Implementing 20 mph speed limits in a pragmatic and measured way allows for appropriate roads to be monitored and evaluated on their effectiveness and it helps to identify if the road is credible and self-enforcing which will reduce the need for police enforcement.

It is recognised that after a period of monitoring, the speed on some roads may need to be refined or modified, either in length or with additional speed management measures, to create suitable self-enforcing roads.

Any changes should continue to be monitored, and where compliance levels are not at an acceptable level, or local knowledge suggest the road is not appropriate, consideration should be given to reverting to a 30 mph speed limit, in part of full, if necessary.

The position of Police Scotland in respect of the enforcement of 20 mph aligns with the enforcement activity criteria for all published speed limits, contained within the Speeding Standard Operating Procedure which states “deployment of resources must prioritise sites which represent the greatest risk and should only be undertaken where considered necessary and in the interests of casualty reduction.”