The Scottish Ministers' High Level Output Specification
2. Legislative context
2.1 In accordance with their duties under the terms of Paragraph 1D(2) of Schedule 4A to the Railways Act 1993[2], the Scottish Ministers are submitting this High Level Output Specification (HLOS) to the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) in support of their periodic review of track access charges and of Network Rail's revenue requirements and regulatory outputs for the period 2014-2019 (Control Period 5).
2.2 With respect to the functions and powers transferred to them under the Railways Act 2005, this document specifies what the Scottish Ministers require the rail industry to achieve with regard to the rail network in Scotland during Control Period 5. In addition, and as far as is possible, it also outlines the public financial resources which are, or are likely to become, available to support that activity.
2.3 The Scottish Ministers reserve the right to vary the outputs specified in section 3.6 below so as to ensure consistency with the specification for each franchise let by the Scottish Ministers. Should this be required, they will notify the Office of Rail Regulation in writing within a sufficient timescale which is designed to enable this to be reflected in the planning processes for Control Period 5.