Transport and Travel in Scotland 2014

3. Introduction

This bulletin provides the results of the Transport and travel related questions asked in the Scottish Household Survey, including information from the travel diary, and uses data from a range of other sources to provide some context around transport and travel in Scotland.

Figure 1: Trends in passengers and traffic, 2004-2014

Figure 1: Trends in passengers and traffic, 2004-2014

Figure 1 provides a time series of trends in transport mode usage based on the same source as the summary table on the first page of this publication. This is provided to give context to the SHS estimates published in the following chapters. The measures are indexed to a 2004 base year and include annual passenger numbers for rail, ferry, bus and air travel, as well as DfT traffic volume estimates for bicycle and car travel.

Previously published editions of TATIS included tables which combined several years' worth of data to obtain larger sample sizes. This year's publication has endeavoured to publish estimates for single years where possible in order to maximise the utility of the data, with the caveat that care should be taken when using estimates with lower sample sizes. A lookup table for confidence intervals is included (Table A), which can be used in conjunction with the estimates and sample size, to give an indication of what inferences can reliably be made from the data. In some cases, where the sample size would be below 50 respondents, years have been combined or estimates suppressed.

Data sources are listed in Section 9 of this publication. Further explanation of definitions can be found in the relevant topic chapters of Scottish Transport Statistics

Scottish Transport Statistics will be published in February 2016 and will contain a comprehensive statistical picture of transport statistics in Scotland. For a full list of transport statistics publications see:

Ben Collier
Transport Analytical Services
Transport Scotland
Victoria Quay
Edinburgh EH6 6QQ

Telephone: 0131 244 7256 or 0131 244 1457