Transport and Travel in Scotland 2014

Table 14: [Travel to work reasons] Reasons why public transport is not used for travel to work, 2014

Table 14: [Travel to work reasons] Reasons why public transport is not used for travel to work, 20141
  Car/Van Driver/Passenger
column percentages
By whether they could use public transport2
 Yes 47.5
 No 52.5
Sample size (=100%) 2,530
If they could use public transport, reasons for not using it  
Takes too long 44.7
Inconvenient 17.0
No direct route 21.4
Prefer to use car 12.6
Need a car for work 9.2
Work unusual hours 5.4
Cost 8.4
Lack of service 5.5
Public transport is unreliable 2.7
Too infrequent 2.7
Too much to carry 2.1
Long walk to bus stop 2.4
Dislike waiting about 1.5
Health reasons 0.7
Prefer to walk 1.0
Other reasons are all less than 1% when rounded  
Sample size (=100%) 1,150
If they could not use public transport, reasons why they cannot 2
No direct route 33.5
Lack of service 25.1
Takes too long 12.9
Inconvenient 13.5
Need a car for work 13.5
Work unusual hours 9.0
Prefer to use car 4.4
Too much to carry 8.2
Too infrequent 2.4
Public transport is unreliable 4.6
Long walk to bus stop 1.1
Cost 1.7
Uncomfortable 0.6
Live centrally / within walking distance 1.0
Other reasons are all less than 1% when rounded
Sample size (=100%) 470

1. Question asked every other year from 2012.  2014 data is latest available.
2. Does not include those who answered "Don't know"