2. National Indicators

2. National Indicators

Earlier this year the Scottish Government launched a refreshed National Performance Framework, which sets out a vision for the Scotland we want to see and incorporates 11 National Outcomes that reflect this vision of improved wellbeing and quality of life for the people of Scotland.

The refreshed framework includes a National Indicator on ‘journeys by active travel’. This indicator is currently under development and will be published on nationalperformance.gov.scot when ready for reporting. 

Two National Indicators from the previous framework: to “reduce the number of driver journeys delayed due to traffic congestion” and to “increase the proportion of journeys to work made by public or active travel” no longer feature in Scotland’s National Performance Framework in their old form. Final updates for these indicators are provided below and below.

Reduce number of driver journeys delayed due to traffic congestion

12.8 % of driver journeys were perceived to be delayed by congestion in 2017

Increase the proportion of journeys to work made by public or active travel

30.1% of journeys to work were by public or active travel in 2017

Further Information:
For further information on the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework, please visit:

Former National Indicators - Detail

30.1% of journeys to work were by Public or Active travel, a decrease on 2016 (30.7%). A two percentage point change is required to show performance improving or worsening. Since the difference is smaller than this, the indicator would have shown performance maintaining for 2017. Twelve per cent of journeys to work were on foot, ten per cent were by bus, five per cent were by train and three per cent were by bicycle.

12.8% of driver journey stages were delayed due to congestion, a higher proportion than in 2016 (11.7%) and very close to the 2006 baseline of 12.7%. A two percentage point change is required to show performance improving or worsening. Since the difference is smaller than this, the indicator would have shown performance maintaining for 2017.