
Transport Scotland seeks to deliver a safe, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable transport system for the benefit of the people of Scotland. This will play a key role in helping to achieve the Scottish Government's Purpose of increasing sustainable economic growth with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish.

Outcomes and link to National Performance Framework

Transport Scotland has five delivery priorities set out in the table below in the context of the Government's Purpose, the National Performance Framework and the national outcomes.

Outcomes and link to National Performance Framework

Business Strategy Imperatives

Some key ways in which Transport Scotland will contribute to the four imperatives in the Scottish Government Business Strategy are set out in the table below.

Choices for Scotland

A Scotland that works

A Creative Scotland

Being the Scotland we want to see

Valuing high quality analytical input

Quality infrastructure links and services

High quality innovative travel information

Access to transport for all ages and needs

Open and transparent decision making

Developing as a national networked organisation

Sustainable transport choices

Linking communities throughout Scotland

Outward facing stakeholder engagement

Linking transport providers and authorities

Safe and secure travel networks

Foster staff skills and business improvement


National transport policies, programmes and projects are brought together in a strategic approach highlighting 3 key strategic outcomes focused on: improving journey times and connections; reducing emissions; and, improving quality, access and affordability.

These issues are reflected in the Transport Scotland 3 year Corporate Plan 2012-15. A range of specific policies and projects will deliver initiatives in these key areas. The Annual Plan for 2013-14 sets out how the Corporate Plan commitments are delivered through specific tasks to be undertaken in 2013-14.

Key stakeholders

The key stakeholders in transport cover a wide range of interests amongst transport users, providers, regulators and interest groups reflecting the crucial enabling role transport has for the economy, business, and access for social needs and activity.

Transport Scotland Role

As an Agency of the Scottish Government, Transport Scotland supports and advises the Government on the strategy and policy options for transport in Scotland, to deliver major transport projects and to maintain the infrastructure.

We will ensure that we can respond quickly and flexibly to the needs of the Scottish Government ensuring that Ministers are advised on all key national transport polices and projects including: choosing and financing priority major projects; the balance between supporting infrastructure and public transport; managing environmental impacts and supporting sustainability; maintaining and using road space safely and effectively; and integrating transport networks.



We have around 380 staff working in Glasgow and Edinburgh in seven Directorates: Transport Policy; Major Transport Infrastructure Projects; Rail; Trunk Road and Bus Operations; Aviation, Maritime, Freight & Canals; Finance and Analytical Services; and Business Improvement & Corporate Services. We will continue to ensure that our staff have the necessary administrative, specialist and technical skills needed to deliver our priorities.

Our largest skills base is technical expertise in transport, with essential professional public policy skills, and support skills including finance, procurement, capital programme management, communications, human resources and information technology.


Scotland's Spending Plans and Draft Budget 2013-14 provides detail of how our spending plans over the next year will help deliver sustainable economic growth, this transport spending lies within the Scottish Government's Infrastructure and Capital Investment Portfolio.

Transport Scotland Detailed Spending

Budget £m

Budget £m

Air Services in Scotland



Concessionary Fares and Bus Services



Ferry Services in Scotland



Motorways and Trunk Roads



Other Transport Policy, Projects and Agency Administration



Rail Services in Scotland



Scottish Futures Trust




