Transport Scotland Annual Report and Accounts 2010/11


1. Statement of Accounting Policies

In accordance with the accounts direction issued by Scottish Ministers under section 19(4) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000 (reproduced at page 60) these accounts have been prepared in compliance with the principles and disclosure requirements of the Government Financial Reporting Manual, which follows general accepted accounting practice as defined by International Financial Reporting standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and reflected in the Companies Act 2006 to the extent that it is meaningful and appropriate in the public sector context. The particular accounting policies applied by Transport Scotland are described below. They have been applied consistently in dealing with items considered material in relation to the accounts.

The accounts are prepared using accounting policies, and, where necessary, estimation techniques which are selected as the most appropriate for the purpose of giving a true and fair view in accordance with the principles, set out in International Accounting Standard 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. Changes in accounting policies which do not give rise to a prior year adjustment are reported in the relevant note.

1.1 Accounting Convention

These accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified where appropriate for the revaluation of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, and, where material, current asset investment to fair value as determined by the relevant accounting standard.

1.2 Trunkings / Detrunkings

Transport Scotland accounts reflect ownership of the trunk road network which it has responsibility to maintain. Transfers of the responsibility for maintaining sections of the road as part of the trunk road network from or to the local authority network are referred to as 'trunkings' or 'detrunkings' respectively. The trunking or detrunking of roads from or to local authorities is treated as a transfer from or to other government departments. Roads and structures detrunked are effectively dealt with as disposals in accounting terms at nil consideration. The associated profit or loss is processed through the general fund.

1.3 Prior Year Adjustments

Material adjustments relating to prior periods and arising from changes in accounting principles or from the correction of material errors are accounted for as prior year adjustments. Opening balances are adjusted for the cumulative effect of the prior year adjustment and comparative figures for the preceding period are restated.

1.4 Business Combinations

These financial statements reflect the combination of the former Scottish Government Transport Directorate with the previous Transport Scotland Agency. The Government Financial Reporting Manual states that the International Financial Reporting Standard relating to business combinations (IFRS3) excludes from its scope business combinations involving entities or businesses under common control. Public sector bodies are deemed to be under common control. The transfer of functions from the responsibility of one part of the public sector to another should be accounted for using merger accounting. The carrying value of the assets and liabilities of the combining bodies or functions are not adjusted to fair value on consolidation. Details of the adjustments made are disclosed in note 2 to the accounts.

1.5 Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE)

All PPE assets will be accounted for as non-current assets unless they are deemed to be held-for-sale (see 1.7)

Non-infrastructure assets include land and buildings, information & technology equipment, software licences and other assets under construction. Title to the freehold land and buildings shown in the accounts of Transport Scotland is held by the Scottish Ministers.

Capitalisation Policy

The trunk road network is recognised as a single infrastructure asset in accordance with the applicable guidance outlined in the Financial Reporting Manual. However it comprises four distinct elements that are accounted for differently: Land; the Road Pavement; Structures (such as bridges and culverts); and Communications (such as variable message signs).

Subsequent expenditure is capitalised where it adds to or replaces the existing elements of assets that were previously identified in the Road Asset Valuation system employed. Expenditure that does not replace or enhance service potential will be expensed as a charge to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure.

Pre contract advance work is capitalised once a road scheme has been approved to proceed, and subsequent expenditure after contract award is capitalised for all road construction projects. Where a scheme is subsequently cancelled the capital costs are written off to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure. Any retained land or buildings are transferred to land and buildings where it is not currently possible to market them for sale, or to Assets Held for Sale where they are being marketed for sale. These assets are held at market values.

All other categories of tangible fixed asset are capitalised if the expenditure is greater than:

Land & Buildings £10,000
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) £1,000
Plant & Machinery £5,000

Items falling below these limits are charged as an expense and shown in the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure. Furniture and fittings are not capitalised unless part of a specially identified ring fenced project such as a major relocation exercise.

Major rail projects, which are capital in nature, are funded by Transport Scotland but as control of the economic benefit of the asset ultimately sits with Network Rail, the assets are not on the Statement of Financial Position of the Agency.


Land and Buildings and Dwellings are held at current market values assessed by the VOA.

Other items of property, plant and equipment are held at depreciated historic cost. From 1 April 2007 these assets were no longer revalued using indices as the movement in these indices was considered to be negligible and the economic lives of the assets so short that the relative value of any potential adjustment was not likely to be significant.

Infrastructure Assets - the road network

The road network is valued at its depreciated replacement cost in terms of the guidance in the Financial Reporting Manual for specialist assets for which market valuations are not available. Land is valued by rates supplied by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).

The road pavement element is valued using agreed rates determined to identify the gross replacement cost of applicable types of road on the basis of new construction on a greenfield site. These rates are re-valued annually using indices to reflect current prices and are also updated when new construction costs become available as comparators to the costs previously identified for specific road types.

Structures are valued using agreed rates determined to identify the replacement cost of applicable types of structure on the basis of new construction on a greenfield site where these are available but special structures, which tend to be one off by their nature, are valued using specific costs that are updated to current prices.
Communications are valued using agreed rates determined to identify the replacement cost of applicable types of communications.

Depreciation is accounted for in respect of the road pavement by reference to the service potential assessed by condition surveys that are carried out over the whole network as part of a rolling programme that covers every section of road at least every five years. The Structures and Communications elements are depreciated using the straight line method applied to the revalued replacement costs, and also inspected every five years to identify any other changes. Land is not depreciated.

The indexation factors applied are:

Road Pavement and Structures Baxter Index, published quarterly by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Communications Traffic Scotland provides new gross and calculated depreciated values each year.
Land Land indices produced by VOA

Upwards movements in value are taken to the revaluation reserve. Downward movements in value are set off against any credit balance held in the revaluation reserve until the credit is exhausted and thereafter expensed in the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure.

Assets Under Construction

Road building schemes in the course of construction are capitalised at actual cost with no indexation.

Land and Buildings

Land and property released from road schemes and now deemed surplus to requirements is transferred to, and accounted for, as Assets Held For Sale (see Note 1.7).

Information Technology

Information technology assets are stated at historical cost with no indexation applied.

1.6 Depreciation

Infrastructure assets - the road network

Roads and associated street furniture are surveyed over a five year rolling period to assess their estimated remaining useful lives and the resultant assessment is used to determine their valuation, with any changes reflected as a condition variance. The variance is valued according to the rates applied to the respective sections of road.

The useful economic lives of elements of the road valuation are assessed according to the following design lives:

Life in years
Road surface, sub-pavement layer, fencing, drainage and lighting 20 to 50
Road bridges, tunnels and underpasses 20 to 120
Culverts, retaining walls and gantries 20 to 120
Road communications assets 15 to 50
Assets under construction No depreciation

The annual depreciation charge for the road surface is the value of the service potential replaced through the maintenance programme plus, or minus, any adjustment resulting from the annual condition variance.

Structures and communications assets are depreciated on a straight line basis over the expected useful life of the asset, normally 20 to 120 years.

Land is considered to have an indefinite life and is not depreciated.

Non-Infrastructure Assets

With the exception of surplus land and properties awaiting resale, non-infrastructure assets are depreciated on a straight line basis over the expected life of the particular asset category as follows:

Life in years
Freehold buildings 5 to 100
Leasehold buildings Shorter of length of lease or specific asset life
IT Equipment 3 to 10

1.7 Assets Held For Sale

A property is derecognised and held for sale according to the requirements of IFRS5 when all of the following requirements are met:

  • it is available for immediate sale;
  • a plan is in place, supported by management, and steps have been taken to conclude the sale; and
  • it is actively marketed and there is an expectation that the sale will be made in less than 12 months.

Assets held for sale are those which Transport Scotland expects to sell within one year. Assets classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amounts and their fair value less cost of sale. Assets classified as held for sale are not subject to depreciation or amortisation.

1.8 Donated Assets

Donated PPE assets are capitalised at their valuation on receipt and this value is credited to the Donated Asset Reserve. Any subsequent revaluations are also accounted for through this reserve. Each year an amount equal to the depreciation charge on the asset is released from the Donated Asset Reserve to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure.

1.9 Intangible Non-Current Assets

Intangible Non-Current assets are capitalised where expenditure of £1,000 or more is incurred in acquiring them. These are valued at historic cost and amortised on a straight line basis over the expected life of the asset.

1.10 Financial Instruments

Transport Scotland measures and presents financial instruments in accordance with IAS37, IAS39, and IFRS7 as interpreted and adapted by the Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM). IAS39 requires the classification of financial instruments into separate categories for which the accounting treatment is different. Transport Scotland has classified its financial instruments as follows:

Financial Assets:

  • Cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, short term loans, accrued income relating to EU funding, amounts receivable and shares and loans will be reported in the 'Loans and Receivables' category.
  • Shares held in and loans advanced to public sector bodies will be reported in a separate category.

Financial Liabilities:

  • Borrowings, trade payables, accruals, payables, bank overdrafts and financial guarantee contracts are classified as 'Other Liabilities'.

Financial instruments are initially measured at fair value with the exception of 'Shares held in and loans advanced to public sector bodies' which are held at historic cost. The fair value of the financial assets and liabilities is determined as follows:

  • the fair value of cash and cash equivalents and current non-interest bearing monetary financial assets and financial liabilities approximate their carrying value, and
  • the fair value of other non current monetary financial assets and financial liabilities is based on market values where a market exists, or has been determined by discounting expected cash flows by the current interest rate for financial assets and liabilities with similar risk profiles.

Financial instruments subsequent measurement depends on their classification:

  • all financial instruments that are held at fair value with any changes going through the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure
  • loans and receivables and other liabilities are held at amortised cost and not revalued unless they are included in a fair value hedge accounting relationship. Any impairment losses are charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure.
  • shares held in and loans advanced to public sector bodies are held at historic cost less impairment with any impairment losses going through the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure.

1.11 Rail Infrastructure Expenditure

Rail infrastructure expenditure is differentiated between capital and resource. The capital expenditure relates to infrastructure expenditure that is capital in nature, but the asset created or enhanced is reflected by Network Rail rather than Transport Scotland. The capital expenditure reflects both direct activity in the year and the costs, in terms of capital and interest, of financing projects undertaken by Network Rail and recovered over a 30 year period.

1.12 Operating Income

Operating income relates directly to the operating activities of Transport Scotland. It principally comprises fees and charges for services provided on a full-cost basis to external customers in both the public and private sectors. It includes not only income retained but also income due to the Consolidated Fund, in accordance with the FReM. Operating income is stated net of VAT.

1.13 Administration and Programme Expenditure

The Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure is analysed between administration and programme income and expenditure, in line with the definition of administration costs by HM Treasury.

Administration costs reflect the costs of running the Agency and include staff costs as well as accommodation, communications and office supplies.

Programme costs reflect the costs of operating, maintaining, managing and improving the road and rail infrastructure and aviation and maritime in Scotland over which Transport Scotland has power, as well as expenditure incurred in delivering transport policies such as concessionary fares and grants and subsidies to contribute to the provision of bus, ferry and air services.

1.14 Grants Payable

Grants payable are recorded as expenditure in the period that the underlying activity giving entitlement to the grant occurs. Where necessary obligations in respect of grant schemes are recognised as liabilities.

1.15 Pensions

Past and present employees are covered by the provisions of the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS), more details of which can be found in note 3. The PCSPS is an unfunded multi-employer defined benefit scheme. Transport Scotland's contributions are recognised as a cost in the year. This complies with IAS26.

1.16 Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Transactions

PFI transactions are accounted for in accordance with the IFRS based FReM. PFI contracts that meet the definition of service concession arrangements are accounted for in accordance with IFRIC12.

Transport Scotland currently has 2 existing completed PFI schemes (see note 15 for more details). In both cases these assets are examples of service concessions under IFRIC12. The private sector operator is contractually obliged to provide the services related to the infrastructure on behalf of the Scottish Government.

The infrastructure is recognised as a non-current asset when it comes into use.

The unitary payment is divided into 3 elements, namely service charge, repayment of the capital element of the contract obligation and the interest expense on it (using the interest rate implicit in the contract).

1.17 Leases

At their inception, leases are classified as operating or finance leases, based on the extent to which the risks and rewards of ownership lie with the Agency. In making the classification, the Agency considers whether the land and buildings elements of arrangements which cover both elements need to be separately accounted for.

Arrangements whose fulfilment is dependent on the use of a specific asset or which convey a right to use an asset, are assessed at their inception to determine if they contain a lease. If an arrangement is found to contain a lease, that lease is then classified as an operating or finance lease.

Rentals under operating leases are charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure on a straight line basis over the term of the lease. Where the arrangement includes incentives, such as rent-free periods, the value is recognised on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Where the substantial risks and rewards of ownership are borne by the Agency, the asset is recorded as property, plant and equipment and a liability to the lessor is recorded of the minimum lease payments discounted by the interest rate implicit in the lease. The interest element of the finance lease payment is charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure over the period of the lease at a constant rate in relation to the balance outstanding.

1.18 Provisions

Transport Scotland provides for legal and constructive obligations that are of uncertain timing or amount in the Statement of Financial Position at 31 March 2011 on the basis of the best estimate available. Provisions are charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure unless they will be capitalised as part of additions to non-current assets.

1.19 Contingent Liabilities

Contingent Liabilities are recognised in respect of:

  • possible obligations arising from past events whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of uncertain future events outwith Transport Scotland's control; or
  • present obligations arising from past events where it is not likely that resources will be required to settle the obligation or it is not possible to measure it reliably.

1.20 VAT

Most of the Transport Scotland VAT input tax on purchases is non-recoverable. Irrecoverable VAT is charged to the relevant expenditure category or included in the capitalised purchase cost of non current assets. To avoid the distortion of competition, VAT can be recovered on certain categories of expenditure under s41 of the VAT Act 1994. Output VAT is charged on any taxable outputs.

Transport Scotland is not separately registered for VAT but is part of the overall Scottish Government VAT registration. The quarterly VAT return is completed centrally by the Scottish Government.

Apart from minor amounts arising from timing differences any outstanding VAT balances are accounted for by the Scottish Government.

1.21 Segmental Reporting

IFRS8 Segmental Reporting requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of Transport Scotland that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker in order to manage their financial performance.

1.22 Trade Receivables

Trade receivables are valued at their carrying amount. A provision for impairment is made where there is objective evidence that Transport Scotland will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables.

1.23 Trade Payables

Trade payables are valued at their carrying amount.

1.24 Short Term Employee Benefits

A liability and expense is recognised for leave entitlement, bonuses and other short-term benefits when the employees render service that increases their entitlement to these benefits. As a result an accrual has been made for leave earned but not taken.

2. Prior Year Adjustments

Merger Accounting

On 1st August 2010 Transport Scotland merged with the former Scottish Government Transport Directorate. The Financial Reporting Manual requires that the results and cash flows of Transport Scotland and the former Transport Directorate are brought into the financial statements of the combined body from the beginning of the financial year, with any adjustments required to achieve uniformity of accounting policies. No such adjustments were identified as necessary.

Merger accounting also requires that corresponding figures are restated by including the results for Transport Scotland and the former Transport Directorate for the previous period.

Cost of Capital

Her Majesty's Treasury, under Clear Line of Sight - the Alignment Project has removed the cost of capital charges from budgets, estimates and resource accounts. From Financial Year 2010-11 onwards the cost of capital charges is no longer applicable. The prior year comparisons have been restated to reflect this change.

Roads Re-measurement

Adjustments to the valuation of the road network arise on completion of road schemes transferred from Assets Under Construction at cost, which are then valued at rates different from cost. Such differences are treated as revaluations. Other adjustments can arise through updates to the measurement of the dimension of the assets and these will be reflected through the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure, General Fund or Revaluation Reserve as appropriate to circumstance.

The Road Asset Valuation System (RAVS) used to determine the value of the road network relies on a series of engineering measurements to be applied in a model that assigns agreed rates to these measurements according to the length and type of road identified. Much of the data used for these measurements had not been reviewed since it was first used to construct the initial valuation of the road network in 1998 so Transport Scotland decided to undertake a route and branch review of each section of road using physical inspection to verify the type and lengths of each section.

This led to several variations in the measurements applied in RAVS which were identified in 2010-11, leading to the overall reduction in the net book value of the network in the accounts of £652million, representing 4.2% of the net book value at 31 March 2009. This reduction mainly related to the data in respect of the types of roads being applied, in relation to the categorisation of measurements of individual sections of road.

This reduction in the valuation is considered to be sufficiently material to be reflected as a prior period adjustment to the opening General Fund and Revaluation Reserve. There is no impact on the Statement of Net Comprehensive Expenditure for 2009-10 or 2010-11. The adjustment is reflected as a reduction in the General Fund of £358.7m and a reduction in Revaluation Reserve of £293.5million.

The above inspection was carried out only in respect of the road type and a further review is to be undertaken in 2011-12 of the length of each section of the road network. It is not possible to determine the outcome of this further review and its potential impact on the valuation of the road network.

Details of the adjustments made to the corresponding figures in the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure are shown in the following two tables.


Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2010
Adjustment for Merger with former Scottish Government Transport Directorate and Roads Re-measurement
Transport Scotland £'000 Transport Directorate £'000 Roads Re-measurement £'000 Restated at 31/3/10 £'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant & equipment 16,029,642 34 (652,184) 15,377,492
Intangible assets 13 0 0 13
Financial assets 0 66,556 0 66,556
Other receivables 3,259 0 0 3,259
Total non-current assets 16,032,914 66,590 (652,184) 15,447,320
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 54,673 6,832 0 61,505
Cash & cash equivalents 0 0 0 0
Financial assets 0 2,038 0 2,038
Total current assets 54,673 8,870 0 63,543
Total assets 16,087,587 75,460 (652,184) 15,510,863
Current liabilities
Provisions (31,314) 0 0 (31,314)
Trade payables (419) (8,595) 0 (9,014)
Other payables (161,999) (22,720) 0 (184,719)
Financial liabilities (4,377) 0 0 (4,377)
Total current liabilities (198,109) (31,315) 0 (229,424)
Total assets less current liabilities 15,889,478 44,145 (652,184) 15,281,439
Non-current liabilities
Provisions (37,900) 0 0 (37,900)
Other payables (9,189) 0 0 (9,189)
Financial liabilties (199,875) 0 0 (199,875)
Total non-current liabilities (246,964) 0 0 (246,964)
Assets less liabilities 15,642,514 44,145 (652,184) 15,034,475
Taxpayers' equity
General fund 8,315,064 44,145 (358,701) 8,000,508
Donated asset reserve 890 0 0 890
Revaluation reserve 7,326,560 0 (293,483) 7,033,077
Total taxpayers' equity 15,642,514 44,145 (652,184) 15,034,475
Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2009
Adjustment for Merger with former Scottish Government Transport Directorate and Roads Re-measurement
Transport Scotland £'000 Transport Directorate £'000 Roads Re-measurement £'000 Restated at 31/3/09 £'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant & equipment 15,148,975 19 (652,184) 14,496,810
Intangible assets 0 0 0 0
Financial assets 0 61,818 0 61,818
Other receivables 3,768 0 0 3,768
Total non-current assets 15,152,743 61,837 (652,184) 14,562,396
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 56,044 7,275 0 63,319
Cash & cash equivalents 0 0 0 0
Financial assets 0 2,040 0 2,040
Total current assets 56,044 9,315 0 65,359
Total assets 15,208,787 71,152 (652,184) 14,627,755
Current liabilities
Provisions (37,976) (3,000) 0 (40,976)
Trade payables (504) (8,095) 0 (8,599)
Other payables (71,825) (44,488) 0 (116,313)
Financial liabilities (4,068) 0 0 (4,068)
Total current liabilities (114,373) (55,583) 0 (169,956)
Total assets less current liabilities 15,094,414 15,569 (652,184) 14,457,799
Non-current liabilities
Provisions (30,545) 0 0 (30,545)
Other payables (11,266) 0 0 (11,266)
Financial liabilties (204,251) 0 0 (204,251)
Total non-current liabilities (246,062) 0 0 (246,062)
Assets less liabilities 14,848,352 15,569 (652,184) 14,211,737
Taxpayers' equity
General fund 8,160,335 15,569 (358,701) 7,817,203
Donated asset reserve 967 0 0 967
Revaluation reserve 6,687,050 0 (293,483) 6,393,567
Total taxpayers' equity 14,848,352 15,569 (652,184) 14,211,737


Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2010
Adjustment for Merger with former Scottish Government Transport Directorate and removal of cost of capital charge
Transport Scotland £'000 Transport Directorate £'000 Remove Cost of Capital Charge Restated at 31/3/10 £'000
Administration Costs
Staff costs 10,483 3,390 13,873
Other administration costs 5,497 206 5,703
Operating income (77) 0 (77)
Total administration costs 15,903 3,596 0 19,499
Programme costs
Staff costs 4,121 0 4,121
Programme costs 1,888,632 282,386 (538,722) 1,632,296
Income (185) (2,096) (2,281)
Total programme costs 1,892,568 280,290 (538,722) 1,634,136
Totals 1,908,471 283,886 (538,722) 1,653,635
Net operating costs 1,908,471 283,886 (538,722) 1,653,635


3. Staff Numbers and Costs

Staff costs comprise:
  2010-11 2009-10
Permanently Employed  Staff Others Total Permanently Employed  Staff Others Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Wages and salaries costs 10,400 1,234 11,634 9,668 1,419 11,087
Social security costs 819 0 819 755 0 755
Other pension costs 1,970 0 1,970 1,908 0 1,908
Early Retiral Costs 1,211 0 1,211 123 0 123
Staff costs in programme 5,089 0 5,089 4,121 0 4,121
Total staff costs 19,489 1,234 20,723 16,575 1,419 17,994

Permanent staff are civil servants who have an employment contract with Transport Scotland. Others are agency staff.

Wages & salaries include gross salaries, performance pay or bonuses received in year, overtime, recruitment and retention allowances, private office allowances, ex-gratia payments and any other allowance to the extent that it is subject to UK taxation. The payment of legitimate expenses is not part of salary.

Transport Scotland granted 9 staff early retirement and 21 staff early severance in 2010-11 (2009-10, 0 and 3) under the flexible early retirement and flexible early severance terms of the Civil Service Compensation Scheme. No staff retired early on ill-health grounds.

The average annualised sick days for full time equivalent staff is 5.83 days.

Reporting of Civil Service and other compensation scheme - exit packages
2010-11 2009-10
Exit package cost band Number of compulsory redundancies Number of other departures agreed Total number of exit packages by cost band Number of compulsory redundancies Number of other departures agreed Total number of exit packages by cost band
less than £10,000 0 3 3 0 0 0
£10,000 to £25,000 0 9 9 0 1 1
£25,000 to £50,000 0 7 7 0 1 1
£50,000 to £100,000 0 9 9 0 1 1
£100,000 to £150,000 0 1 1 0 0 0
£150,000 to £200,000 0 1 1 0 0 0
over £200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of exit packages 0 30 30 0 3 3
Total Resource cost (£'000) £0 £1,211 £1,211 £0 £124 £124

Exit costs are provided for in full in 2010-11 but the staff costs incurred only includes the elements actually paid in year.

Pension Costs

The Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) is an unfunded multi-employer defined benefit scheme but Transport Scotland is unable to identify its share of the underlying liabilities. The scheme Actuary valued the scheme liabilities as at 31 March 2007. Details can be found in the resource accounts of the Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation (

From 30 July 2007, new civil servants may join one of two schemes, either Nuvos or Partnership. Nuvos is a career average defined benefit scheme and Partnership is a defined contribution arrangement (Partnership Pension Account).

For 2010-11, employers' contributions of £1,970k were payable to the PCSPS at one of four rates in the range 16.7% to 24.3% of pensionable pay, based on salary bands (the rates were unchanged from 2009-10). The scheme's Actuary reviews employer contributions every four years following a full scheme valuation.

The contribution rates are set to meet the cost of the benefits accruing during 2009-10 to be paid when the member retires, and not the benefits paid during this period to existing pensioners.

(a) Classic Scheme

Benefits accrue at the rate of 1/80th of pensionable pay for each year of service. In addition, a lump sum equivalent to three years pension is payable on retirement. Members pay contributions of 1.5% of pensionable earnings.

(b) Premium Scheme

Benefits accrue at the rate of 1/60th of final pensionable earnings for each year of service. Unlike the Classic scheme, there is no automatic lump sum, but members can commute some of their pension to provide a lump sum. Members pay contributions of 3.5% of pensionable earnings.

(c) Classic Plus Pension Scheme

This is essentially a variation of Premium, but with benefits in respect of service before 1 October 2002 calculated broadly as per Classic.

(d) Nuvos Pension Account

Like the Premium Scheme there is no automatic lump sum, but members can commute some of their pension to provide a lump sum. Members pay contributions of 3.5% of pensionable earnings.

(e) Partnership Pension Account

The Partnership Pension Account is a stakeholder pension arrangement. The employer makes a basic contribution of between 3% and 12.5% (depending on the age of the member) into a stakeholder pension product chosen by the employee from a selection of approved products. The employee does not have to contribute but where they do make contributions, these will be matched by the employer up to a limit of 3% of pensionable salary (in addition to the employer's basic contribution). Employers may also contribute a further 0.8% of pensionable salary to cover the cost of the future provision of lump sum.

Average numbers of persons employed:
2010-11 2009-10
Permanent Staff Others Total Permanent Staff Others Total
Trunk roads major projects 58 4 62 57 6 63
Trunk road maintenance 110 8 118 92 14 106
Rail 83 14 97 71 15 86
Strategy & investments 41 0 41 45 2 47
Finance and other 62 6 68 58 10 68
Aviation, maritime, freight & canals 37 2 39 34 5 39
Transport policy 27 7 34 30 6 36
Total average staff numbers 418 41 459 387 58 445

The above figures exclude consultants.

4. Other Administration Costs
2010-11 2009-10
note £'000 £'000
Rentals under operating leases   1,097 1,295
Accommodation   1,546 1,320
Office costs and supplies   973 1,558
Hospitality   53 65
Travel   971 323
Training   90 198
Consultancy   43 253
Non-cash items
Depreciation 7/8 533 478
Prior year depreciation adjustment   0 6
Auditors remuneration and expenses - external 22 198 207
Total administration costs   5,504 5,703
5. Programme Costs
2010-11 2009-10
note £'000 £'000
Other programme expenditure
Capital maintenance   77,076 90,429
Current maintenance   130,552 99,307
Forth replacement crossing   18,889 30,639
Other   215 284
Interest charges   14,949 14,461
PFI service charges   21,419 19,967
ScotRail franchise   290,121 271,268
Rail infrastructure in Scotland capital   257,688 238,300
Rail Infrastructure in Scotland resource   126,000 128,669
Scotland railways   0 2,156
Other   487 478
Concessionary travel
Smartcard applications   9,279 9,249
Concessionary travel schemes   175,576 189,573
Other public transport
Major public transport projects - rail   74,722 166,089
Transport information   1,163 1,022
Strategic projects review   2,647 1,290
Ferry services in Scotland   107,369 101,295
Air services in Scotland   33,067 36,017
Bus services in Scotland   62,932 64,413
Other transport directorate programmes   34,514 34,598
Central government grants to local authorities   41,080 39,907
Non-cash items
Depreciation 7/8 43,857 92,885
Total other programme costs   1,523,602 1,632,296

* The Rail infrastructure in Scotland capital figure of £257,688k was paid directly to Network Rail
** The Rail infrastructure in Scotland resource figure of £126,000k was paid to Network Rail via DfT
*** Payments to Scotrail Franchise in 2010/11 totalled £290,201k as per Note 17. This included depreciation costs totalling £79k which are included within the Depreciation charges (under non-cash items) as required by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

6. Operating Income
2010-11 2009-10
note £'000 £'000
Programme income
Interest receivable - loans   (2,199) (2,096)
Rental income - land & properties   (344) (162)
Sale of land and property   (80) (23)
    (2,623) (2,281)
Operating income
Release from donated asset reserve SCITE (77) (77)
    (77) (77)
Total operating income   (2,700) (2,358)

Operating income principally arises from:

  • interest receivable from loans to Caledonian Maritime Asssets Limited (CMAL);
  • rental income from land and properties acquired for road schemes and now surplus to requirements; and
  • sale of land and property which is surplus to the requirements of the road or rail scheme.
7. Property, Plant and Equipment
2010-11 Road Network Land Buildings IT Leasehold Improvements Assets under Construction Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cost or Valuation
At 1st April 2010 17,317,126 1,450 1,198 4,170 4,167 580,971 17,909,082
Detrunkings (29,334) 0 0 0 0 0 (29,334)
Capital additions 36,830 0 0 118 0 223,351 260,299
Disposals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Revaluation 1,124,050 116 169 0 0 0 1,124,335
Current valuation adjustments (50,177) 0 0 0 0 0 (50,177)
Historic valuation adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers and reclassifications 0 835 1,860 (35) (2,659) 0 1
Transfers to assets held for sale 0 (432) 0 0 0 (5) (437)
Balance at 31st March 2011 18,398,495 1,969 3,227 4,253 1,508 804,317 19,213,769
At 1st April 2010 2,527,459 0 5 2,586 1,540 0 2,531,590
Detrunkings (29,334) 0 0 0 0 0 (29,334)
Charge for the year 43,353 0 182 590 249 0 44,374
Disposals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Revaluation 183,480 0 45 0 0 0 183,525
Current valuation adjustments (19,293) 0 0 0 0 0 (19,293)
Historic valuation adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers and reclassifications 0 0 652 (24) (626) 0 2
Balance at 31st March 2011 2,705,665 0 884 3,152 1,163 0 2,710,864
Net Book Value at 31st March 2011 15,692,830 1,969 2,343 1,101 345 804,317 16,502,905
Net Book Value at 31st March 2010 14,789,667 1,450 1,193 1,584 2,627 580,971 15,377,492
Asset Financing
Owned 15,131,471 1,969 2,343 1,101 345 804,317 15,941,546
Finance Leased 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
On Balance Sheet PFI 561,359 0 0 0 0 0 561,359
Net Book Value at 31st March 2011 15,692,830 1,969 2,343 1,101 345 804,317 16,502,905
2009-10 Restated   Road Network Land Buildings IT Leasehold Improvements Assets under Construction Restated Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cost or Valuation
At 1st April 2009 16,438,310 178 1,155 4,074 4,062 351,202 16,798,981
Detrunkings (6,630) 0 0 0 0 0 (6,630)
Capital additions 30,991 1,272 0 119 0 276,617 308,999
Disposals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Revaluation 851,245 0 43 0 110 0 851,398
Current valuation adjustments (68,861) 0 0 0 0 0 (68,861)
Historic valuation adjustments 25,223 0 0 (23) (5) 0 25,195
Transfers and reclassifications 46,848 0 0 0 0 (46,848) 0
Balances at 31st March 2010 17,317,126 1,450 1,198 4,170 4,167 580,971 17,909,082
At 1st April 2009 2,299,142 0 4 1,952 1,073 0 2,302,171
Detrunkings (1,110) 0 0 0 0 0 (1,110)
Charge for the year 92,310 0 1 643 415 0 93,369
Disposals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Revaluation 146,874 0 0 0 36 0 146,910
Current valuation adjustments 67,162 0 0 7 0 0 67,169
Historic valuation adjustments (76,919) 0 0 (16) 16 0 (76,919)
Transfers and reclassifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Balances at 31st March 2010 2,527,459 0 5 2,586 1,540 0 2,531,590
Net Book Value at 31st March 2010 14,789,667 1,450 1,193 1,584 2,627 580,971 15,377,492
Net Book Value at 1st April 2009 14,139,168 178 1,151 2,122 2,989 351,202 14,496,810
Asset Financing
Owned 14,431,910 1,450 1,193 1,584 2,627 580,971 15,019,735
Finance Leased 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
On Balance Sheet PFI 357,757 0 0 0 0 0 357,757
Net Book Value at 31st March 2010 14,789,667 1,450 1,193 1,584 2,627 580,971 15,377,492

Detrunkings reflect transfer of road assets to local authorities, with the corresponding entry flowing through the General Fund (SCITE), and the write-off of capitalised maintenance expenditure not reflected in valuation transactions.

EC Harris LLP (RICS Regulated) carries out an annual valuation of the trunk road network.

Revaluation is based on Baxter's indexation for all road network assets apart from land. Land is valued at market rates based on information supplied by the Valuation Office Agency. All revaluation movement is reflected through the revaluation reserve (SCITE).

8. Intangible Assets
2010-11 Software Licences
At replacement cost or valuation
At 1st April 2010 96
Capital additions 17
Disposals 0
Historic valuation adjustments 0
Transfers and reclassifications (2)
Balance at 31st March 2011 111
Accumulated Amortisation
At 1st April 2010 (83)
Charge for the year (16)
Revaluations 0
Disposals 0
Historic valuation adjustments 0
Transfers and reclassifications 2
Balance at 31st March 2011 (97)
Net Book Value at 31st March 2011 14
2009-10 Software Licences
At replacement cost or valuation
At 1st April 2009 53
Capital additions 0
Disposals 0
Historic valuation adjustments 43
Transfers and reclassifications 0
Balance at 31st March 2010 96
Accumulated Amortisation
At 1st April 2009 (53)
Charge for the year (14)
Revaluations 0
Disposals 0
Historic valuation adjustments (16)
Transfers and reclassifications 0
Balance at 31st March 2010 (83)
Net Book Value at 31st March 2010 13

Purchased computer software licences are capitalised as intangible non-current assets where expenditure of £1,000 or more is incurred. These are valued at historic cost and amortised on a straight line basis over the expected life of the asset.

9. Investments
2010-11 Interests in Nationalised Industries & Limited Companies Voted Loans Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Balance at 1 April 2010 20,550 46,006 66,556
Add element reported within current assets 0 2,038 2,038
Advances and acquisitions      
Cash advances 0 10,802 10,802
Repayments and disposals 0 (2,038) (2,038)
Balance at 31 March 2011 20,550 56,808 77,358
Loans repayable within 12 months transferred to current assets 0 (2,038) (2,038)
Balance at 31 March 2011 20,550 54,770 75,320
2009-10 Interests in Nationalised Industries & Limited Companies Voted Loans Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Balance at 1 April 2009 20,550 41,268 61,818
Add element reported within current assets 0 2,040 2,040
Advances and acquisitions      
Cash advances 0 6,798 6,798
Repayments and disposals 0 (2,062) (2,062)
Balance at 31 March 2010 20,550 48,044 68,594
Loans repayable within 12 months transferred to current assets 0 (2,038) (2,038)
Balance at 31 March 2010 20,550 46,006 66,556

Investments have been measured and presented in accordance with IAS32, IAS39 and IFRS7 as modified by the FReM (see note 1.10).

As at 31 March 2011, the Scottish Ministers, represented by Transport Scotland, are the sole shareholder in Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited, David MacBrayne Limited and the Highlands and Islands Airports Limited. The Scottish Ministers hold the following investments:

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited 1,500,000 ordinary shares of £10 each
David MacBrayne Limited 5,500,002 ordinary shares of £1 each
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited 50,000 ordinary shares of £1 each

These organisations are operated and managed independently of the Scottish Government, and do not fall within the Departmental Accounting boundary. The companies publish an annual report and accounts. The net assets and results of the above bodies are summarised below.

Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd David MacBrayne Ltd
£m £m £m
Net assets as at 31 March 2011 1.9 77.3 20.7
Turnover 34.9 15.8 179.9
Profit/(Loss) for the financial year (2.3) (5.0) (1.1)

Caledonian Maritime Asset Limited results are in draft as their accounts are yet to be published.

Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL)

The Scottish Ministers are the sole shareholders in HIAL. The company's purpose is to maintain the safe operation of its airports to support economic and social development in the Highland and Islands. HIAL currently operates 10 airports in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. In December 2007, HIAL assumed responsibility for the operation of Dundee Airport and now operates it via a wholly owned subsidiary company, Dundee Airport.

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL)

Following a restructure of the Caledonian MacBrayne group in 2006, Caledonian MacBrayne Limited became known as Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) and CalMac Ferries Limited (CFL) was incorporated.

CFL took over operation of the Clyde & Hebrides Ferry Services as successor to Caledonian MacBrayne Limited. CMAL retained ownership of all vessels and ports, which it leases to the operator of the Clyde & Hebrides Ferry services (currently CFL). CMAL remains wholly owned by Scottish Ministers.

David MacBrayne Limited

Scottish Ministers previously owned 2 shares of £1 in a dormant company, David MacBrayne Limited. In the course of the restructuring of the Caledonian MacBrayne group in 2006, Scottish Ministers' shareholding in David MacBrayne Limited was increased by 5,500,000 shares to 5,500,002 ordinary shares of £1. David MacBrayne Limited is now the holding company for the ferry operating companies CalMac Ferries Limited, Cowal Ferries Limited and NorthLink Ferries Limited and for the dormant company Rathlin Ferries Limited.

Other Interests

Voted Loans

Transport Scotland provides loans to Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited to be used for the construction of new shipping and to Independent Harbour Trusts and Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited for harbour improvements.

10. Trade Receivables and Other Assets
10a Analysis by classification   as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10   as at 1/04/09
£'000 £'000 £'000
Amounts falling due within one year:
Trade and other receivables
  Trade and other receivables 2,451 934 1,463
  Damage claims 327 0 2,372
  Other assets 442 666 425
  Prepayments and accrued income 93,001 59,905 59,059
  96,221 61,505 63,319
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Other receivables 971 3,259 3,768
  971 3,259 3,768
Trade receivables are shown net of a provision for impairment as follows:
as at 31/03/11
  as at 31/03/10
  as at 1/04/09
At 1 April 404 404 0
Charge for the year 93 0 404
Unused amount released 390 0 0
Utilised during the year 0 0 0
At 31 March 106 404 404
10b Intra-government balances   as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10   as at 1/04/09
£'000 £'000 £'000
Amounts falling due within one year:
Intra-government balances
Other central government bodies 102 100 20
Local authorities 44,394 34,672 26,806
Public corporations and trading funds 6,614 5,603 6,864
  51,110 40,375 33,690
Balances with bodies external to government 45,111 21,130 29,629
Total receivables 96,221 61,505 63,319
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Intra-government balances
Other central government bodies 0 0 0
Local authorities 0 0 0
Public corporations and trading funds 0 0 0
  0 0 0
Balances with bodies external to government 971 3,259 3,768
Total receivables 971 3,259 3,768

Trade receivables are shown net of a provision for impairment as follows:

11. Trade Payables and Other Liabilities
11a Analysis by classification   as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10   as at 1/04/09
£'000 £'000 £'000
Amounts falling due within one year:
  Trade payables 38,804 9,014 8,599
  Other payables 142,237 184,719 116,313
  Financial liabilities - PFI 4,710 4,377 4,068
  185,751 198,110 128,980
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
  Other payables 13,325 9,189 11,266
  Financial liabilities - PFI 195,164 199,875 204,251
  208,489 209,064 215,517
11b Intra-government balances   as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10   as at 1/04/09
£'000 £'000 £'000
Amounts falling due within one year:
Intra-government balances
Other central government bodies 1,228 1,632 27,323
Local authorities 34,062 37,603 20,047
Public corporations and trading funds 11,977 8,628 1,575
  47,267 47,863 48,945
Balances with bodies external to government 138,484 150,247 80,034
Total payables 185,751 198,110 128,979
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Intra-government balances
Other central government bodies   0 0
Local authorities 128,397 120,695 77,464
Public corporations and trading funds   0 0
  128,397 120,695 77,464
Balances with bodies external to government 80,093 88,369 138,053
Total payables 208,490 209,064 215,517
12. Provisions for Liabilities and Charges
12a Provisions for liabilities and charges Land and Property Acquisition Major Projects Other Total
2010-11 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Balance as at 1 April 2010 40,370 18,731 10,112 69,213
Provided in year 15,572 0 2,101 17,673
Provisions not required written back 145 0 (2,988) (2,843)
Provisions utilised in year (4,641) (1,883) (1,672) (8,196)
Balance as at 31 March 2011 51,446 16,848 7,553 75,847
Balance as at 1 April 2009 60,380 4,482 6,658 71,520
Provided in year 57,077 16,131 13,562 86,770
Provisions not required written back (1,480) (800) 0 (2,280)
Provisions utilised in year (75,607) (1,082) (10,108) (86,797)
Balance as at 31 March 2010 40,370 18,731 10,112 69,213
Balance as at 1 April 2009 60,380 4,482 6,658 71,520
12b Analysis of expected timing of discounted flows Land and Property Acquisition Major Projects Other Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
In the remainder of the period to 2012 20,220 10,371 1,434 32,025
Between 2013 and 2016 31,226 6,477 6,119 43,822
Between 2017 and 2021   0 0 0
Thereafter 0 0 0 0
Balance as at 31 March 2011 51,446 16,848 7,553 75,847
In the remainder of the period to 2011 21,609 2,689 7,016 31,314
Between 2012 and 2015 9,380 9,226 1,772 20,378
Between 2016 and 2020 9,381 6,816 1,324 17,521
Thereafter 0 0 0 0
Balance as at 31 March 2010 40,370 18,731 10,112 69,213

Land and Property Acquisition

Land and property acquisition provision relates primarily to the estimates made of the likely compensation payable in respect of planning blight, discretionary and compulsory acquisition of property for property owners arising from physical construction of a road or rail scheme. When land is acquired by compulsory purchase procedures, it is not known when compensation settlements will be made. A provision for the estimated total cost of land acquired is created when it is expected that a General Vesting Declaration (GVD) will be published in the near future. It may take several years from the announcement of a scheme to completion and final settlement of all liabilities. The estimates provided by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) are reviewed bi-annually.

Major Projects

Major projects provision relates to capital projects that we are engaged in but have not paid the full expenditure incurred in year.


Transport Scotland was created as an executive agency of the Scottish Government in January 2006 resulting in the creation of migration liabilities relating to staff moving or travelling from Edinburgh to Glasgow. It is Transport Scotland's policy to recognise such liabilities at the point at which we announce and are, in practical terms, committed to, the creation of the agency.

Other provisions relate to Damage Claims and to the early retirement of Transport Scotland staff. Damage Claims relate principally to the estimated cost of repairing vehicular damage to the Trunk Road Network. If the cost of the repairs is below a pre-defined threshold, the operating company responsible for the maintenance of the trunk road has to pursue recovery of the cost with the third party. If the cost of the repairs is above the threshold, the operating company charges Transport Scotland and it is the responsibility of Transport Scotland to pursue the recovery of these costs from those responsible.

Transport Scotland is required to meet the additional agreed cost of benefits payable to those employees who retire early until they reach the age of 60 at which point the liability is assumed by the PCSPS. The cost of these benefits is provided in full when the employee retires.

13. Movement on Working Capital Balances
as at 31/03/11 as at 31/03/10 2010-11 Net Movement Restated 2009-10 Net Movement
note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Due within one year 10 96,221 61,505 (34,716) 1,814
Due after more than one year 10 971 3,259 2,288 509
Net decrease/(increase) 97,192 64,764 (32,428) 2,323
Due within one year 11 185,751 198,110 (12,359) 69,130
Due after more than one year 11 208,489 209,064 (575) (6,453)
394,240 407,174 (12,934) 62,677
Less: Lease and PFI creditors included in above 11 199,874 204,251 (4,377) (5,312)
Net (decrease)/increase 194,366 202,923 (8,557) 67,989
Provision 12 75,847 69,213 6,634 (2,307)
Net (decrease)/increase 75,847 69,213 6,634 (2,307)
Net movement (decrease)/increase 367,405 336,900 (34,351) 68,005

Transport Scotland's capital commitments relate to future payments on major road schemes currently under construction and loans to Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited to fund capital assets relating to ferries. The main works contracts have been awarded and the loans agreed. These commitments have not been reflected elsewhere in the accounts.

14. Capital Commitments
Capital Commitments   as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10
£'000 £'000
Property, plant and equipment 345,000 282,500
Total contracted capital commitments for which no provision has been made 345,000 282,500
Investments 1,050 9,600
Total authorised but not contracted capital commitments for which no provision has been made 1,050 9,600

Commitments under operating leases to pay rentals during the year following the year of these accounts are given in the table below, analysed according to the period in which the lease expires.

15. Commitments under Operating Leases
Obligations under operating leases comprise:   as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10
£'000 £'000
Land & buildings    
Due within 1 year 1,450 1,450
Due after 1 year but not more than 5 years 5,775 5,782
Commitments thereafter 6,603 8,048
  13,828 15,280

16. Commitments under PFI Contracts

16a On Balance Sheet (SoFP)

Transport Scotland has entered into the following PFI contracts for the design, build, finance and maintenance of assets reflected on the Statement of Financial Position:

i. M6 (M74) - the contract covers the design, construction and financing of 28.3km of new Scottish motorway along this route, as well as the operation and maintenance of 90km of new and existing Scottish motorway. Payments are made under a shadow toll regime. The toll period began in July 1997 and expires in July 2027.

ii. M77 - the contract is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) entered into with East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire Councils. The project covers the design, construction, financing and operation of 15km of new Scottish motorway and new 9km local link road between the new motorway and the A726 trunk road. Payments are made under a shadow toll regime. The toll period began in April 2005 and expires in April 2035.

Under IFRIC12 the substance of the PFI contract is that the Agency has a finance lease, with the asset being recognised as a non-current asset of the Agency. Payments under PFI contracts are comprised of two elements:

i. Imputed finance lease charges

ii. Services charges.

Imputed finance lease obligations under On Balance Sheet PFI contracts comprise:
  as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10
£'000 £'000
Rentals due within 1 year 19,326 19,326
Rentals due within 2 to 5 years 77,304 77,304
Rentals due thereafter 290,145 309,471
  386,775 406,101
Less: Interest element (finance cost) (186,901) (201,850)
Total capital cost 199,874 204,251
Amounts charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure in respect of service elements of On Balance Sheet PFI transactions
  as at 31/03/11   as at 31/03/10
£'000 £'000
Service charge due within 1 year 23,304 22,691
Service charge due within 2 to 5 years 129,602 106,016
Service charge due thereafter 377,433 424,322
Total service charge 530,339 553,029

16b Off Balance Sheet (SoFP)

Transport Scotland does not have any commitments under PFI contracts in respect of assets that are not reflected in the Statement of Financial Position.

17. Other Financial Commitments - Rail

Transport Scotland is committed to pay an income stream to Network Rail in accordance with the Deed of Grant and to First Scotrail under the Franchise Agreement.

Network Rail - The current control period for Network Rail runs from April 2009 to March 2014.

First Scotrail - During 2008/09 Scottish Ministers extended the First Scotrail Franchise by 3 years to 2014.

The total amount charged to the Transport Scotland Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure in respect of these schemes is:
2010-11 2009-10
£'000 £'000
Network Rail 383,688 366,969
First Scotrail 290,201 271,421
Total 673,889 638,390
The amounts due under these contracts in the following year, analysed between those periods where the commitment expires are:
Network First
 Rail Scotrail    Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Expiry within 0-12 months 407,000 306,000 713,000
Expiry within 1 to 2 years 297,000 490,000 787,000
Expiry within 2 to 5 years 282,000 549,000 831,000
Total 986,000 1,345,000 2,331,000

18. Financial Instruments

18a Financial Instruments by Category
Assets per statement of financial position Loans and Receivables Assets at Fair Value through Profit and Loss Available for Sale Total
note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Trade and other receivables excluding prepayments, reimbursements of provisions and VAT recoverable. 10 3,749 0 442 4,191
Balance as at 31 March 2011   3,749 0 442 4,191
Liabilities per statement of financial position Assets at Fair Value through Profit and Loss Other Financial Liabilities Total
note £'000 £'000 £'000
PFI liabilities 11   0 199,874 199,874
Trade and other payables excluding statutory liabilities (VAT and income tax and social security)     0 193,411 193,411
Balance as at 31 March 2011     0 393,285 393,285

18b Financial Risk Factors

Exposure to Risk

Transport Scotland's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks:

i. Credit risk - the possibility that other parties might fail to pay amounts due.

ii. Liquidity risk - the possibility that Transport Scotland might not have funds available to meet its commitments to make payments.

iii. Market risk - the possibility that financial loss might arise as a result of changes in such measures as interest rates, stock market movements or foreign exchange rates.

Because of the largely non-trading nature of its activities and the way in which government departments are financed, Transport Scotland is not exposed to the degree of financial risk faced by business entities.

Risk management

A high level risk strategy has been put in place which provides a consistent approach to the implementation of risk management within Transport Scotland at a strategic, programme and project level. This is now considered at each meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee.

i. Credit Risk

Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, deposits with banks and other institutions, as well as credit exposures to customers, including outstanding receivables and committed transactions.

For banks and other institutions, only independently rated parties with a minimum rating of 'A' are accepted. Customers are assessed, taking into account their financial position, past experience and other factors, with individual credit limits being set in accordance with internal ratings in accordance with parameters set by Transport Scotland. The utilisation of credit limits is regularly monitored.

No credit limits were exceeded during the reporting period and no losses are expected from non-performance by any counterparties in relation to deposits.

ii Liquidity Risk

The Scottish Parliament makes provision for the use of resources by Transport Scotland for revenue and capital purposes in a Budget Act for each financial year. Resources and accruing resources may be used only for the purposes specified and up to the amounts specified in the Budget Act. The Act also specifies an overall cash authorisation to operate for the financial year. Transport Scotland is not, therefore, exposed to significant liquidity risks.

The table below analyses the financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the Statement of Financial Position to contractual maturity date. The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual discounted cash flows. Balances due within 12 months are included at their carrying balances as the impact of discounting is not significant.

Carrying value 0-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years >10 years
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Non-derivative liabilities (392,321) (184,303) (120) (12,732) (56,763) (138,403)
Derivative liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total financial liabilities (392,321) (184,303) (120) (12,732) (56,763) (138,403)

iii Market Risk

Transport Scotland has no powers to borrow or invest surplus funds. Financial assets and liabilities are generated by day-to-day operational activities and are not held to manage the risks facing Transport Scotland in undertaking its activities.

  1. Cash Flow and Fair Value Interest Rate Risk:
    Transport Scotland has no significant interest bearing assets or liabilities and, as such, income and expenditure cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market interest rates.
  2. Foreign Currency Risk:
    Transport Scotland is not directly exposed to foreign exchange rate risks.
  3. Price Risk:
    Transport Scotland is not exposed to equity security price risk.

18c Fair Value Estimation

The carrying value less impairment provision of trade receivables and payables are assumed to approximate their fair value.

The fair value of financial liabilities for disclosure purposes is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current HM Treasury interest rate that is available for similar financial instruments.

19. Contingent Liabilities

19a Contingent Liabilities disclosed under IAS37

Transport Scotland has a guarantee in place against funding received from European Union re TENS-T funding for GARL Project where there is an obligation for a period of 5 years, to require repayment of 50% of the total funding (€850,000 / £750,635) should it be considered that the monies were not used for the purposes agreed under the original application. This liability therefore runs out in July 2015 and would be based on the exchange rate at the time any repayment is made.

At present Transport Scotland has a possible obligation that relates to potential unoccupied lane charges on schemes that are still in construction. Some contracts contain a clause which charges contractors for the amount of time they occupy lanes during road works. (This is done to encourage completion of the works on time). If the contractor does not use all of the time they were allowed in the contract for lane occupations then they are repaid the amount not used. The schemes are the M74 completion and A96 Fochabers where it is estimated that at present there is a potential obligation of approximately £1.45million. This will be re-assessed at scheme completion in 2012 at which stage a provision will be created for all unused lane occupations.

19b Possible Contingent Liabilities not required under IAS37 but included for Parliamentary and accountability purposes

The Financial Reporting Manual states that where information about contingent liabilities is not required to be disclosed because the likelihood of a transfer of economic benefits is considered too remote, they should be disclosed separately for parliamentary reporting and accountability purposes.

i. Contracts held by Transport Scotland should include indemnity clauses where risk is either considered part of the normal course of business or is not quantifiable:

  • Operating agreement (ScotRail Franchise Agreement) with indemnity dated 2004 to First ScotRail;
  • Indemnity clause in roads contracts to compensate Network Rail for any damage or loss of access;
  • Operating agreement with indemnity dated 2005 to tie Limited for the promotion of Edinburgh Airport Rail Link (EARL) project;
  • EARL Blight liability agreement which exists until 2012 as per the EARL Act;
  • Liability agreement for any issues caused by the GARL ground investigation work for the next 12 years; and
  • GARL copyright infringement legal action case initially awarded in favour of Transport Scotland. Decision appealed with hearing in July 2011.

ii. Guarantees / Letters of Comfort issued by Transport Scotland on behalf of Scottish Ministers:

  • S54 guarantees issued as part of rail rolling stock procurement process;
  • Scottish Government underwriting First ScotRail pension fund in line with that provided to other train operators by DfT; and
  • Letter of underwriting to Edinburgh Airport Limited (subsidiary of BAA) dated 2006 for the Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Project being promoted by tie Limited.

iii. Other contingent liabilities held by Transport Scotland:

  • Monklands Canal - maintenance of pipes under trunk roads.

20. Related Party Transactions

Transport Scotland is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government is regarded as a related party with which it had various material transactions during the year. David MacBrayne Limited, Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) and Highlands & Islands Airports Limited (HIAL) are wholly owned subsidiaries of Transport Scotland with whom it had various material transactions during the year, principally in relation to loans advanced to and repaid from CMAL and grants paid to HIAL. David MacBrayne Limited is also the parent company of Calmac Ferries Limited, Cowal Ferries Limited and Northlink Ferries Limited, with whom Transport Scotland also had material transactions, principally in relation to the payment of subsidies for the operation of ferry services. Transport Scotland also had significant transactions with Local Authorities and British Waterways during the year.

All interests declared by members of the Transport Scotland Board are of a minor nature and have no impact on the awarding of contracts and commissions.

21. Segmental Reporting

21a Business Segments - Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure
2010-11 Resource Net Investment Income Non Cash AME Total
Total continuing segments £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Roads 129,403 78,340 (501) 80,189 4,742 292,173
Rail 416,687 332,695 0 0 0 749,382
Concessionary travel 239,897 9,199 0 411 0 249,507
Other public transport 29,192 12,970 0 0 0 42,162
Ferry services in Scotland 100,475 5,974 (2,199) 0 1,500 105,750
Air services in Scotland 25,684 7,000 0 0 0 32,684
Other transport directorate programmes 22,883 23,462 0 0 0 46,345
Grants to local authorities 0 29,127 0 0 0 29,127
  964,221 498,767 (2,700) 80,600 6,242 1,547,130
2009-10 Resource Net Investment Income Non Cash AME Total
Total continuing segments £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Roads 153,235 101,669 (185) 87,772 5,604 348,095
Rail 400,633 238,300 0 0 0 638,933
Concessionary travel 190,244 10,163 0 0 0 200,407
Other public transport 32,123 159,943 0 0 0 192,066
Ferry services in Scotland 96,012 2,684 (2,096) 2,599 0 99,199
Air services in Scotland 26,137 5,956 0 3,924 0 36,017
Other transport directorate programmes 64,413 9,313 0 (366) 0 73,360
Grants to local authorities 5,199 39,907 0 0 20,452 65,558
  967,996 567,935 (2,281) 93,929 26,056 1,653,635
21b Business Segments - Capital Expenditure
2010-11 Trunk Road Maintenance Capital Projects Other Assets Voted Loans Total Capital Expenditure
Total continuing segments £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Roads 36,830 223,351 0 0 260,181
Rail 0 0 54 0 54
Other public transport 0 0 64 0 64
Ferry services in Scotland 0 0 0 8,762 8,762
  36,830 223,351 118 8,762 269,061
2009-10 Trunk Road Maintenance Capital Projects Other Assets Voted Loans Total Capital Expenditure
Total continuing segments £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Roads 50,958 258,019 0 0 308,977
Ferry services in Scotland 0 0 0 4,736 4,736
  50,958 258,019 0 4,736 313,713

22. Notional Charges

The following notional charges have been included in the accounts:
note 2010-11 2009-10
Auditors remuneration 4 198 207
    198 207

The cost of capital charge is no longer required in accordance with Her Majesty's Treasury, under Clear Line of Sight - the Alignment Project. The impact of this is shown in Note 2

23. Losses and Special Payments
2010-11 2009-10
number of cases £'000 £'000
Total cash losses 31,396 2,355 0
Details of cases over £250,000 0 0 0
Including - claims abandoned 31,396 2,355 0
- active claims 0 0 0

Where a road accident results in damage to the Trunk Road Network and the cost of repair is greater than £10,000 this cost is charged to Transport Scotland. Wherever possible these costs are recovered from the party responsible through their insurance company (except where the responsible party has been fatally injured) and are therefore held in a debtor account until recovery. In 2010-11 Transport Scotland undertook a review of the cases held in the debtor account. Those cases that are no longer being pursued because they are not assessed as likely to be recoverable amounted to £2,355k in respect of 31,396 cases and these have now been written off.

24. GARL Closedown Costs

Branchline works for Glasgow Airport Rail-Link (GARL) were cancelled in September 2009. However obligations under the GARL Act for certain mainline works were not cancelled. Where obligations under the GARL Act could not be cancelled, costs were incurred as a result. These costs included land and associated costs, BAA costs and associated compensation, contractor closedown costs and completion of advanced works, where completion was a more cost effective solution than cessation. There were no costs incurred in 2010-11 (2009-10, £12.5million).