Annual Report 2011-12
Annual Report 2011-12
Chief Executive's Introduction
The 2011-12 year has involved a wide range of activity and progress with our development as an organisation. The Agency continued its core functions of delivering transport investment and projects, and providing advice and support to Scottish Ministers on national transport policies and issues. The Scottish Government's purpose of increasing sustainable economic growth remains the focus of our work, and we have continued to work closely with Ministers in developing their ambition and vision for transport policies and projects, and in connecting all of the communities of Scotland in a modern effective and efficient transport system.
The report details our spending of over £1.8 billion in investment and support across Scotland on a range of transport services. The economic climate is a challenging backdrop to our work, but the report shows how we have remained focussed on the objectives and commitments Ministers have set for us, and in delivering them efficiently and effectively. We ensure that this work is driven by our key strategic priorities, and targets. We set out in the Annual Report how we measure against these key delivery priorities, and in meeting the specific targets and outputs in our Business Planning process.
We also move forward as an organisation. This reporting year is the first full financial year of our integrated role in advising and delivering on all of our national transport policies programmes and projects on behalf of Scottish Ministers. We believe this process has developed successfully in providing a clear focal point in working with Ministers, and also for the many key stakeholders we work with across Scotland. This fits well also with the high level of transparency and accountability which is expected of Agencies, and provides a coherent structure for our operation, and in accounting for how funds for transport in Scotland are spent.
Finally, I should like to recognise the excellent support and advice provided by all Transport Scotland staff across our expanded remit. Our staff provide skill and expertise in transport issues and in the business of government, in a stimulating and fast moving policy and project environment. The Agency has become a well established part of the public sector landscape in Scotland with a reputation for delivering on its objectives. This is a positive reflection on the professionalism and commitment of the Directors and staff involved.
David Middleton
Chief Executive
Transport Scotland