Introduction from the Chief Executive
Introduction from the Chief Executive
David Middleton, Chief Executive (Courtesy of Ambrosius Baanders)
I am pleased to introduce the third Transport Scotland Corporate Plan. The Plan sets out Scottish Ministers' vision for transport, and how we will deliver the policies and projects set out in the Plan for the period between April 2012 and March 2015.
Greenock Ocean Terminal © Clydeport Operations Ltd
The Plan is based firmly on the Scottish Government's Purpose focusing on increasing sustainable economic growth. The Plan makes these links visible with existing transport strategies to guide our delivery priorities, and provides a clear context for the work we will be taking forward over the next three years.
I welcome the sense of purpose this provides us as an organisation. I believe that we have established a well regarded place in the public sector landscape in Scotland. This reflects well on the work of the Agency management and staff since its inception in 2006, and with our expanded role from 2010 covering all of the transport policy and delivery roles for national level infrastructure and support.
The plan is ambitious, and that reflects the longer-term ambitions of the Scottish Government for transport through and beyond the coverage of the Plan. We know that transport is a long-term issue, requiring careful planning and local engagement, and we will work positively with all sectors as we tackle our work and plan for the longer-term ambitions throughout this Planning period. We will also structure our efforts in line with the Government's strategic priority for a transition to a low carbon economy where transport can make a positive contribution, and aim to foster and support the creativity and innovation which can help us achieve the Government's Climate Change targets.
We are conscious of the ambitions throughout the country, its businesses, services and communities in urban, rural and island areas for improved transport systems and delivery in Scotland.
I look forward to Transport Scotland engaging with its wide range of partners, interested bodies and other stakeholders in tackling the issues in this Plan.
This is an exciting challenge, and we will play our part in contributing to make a Scotland that works, with the transport policy and delivery that the country wants to see. The Plan is our starting point and template for these three years, and all our energies, creativity and innovation will be applied to supporting Scottish Ministers to ensure that it is delivered.
David Middleton
Chief Executive, Transport Scotland
June 2012
Artist's impression of Dalmarnock Station exterior (Courtesy of Network Rail)
Benbecula Airport (Courtesy of HIAL)