


The Scottish Government's Purpose is to create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. Our Corporate Plan, covering the three-year period from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2015, sets out how Transport Scotland will help deliver this Purpose through its delivery priorities.

Children from St Peter's Primary School, West Dunbartonshire sharing Ziggy's adventures on his big road safety mission
Children from St Peter's Primary School, West Dunbartonshire sharing Ziggy's adventures on his big road safety mission
© Crown copyright

Twin Otter aircraft landing on Traigh Mhor beach at Barra
Twin Otter aircraft landing on Traigh Mhor beach at Barra (Courtesy of HIAL)

Our delivery priorities, which underpin everything in this Corporate Plan, are firmly focused on the Government's Purpose, and are closely linked to its Strategic Objectives and many of its National Outcomes.

The National Performance Framework (NPF) recognises the positive contribution transport can make to maximising opportunities for economic growth and contributing to the prosperity and quality of life of every person in Scotland.

National Performance Framework table

Electric vehicle charging
Electric vehicle charging © DevlinPhoto

Government Economic Strategy

The Government Economic Strategy1 (September 2011) identifies six Strategic Priorities which drive growth most effectively: Supportive Business Environment; Transition to a Low Carbon Economy; Learning, Skills and Wellbeing; Infrastructure Development and Place; Effective Government; and Equity.

As a key enabler for enhancing productivity and delivering faster, more sustainable growth, transport is a key element of the overall strategy for infrastructure investment and is central to the Scottish Government's ambitions for a low carbon economy.

In line with the Government's Purpose, Transport Scotland will:

  • Focus investment on improving journey times and connections across Scotland, cutting congestion and emissions, and maximising the opportunities for employment, business, leisure and tourism
  • Also focus on providing sustainable, integrated and cost-effective public transport alternatives to the private car, connecting people, places and work across Scotland

Enhancing Scotland's transport services and infrastructure is key to supporting business and employment opportunities in pursuit of a wealthier and fairer Scotland. Transport Scotland's investment in infrastructure and services facilitates the movement of goods and people, encourages business investment and benefits customers through more efficient movement of goods and services.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving changes in both the means and patterns of travel are key challenges in securing sustainable economic growth and a greener Scotland. The environmental impacts of all transport policies and projects will be considered in the context of the Government's Strategic Target of reducing carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. We will continue to ensure that investment in transport is sustainable and helps to create an environment that delivers a healthier and smarter Scotland.

In designing a modern transport system for Scotland in the 21st century, we need to ensure that everyone in Scotland benefits by providing effective links between people and between communities, both in rural areas and in parts of our larger cities which might otherwise face a degree of isolation. Improved transport connections will enhance the attractiveness of Scotland as a place to live, work and invest and play a key role in building safer and stronger communities across the whole of Scotland, bringing them closer together.

Container being loaded for transport by rail
Container being loaded for transport by rail (Courtesy of Eddie Stobart Ltd)

National Transport Strategy

The National Transport Strategy (NTS)2 published in 2006 sets out a long-term vision for the future of transport in Scotland: a transport system fit for the 21st century that provides everyone in Scotland with integrated, modern, reliable and environmentally efficient transport choices.

The strategy identifies three strategic outcomes as being central to achieving this vision:

Improving journey times and connections, to tackle congestion and lack of integration and connections in transport

Reducing emissions, to tackle climate change, air quality and health improvement

  • Improving quality, accessibility and affordability to give a wider choice of public transport, better quality services and value for money
  • The NTS recommends projects and policies that could best deliver these outcomes. The strategy is supported by the NTS Delivery Plan which links the strategic outcomes to the Scottish Government's transport investment programme, in the short, medium and longer term.
  • The NTS is supported by a suite of complementary documents and strategies and by the Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR).