Travelling to Work

Travelling to Work

68% of people travelled to work by car or van, 12% by walking and 10% by bus.

However, this varied with income. Those in households with incomes under £15,000 were more likely to take the bus or walk than those on higher incomes. People from households with incomes over £50,000 were the most frequent car users.

The proportion of adults travelling to work by car, either as a driver or passenger, had been consistent since 1999. However, the proportion of drivers increased from 55% in 1999 to 63% in 2019, and the proportion of passengers decreased from 12% to 5%.

Traveling to work by rail increased from 3% to 5% over this period.

Mode of Travelling to Work by Household Income

Mode of Travelling to Work by Household Income

  • The proportion of adults working from home had increased from 7% in 1999, to 16% in 2019