1.1 Scotland, with its wide and unique range of attractions, is very popular with visitors and locals alike, many of whom travel by car. Therefore, providing clear direction signs to attractions is a very important aspect of making a visit to Scotland as pleasurable and relaxing as possible.
1.2 This policy document contains guidance on the provision of tourist destination signs (white lettering on a brown background) on the all-purpose and motorway trunk road network in Scotland (see Figure 1.1).
1.3 This document replaces the 1998 Trunk Road and Motorway Tourist Signposting Policy [1] and Circular 3/1992 [2] which are both now withdrawn.
1.4 Reference should also be made to Circular 27/1995 [3] which gives guidance on the provision of tourist signs in general in Scotland. Paragraphs 18.1 and 18.2 in Circular 27/1995 are superseded by this document.
1.5 Local authorities are responsible for developing tourist signposting policies for non-trunk roads and this document should be read in conjunction with the relevant local authority policies.
1.6 The objective of this policy is to provide guidance on signs appropriate to meet the needs of the tourism industry and road users in general, and which is consistent with safe and efficient traffic management and with minimal impact on the environment. Reference should also be made to Road Furniture in the Countryside [9].
1.7 In this document, the term "Home Traffic Authority" (HTA) refers to the traffic authority for the road which provides the main direct access to a tourist destination.
1.8 In this document, the term "trunk road authority" means Transport Scotland or any successor organisation responsible for the trunk road network as defined in the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 [4].
1.9 The trunk road authority gives responsibility for certain aspects of policy implementation to the contractors who manage the operation of the trunk road on a day-to-day basis. For the purposes of this document the contractors who manage the trunk road in this way are referred to as ‘trunk road operators’.
1.10 In this document, ‘VisitScotland’ means VisitScotland or any successor organisation.
1.11 In this document, the term "Tourist Information Centre" means a manned and fully operational information service centre managed directly or by agreement with VisitScotland.
1.12 In this document, the term "Diagram xxxx" refers to the correspondingly numbered diagram in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) 2002 [5].
1.13 In this document an urban motorway is defined as a motorway with a speed limit of 60 mph or less within a built-up area.