7.1 The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 states that a ‘Tourist Information Centre (TIC) means a staffed information service centre recognised and supported by VisitScotland’.
7.2 At TICs, basic information should also be available outwith opening hours. It is particularly useful to provide details of hotels and B&B establishments for visitors arriving in the evening.
7.3 TICs shall be signed with the "i" symbol to Diagram T1 in Schedule 14 of TSRGD. The symbol may be supplemented with the legend "Tourist Information Centre".
7.4 On all-purpose roads, other forms of tourist information requiring signs (e.g. Tourist Information Points (TIPs)) may use the "i" symbol with the legends "Local Information", "Tourist Information" or "Local Tourist Information" as appropriate. Note that the "i" symbol should not be used for TIPs in lay-bys or car parks. Here only the wording "Local Information", "Tourist Information", or "Local Tourist Information" should be used.
7.5 On motorways, only TICs can be signed using the "i" symbol and then only in conjunction with signing another tourist attraction.