15.1 This policy document introduces a new ‘seamless’ application process which will benefit Scottish tourism and the administration of tourist signposting policy.

15.2 The "Home Traffic Authority" (HTA) means the traffic authority for the road which provides the main direct access to a tourist destination. For a destination with its access directly on to a local road, the HTA will be the local road authority. For a destination with its access directly on to a trunk road, the HTA will be the trunk road authority.

15.3 Applications for all tourist signing shall be made to the HTA.

15.4 The HTA shall be responsible for liaising with all other relevant authorities (including VisitScotland) and for obtaining any necessary approvals from these authorities.

15.5 The HTA does not decide what is signed in another traffic authority area nor does it necessarily provide the signs. The purpose of the HTA is to provide a seamless process to the applicant. The HTA will need the agreement of the other relevant traffic authorities before signs can be erected in their areas.

15.6 Since the HTA is the co-ordinator of the application process, the information required of applicants by the trunk road authority (if any signs are proposed for trunk roads and/or motorways) should be included within the HTA forms. Annex B gives a standard application form to be used for trunk road/motorway applications.

15.7 If an application for the provision of tourist signs is refused by the trunk road authority in full or in part, the applicant shall be given clear reasons. The trunk road authority’s decision regarding signing on the trunk road and motorway network is final.

15.8 If a proposed sign is not prescribed by TSRGD (including permitted variants), the HTA will need to consider whether an alternative design complying with TSRGD could be used instead or whether there is a case for applying to Scottish Ministers for special authorisation.