1. Trunk Road and Motorway Tourist Signposting Policy, May 1998. The Scottish Office, 1998
2. Tourist Signposting. SOID Circular 3/1992, The Scottish Office Industry Department, 1992
3. Tourist Signposting. SODD Circular 27/1995, The Scottish Office Development Department, 1995
4. Roads (Scotland) Act 1984.
5. Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 3113. The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. The Stationery Office. ISBN 0-11-042 942-7
6. Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 7 - The Design of Traffic Signs. 2003 The Stationery Office.
ISBN 0-11-552 480 0
7. Local Transport Note 1/94. The design and Use of Directional Informatory Signs. July 1994. HMSO. ISBN 0-11-551 610-7.
8. Fixed, vertical road traffic signs. Fixed signs BS EN 12899-1: 2001. London: British Standards Institution.
9. Road Furniture In The Countryside — Transport Scotland, July 2006. ISBN: 0-7559-4944-7.