The A85 Trunk Road (Comrie) (20mph and 30mph Speed Limits) Order 202[ ]
The Scottish Ministers hereby give notice that they propose to make the above Order under sections 84(1)(a) and 124(1)(d) of , and paragraph 27 of schedule 9 to, the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 which will have the effect of imposing a 20mph and 30mph speed limits on the following lengths of road:-
20mph Speed Limit
1. That length of the A85 Perth – Lochearnhead Trunk Road at Comrie from a point 174 metres or thereby west of the extended centreline of its junction with Monument Road, Comrie in a generally south-eastwardly direction then north-eastwards to a point 165 metres or thereby north-east of the extended centreline of its junction with Nurses Lane, Comrie a distance of 932 metres or thereby.
30mph Speed Limit
2. That length of the A85 Perth – Lochearnhead Trunk Road at Comrie from a point 174 metres or thereby west of the extended centreline of its junction with Monument Road, Comrie in a generally westerly direction to a point 656 metres or thereby north west of its junction with Monument Road, a distance of 482 metres or thereby.
3. That length of the A85 Perth – Lochearnhead Trunk Road at Comrie from a point 165 metres or thereby north-east of its junction with Nurses Lane in a generally easterly direction to a point 408 metres or thereby east of its junction with Nurses Lane, a distance of 243 metres or thereby
Full details of the proposal are contained in the Order which, together with a plan showing the length of road involved and a statement of the Scottish Ministers’ reasons for proposing to make the Order, may be examined free of charge during normal business hours from 24th January 2025 until 21st February 2025 at the offices of Transport Scotland, George House, 2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD, Comrie Crieff Post Office, Bridge St, Comrie, Crieff PH6 2EB and Strathearn Community Library, Pittenzie Rd, Crieff PH7 3JN.
Any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for objection in writing to the Director of Roads, c/o Catriona Paterson, Transport Scotland, George House, 2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD or via email to quoting reference NW/A85Comrie/CP by 21st February 2025.
George Fiddes
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
36 North Hanover Street
G1 2AD
Statement of Reasons
The Scottish Ministers aim to promote the safe and efficient use of the roads for which they are responsible.
The Scottish Ministers are satisfied that the introduction of a 20 mph Speed Limit for the purpose of reducing the speed of motor vehicles will be in the interests of road safety, will support the National Implementation of 20mph speed limits and will coordinate with local authorities 20mph speed restrictions on local roads.
In the interest of road safety the extension of the 30mph limit to the east has been extended to cover the access to the skate park. There is no change to the existing 30mph limits at the west of the 20mph section.