The M80/A80 Trunk Road (Junction 9) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2024

The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have made the above Order under sections 2(1), 4(1) and 14(1)(b) and (4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, which will have the effect of imposing temporary speed restrictions on the following lengths of road;

50 MPH

  1. That length of the M80/A80 Glasgow – Stirling Trunk Road being the northbound carriageway from a point 2.2 kilometres or thereby south of the point where it meets the off slip road at Junction 9 (Pirnhall) to a point 1.4 kilometres or thereby south of the point where it meets that off slip road, a distance of 800 metres or thereby.

40 MPH

  1. That length of the M80/A80 Glasgow – Stirling Trunk Road being the northbound carriageway from a point 1.4 kilometres or thereby south of the point where it meets the off slip road at Junction 9 (Pirnhall) to a point 600 metres or thereby north of the point where it meets that off slip road, a distance of 2 kilometres or thereby.

30 MPH

  1. The M80/A80 Junction 9 substitute off slip road from the point where it leaves the northbound carriageway of the M80/A80 Glasgow – Stirling Trunk Road to the point where it joins the off slip road at Junction 9 (Pirnhall), a distance of 100 metres or thereby.
  2. That length of the M80/A80 Glasgow – Stirling Trunk Road being the off slip road at Junction 9 (Pirnhall) from the point where it is joined by the M80/A80 Junction 9 substitute off slip road to a point 300 metres or thereby north of that point, a distance of 300 metres or thereby.

The Order, which is required because of the likelihood of danger to the public will be in operation from 2nd September 2024 until 12th February 2025, and will only have effect in relation to such part or parts of the length of road as is indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.

The Order does not apply to vehicles falling within regulation 3(4) of the Road Traffic Exemptions (Special Forces) (Variation and Amendment) Regulations 2011 when used in accordance with regulation 3(5) of those Regulations; or vehicles being used in an emergency for coastguard purposes.

Alternative routes

An alternative route is not required.

For information about roadworks on motorways and trunk roads visit Traffic Scotland

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 Compatibility Consideration and Narration of Statement of Compatibility

The Scottish Ministers have made the following statement regarding children’s rights.

“In accordance with section 23(2) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 (the Act), the Scottish Ministers certify that, in their view, the M80/A80 Trunk Road (Junction 9) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2024 is compatible with the UNCRC requirements as defined by section 1(2) of the Act.”

Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the M80/A80 Trunk Road (Junction 9) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2024


This documentis a point in timeassessment of the likely effects of the M80/A80 Trunk Road (Junction 9) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2024 on the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.

Scottish Government acknowledge the importance of monitoring and evaluating the impact of strategic decisions and legislation on children’s rights and wellbeing. Any information gathered during implementation of the legislation or strategic decision to which the impact assessment relates, will be used to inform future determinations of impact. Any new strategic decision or new legislation (including amending legislation) would be subject to a new CRWIA in line with the legislative requirements.


  1. Brief Summary (Guidance Section 3.2, page 20).

Type of proposal

(Please choose from either Bill, SSI or Decision of a strategic nature relating to the rights and wellbeing of children)

Applicable answer: SSI

Name the proposal, and describe its overall aims and intended purpose.

There is a substitute off slip road at Junction 9 of the M80 Northbound. The proposal is an order with the title “the M80/A80 Trunk Road (Junction 9) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2024”. This Order temporarily imposes a speed limit of 30 mph on that substitute off slip road and speed limits of 50mph, 40mph and 30mph on lengths of the M80/A80 Glasgow – Stirling Trunk Road. The Order will be in force from 2 September 2024 to 12 February 2025 and the speed restrictions will have effect when appropriate traffic signs are in place on these lengths of road, or a part of parts of them. The Order is required in the interests of road safety

Start date of proposal’s development: 05/08/2024

Start date of CRWIA process: 05/08/2024

  1. With reference given to the requirements of the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024, which aspects of the proposal are relevant to children’s rights? (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 20-22).

During the period(s) the temporary speed restrictions will apply to the substitute off slip road and the lengths of the M80/A80 Glasgow – Stirling Trunk Road there will be no impact on children and young people’s ability to access school and/or childcare facilities, higher or further education institutions, hospitals, places used for recreational activity, and places of worship. The temporary speed restrictions are being made to address a likelihood of danger to the public and will therefore contribute towards safe roads for all road users, including children and young people whose rights will be positively impacted accordingly.

  1. Please provide a summary of the evidence gathered which will be used to inform your decision-making and the content of the proposal. (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 22-25). 


  • existing research/reports/policy expertise
  • consultation/feedback from stakeholders
  • consultation/feedback directly from children and young people

Mapping routes show that there are no facilities affected by the speed restrictions. The speed restrictions will also not make it more difficult for them to be accessed by children and young people or their families, carers, representatives etc.

Police Scotland have been involved in the planning and implementation of this speed limit. This has involved Police Scotland attending several planning meetings and participating in road safety audits on site. There has been regular engagement with Stirling Council officers and the Stirling Services operators in relation to the planning and implementation of the substitute slip road and the speed limit. Both organisers have welcomed the proposals

  1. Further to the evidence described at ‘3’ have you identified any 'gaps' in evidence which may prevent determination of impact? If yes, please provide an explanation of how they will be addressed (Guidance Section 3.2, page 26).

No gaps identified.

  1. Analysis of Evidence (Guidance Section 3.2, page 26).

As no accessibility issues were identified during the mapping process, we are content that the rights and welfare of children in this connection will not be impacted. The temporary speed restrictions are being made to address a likelihood of danger to the public and will therefore contribute towards safe roads for all road users, including children and young people whose rights will be positively impacted accordingly.

  1. What changes (if any) have been made to the proposal as a result of this assessment? (Guidance Section 3.2, page 26)



  1. As a result of the evidence gathered and analysed against all UNCRC requirements, what is the potential overall impact of this proposal on children’s rights? (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 26-27):

(Please choose from positive, negative, neutral or no impact, Please note you can have both a positive and negative impact on children’s rights.)

Children’s Rights

Applicable answer(s): Positive


  1. If you have identified a positive impact on children’s rights, please describe below how the proposal will protect, respect, and fulfil children’s rights in Scotland. (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 27-28).

The temporary speed restrictions are being made to address a likelihood of danger to the public and will therefore contribute towards safe roads for all road users, including children and young people whose rights will be positively impacted accordingly.

  1. If a negative impact has been identified please describe below. Is there a risk this could potentially amount to an incompatibility? (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 28-29).

Not applicable

Mitigation Record

What options have been considered to modify the proposal in order to mitigate negative impact or potential incompatibility issues?

Please summarise mitigation actions taken below

Issue or risk Identified per article/ Optional Protocol

Not applicable

Action Taken/ To Be Taken

Not applicable

Date action to be taken or was taken

Not applicable

  1. As a result of the evidence gathered and analysed against all wellbeing indicators, will the proposal contribute to the wellbeing of children and young people in Scotland? (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 29-30).

(Please choose from yes, no or not applicable)

Applicable answer: Yes

If yes, please provide and explanation below:

The 30mph, 40mph and 50mph speed limits will make the sections of the M80 safer for all road users including children and young people while the substitute slip road is in use.

  1. How will you communicate to children and young people the impact that the proposal will have on their rights? (Guidance Section 3.2, page 31)

The CRWIA will be published and has been written in accessible language to allow children and young people to understand its content and the potential impact (or no impact) on their rights.

Post Assessment Review and sign-off

  1. Planning for the review of impact on children’s rights and wellbeing (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 31).

As part of the decision-making process, plans for reviewing the impact on children’s rights and wellbeing need to be developed.

  • How will the impact of the proposal on children’s rights and wellbeing be monitored?
  • When will you review and update the CRWIA if required?

Weekly progress meetings are held in relation to the site investigations and forthcoming works on the existing slip road. The potential for any impacts on children or young people will be considered at these meetings.

  1. Sign off (Guidance Section 3.2, pages 31-32).

Policy Lead Signature & Date of Sign Off: Richard Anderson 05/08/2024

Deputy Director Signature & Date of Sign Off: S R Lees 29/08/2024

Date CRWIA team first contacted: 20 August 2024

Start date 2 Sep 2024 End date 12 Feb 2025 Status Region