Consultation on the M8 and M9 Trunk Roads (Newbridge to Hermiston Gait) (Actively Managed Hard Shoulder and Speed Limit) Regulations 2021
The regulations will allow the introduction of an Actively Managed Hard Shoulder (AMHS), for use by certain buses, over a four mile section of the M8 and M9 motorways. This will extend over a four mile section from a point south of the Hillwood Rail overbridge (south of Junction 1 of the M9) in an eastbound direction to the Hermiston Gait Roundabout (Junction 1 of the M8).
In a supplementary measure, to extend the 50 mph speed limit on the M9 to M8 eastbound interchange link road (Junction 2 of the M8) approximately 570 metres further south towards the merge with the M8 eastbound mainline for the purpose of facilitating the AMHS and ensuring the safety of vehicles travelling on the connector road.
Why we are consulting
Traffic regulations are being prepared which are required to be laid before the Scottish Parliament in early 2021. A mandatory requirement of the regulations is that the provisions to be included in the regulations are subject to consultation.
Respond to the consultation online