International and Scottish comparisons

Irish Speed Limit Review

Consideration has also been given to the outcomes of the Speed Limit Review that Ireland undertook in September 2023 (annex L of the National Speed Management Review - Milestone 3 report). The publication highlighted the benefits road safety policy and road safety practices can have in casualty reductions on the road network. It was concluded that the proposed approach to consider speed limit options in Scotland is broadly aligned to Ireland’s approach.

Reductions of Speed Limits in France

In addition, the adoption of new national speed limits has been actioned in France. They reduced their national speed limit for rural, single-carriageway roads from 56 mph to 50 mph in July 2018. This found that while the total number of injuries remained consistent the severity of the injuries reduced. In the 20 months after the change there was a 10% reduction in road fatalities outside built-up areas. This reduction was only seen on roads where speed limits had been changed. This shows that even a small decrease in average speed can significantly reduce the number and severity of accidents. This evidence supports Scotland's initiative to assess speed limits across its network.

A9 Average Speed Cameras and 50mph goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes Speed Limit Trial

In October 2014, the live operation of the A9 ASC system commenced. At the same time goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes speed limits on single carriageway sections was increased to 50mph. Evaluation of these measures showed a step change in driver behaviour and enhanced levels of speed limit compliance. Over the next 3 year period there was a significant (31%) reduction in the number of those being killed and seriously injured on the route.

Read further information at Road Safety | A9 Safety Group | Transport Scotland.

Goods Vehicles Over 7.5 Tonnes Speed Limit Increase in England

In April 2015 in England, the speed limits for goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes was increased from:

  • 40mph to 50mph on single carriageways
  • 50mph to 60mph on dual carriageways

The evaluation of this policy reported that on single carriageway and dual carriageways that average goods vehicles over 7.5 tonne speeds increased by 1.6mph and 0.6mph respectively.

With respect to road safety, the evaluation concluded that there is no impact to safety as a result of the policy.