Call to Construction Companies to deliver advance works on A9 Dualling

Firms are invited to apply to join a Framework which will deliver advance works – worth approximately £10m over four years – along the A9 route between Perth and Inverness in preparation for the start of the main construction work.

The Framework which will last for four years will deliver advance work such as site clearance, property demolition, access tracks, laybys, fencing, signage, drainage and piling.

It is anticipated that the Framework will be of interest to small to medium sized enterprises as well as large construction companies. Work will be grouped, with successful bidders able to join one or more of the following three lots;

  • Civil engineering works up to £250k
  • Civil engineering works from £250k to £2m
  • Piling works up to £350k

Contractors are expected to be appointed on to the Framework in November with the first work commissioned shortly after.

This latest milestone builds upon the recent Industry Day held in Perth where industry partners were able to hear more about upcoming contract opportunities under the A9 Dualling Programme. Keith Brown, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work said:

“This framework contract marks another major milestone in delivering the A9 Dualling Programme. Preparing the route in advance of the main construction work  will enable the main contractors to hit the ground running -  ensuring everything that can be done is being done. 

This contract underlines the Scottish Government’s commitment and continued significant investment towards ensuring that road users and the communities along the A9 get the 21st century road network they rightly deserve, which when completed will bring faster journey times, better journey time reliability and road safety improvements.”

The Contract Notice can be viewed on the Public Contract Scotland (PCS) website For further information on the A9 Dualling Programme please visit

Published 7 Jul 2017 Tags