A9 Dualling Perth to Inverness
- Date Completion expected 2035
- Status In preparation
- Budget £3.7 billion
One of Scotland's largest transport infrastructure programmes aims to upgrade 83 miles of single carriageway between Perth and Inverness.
View the A9 Dualling Perth to Inverness detailsThe dualling programme comprises the following 11 sections:
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The A9 team have a number of ways you can get in touch. If you are calling for media enquiries, please contact our press office on 0141 272 7195 or media@transport.gov.scot
The press team also provides a 24-hour media service for urgent media calls only. You can reach them by calling pager 07659 139 680
A9 Dualling Team
Transport Scotland
2nd Floor, George House
36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD Email A9dualling@transport.gov.scot Phone 0141 272 7100
Transport Scotland
2nd Floor, George House
36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD Email A9dualling@transport.gov.scot Phone 0141 272 7100
- Assessment of Delivery Plan Rescheduling and Acceleration Proposals - A9 Dualling
- Made Orders – A9 Dualling – Dalraddy to Slochd
- Draft Orders and Environmental Statement - Tomatin to Moy - A9 Dualling
- SRRB – Final Assessment of Geometric Layout of Type A Lay-bys
- Public exhibition summary report - November 2016 - Tomatin to Moy - A9 Dualling