A9 Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore

  • Status In preparation

This 11 km road from Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore is being upgraded to dual carriageway as part of a wider programme to improve the A9 between Perth and Inverness. The preferred route has been identified and is being taken forward to the next phase of the design work by our consultants, CH2MHill / Fairhurst Joint Venture. The estimated total scheme cost for preparation, procurement and construction of the project is £267m at April 2023 prices, which includes £29m spent up to 18/10/23.

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The A9 team have a number of ways you can get in touch. If you are calling for media enquiries, please contact our press office on 0141 272 7195 or media@transport.gov.scot The press team also provides a 24-hour media service for urgent media calls only. You can reach them by calling pager 07659 139 680

Address A9 Dualling Team
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
G4 0HF
Email A9dualling@transport.gov.scot Phone 0141 272 7100