Construction of AWPR/B-T Stonehaven Junction begins
Around 200,000m³ of earth, enough to fill 80 Olympic sized swimming pools, will be removed from this site to allow the new slip roads and junction to be built for the A90 southbound carriageway.
These works require temporary traffic signals for safety reasons, which will be manually controlled by the contractor, to be placed on the B979 Netherley Road to the north and south of the Dundee to Aberdeen railway line and on the A90 northbound slip road/B979 Netherly Road junction, for around two months.
A Transport Scotland spokesperson said:
“During these works, it will be necessary for the contractor to switch the temporary traffic signals to red for around six minutes on the A90 slip road and B979 Netherley Road. This will take place approximately twice every hour, between 7am and 7pm Monday to Saturday. A 40mph speed restriction will also be in place.
“When the signals turn red, around six heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) will take the materials excavated from the site of the new slip roads and transport them to one of the contractor’s processing plants for reuse in embankment construction. A road sweeper will ensure the road is safe to use before traffic is allowed to continue using this route.
“The temporary traffic signals will be manually controlled to minimise any inconvenience caused to road users and will be closely monitored at all times. They will remain at green at all other times where it is safe to do so.”
Variable message signs will be placed on the A90/B979 Netherley Road to inform drivers of the changed priorities at this location and potential delays.
Further information on major traffic management in this area and across the AWPR/B-T project can be found on the project website at