Section of C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road to close for Bypass
A section of the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road, from north of the Kirkhill crossroads up to an area close to Craibstone Golf Course, will close permanently from the week commencing 9 January 2017. Alternative routes have been identified for road users.
To join the A96 Aberdeen-Inverness Road using the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road, road users should turn right into Forrit Brae at Kirkhill crossroads then turn left onto the A96. There will be no right-hand turn out of Forrit Brae onto the A96. Road users wishing to travel east along the A96 will turn left onto the A96 westbound until they reach the Craibstone roundabout, where they can turn and re-join the A96 eastbound.
To join the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road from the A96, road users should turn left into Forrit Brae and join the C89C at Kirkhill crossroads. There will be no right-hand turn into Forrit Brae from the A96. Traffic travelling city-bound will need to use the Bankhead Avenue/Sclattie Park roundabout on the A96 to travel back along the A96 and make a left-hand turn into Forrit Brae.
Drivers heading north along the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road can access the golf course by turning west along the U90C Tulloch Road at Kirkhill crossroads. Drivers heading south along the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road from the A96 Aberdeen-Inverness Road will still be able to access the golf course as normal.
The permanent closure of this 200m section will enable the AWPR to be constructed through the closed section of the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road. When complete, this new section of AWPR will link up with the new bridge spanning the A96 to the west of Craibstone Roundabout.
An AWPR/B-T project spokesman said:
“Since the made orders were published back in 2010, it has been well publicised that a section of the C89C Chapel of Stoneywood to Fairley Road will have to permanently close as part of the AWPR/B-T works.
“The community liaison team is in the process of informing affected local residents and the local business community of the upcoming permanent closure of this road. It will also place signs on the road to notify road users of this change to the road layout.”
The AWPR/B-T project is expected to bring in an additional £6 billion to the north-east economy and create around 14,000 jobs over the next 30 years, including more than 1,000 jobs for the construction industry. There will also be tangible benefits for the business community and road users with better journey time reliability and reduced congestion.
Further details on this upcoming period of traffic management can be found at