Transport Secretary comments on weekly transport trends data

Commenting on the publication of the transport trends weekly data, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity Michael Matheson said:

“Our latest transport data confirms the early figures we had obtained from the weekend in terms of a significant rise in traffic and particularly across our tourist routes.

“I said earlier this week that these volumes go beyond what would be expected to be generated by local residents. Nor do these figures indicate that everyone is sticking to the guidance to stay within five miles of home or by people travelling a reasonable distance to meet loved ones.

“I understand that lockdown has been tough – and coupled with the fantastic weather we have experienced, I appreciate the temptation is there to travel further to see your friends and loved ones or to enjoy some of our most scenic routes. I would again ask that you follow the guidance to stay at home where you can or stay local where possible.

“Every contact with someone outside your household creates another opportunity for this virus to take a stronger hold in our communities. We need to continue to think carefully about how we travel and when we travel in order to protect ourselves and the people we care about. Even though the guidance has changed to allow us to catch up with those dearest to us after so much time apart, please remember that these are still not normal times and it shouldn’t feel like it – so please keep this in mind as you plan ahead.

“We all have a personal responsibility to keep each other safe and I’m confident that the majority of us will continue to do so.”

Advice on how to travel safely is available on the Transport Scotland website.

Infographics can be found at the Transport Scotland twitter page.

Published 3 Jun 2020 Tags