Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) - Main Committee Meeting Minutes - Tuesday 26 July 2022


  • Linda Bamford (LB) – Convener/Chair
  • Hilary Stubbs (HS) – Vice Convener
  • Audrey Birt (AB)
  • David Hunter (DH)
  • Graham Dunn (GD)
  • Joanne Devitt (JD)
  • Lynsey Shovlin (LS)
  • Michael Tornow (MT)
  • Naghat Ahmed (NA)
  • Simon Watkins (SW)
  • Susan Fulton (SF)


  • Vanessa Altweck (VA)
  • Jean Goodband (JG)

Transport Scotland - Sponsor and Accessible Travel Policy Team

  • Steven Dora (Team Leader and MACS Deputy Sponsor)
  • Lucy Logan (LL)


  • Heather Still (HS)

Agenda Item 1: Welcome, Apologies and Housekeeping

1.1 The Convener welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that action points would be allocated to owners and minutes circulated to the Committee within 10 days. The action points would be “chased up” by the Secretariat with the intent of being progressed and closed by the next Main Committee meeting in October 2022.

1.2  The Convener then confirmed all in attendance to assist with verbal orientation and listed apologies. She asked that everyone stay on mute unless speaking and raise their hand, electronic hand or ‘green card’ to speak. She remarked that the chat would not be monitored, but that anything important be brought to her attention.

1.3 The Convener ran through agenda items, timings and order, confirmed with attendees that they had received the papers including the Sponsor team update and the quarter two workstream update newsletter. 

Agenda Item 2: Approval of minutes, matters arising and update on action points from previous meeting

2.1 The Convener advised that April 2022 minutes had been circulated and revised minutes uploaded to the website.

2.2 Action 1: Sponsor team to urgently re-affirm with TS Digital Communications Team the need to upload documents to the MACS website quickly.  Deputy Sponsor and Secretariat had met with TS Digital Communications team to collectively identify any issues and look for opportunities to shorten upload timescales. The action was recorded as complete and the Convener noted that recent requests for upload have been actioned more quickly.

2.3 Action 2: Secretariat to share the NTS2 Delivery Board TOR with Committee and the membership for the Delivery Board and TEN Terms of Reference for National Transport Strategy 2 Delivery Board and Transport Equality Network has been sent to Committee. Agreed action completed and could be closed off.

2.4 Action 3: Sponsor team to clarify position regarding free bus travel for under 22’s and the existing concessions for disabled 16-18 year olds. Information on concessions and free bus travel under 22 has gone out to Committee, action to be closed off.

2.5 Action 4: Sponsor team to speak to aviation colleagues to facilitate enhanced engagement with MACS (both directly and via the sponsor team update). A more informative contribution had been provided by the TS Aviation policy team in the most recent Sponsor team update. The Sponsor team was continuing to look for opportunities to link with the aviation team, but there remained scope for a closer connection with MACS. Agreed to close off action but would continue to monitor.

2.5.1 The Convener suggested setting up bi-monthly meetings similar to the workstream meetings with Ferries team; the Vice Convener noted she would be meeting with Aviation team about islands impact assessments and was hoping to link-in then.

2.6 Action 5: Sponsor team to establish contact with DfT on PSVAR and provide an update. This would hopefully be picked up by TS (Deputy Sponsor - SD) before or at Four Nations meeting in October 2022. In the meantime, the Sponsor team are identifying a link at Department for Transport to pass on concerns about continued medium term exemptions extended to 2026. Action is on-going.

Action Point 1: Deputy Sponsor to raise concerns regarding the MTE for PSVAR as an outstanding action from the April 2022 MACS legislative main committee meeting (previous action point 5).

2.7 Action 6: Secretariat to investigate if and how MACS can be involved in writing the 20 Minute Neighbourhood guidance. The opportunity for this may have been missed but progress is unclear; action for Secretariat to check.

Action Point 2: Secretariat to check progress on previous action point 6: ‘if and how MACS can be involved in writing the 20 Minute Neighbourhood guidance.’

2.8  Action 7: Convener to write to the Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth requesting a meeting.

The action had been completed.  The Convener advised that a Ministerial Briefing note had been prepared and sent to the Secretariat, her understanding being that this had been forwarded to the Minister’s private office with a meeting request (accepted) and a doodle poll had been conducted to finalise a date. 

2.9 The Deputy Sponsor introduced Jean Goodband (JG) who had recently been appointed as Head of MACS Secretariat and advised that because this was her first day, JG was attending today’s meeting as an observer only.  The Convener welcomed JG to the meeting and team.

Agenda Item 3: Update from Convener

Recruitment and Selection update

3.1 The Convener explained that the shortlisting of applicants was complete with interviews scheduled for 23 and 24 August. Subject to the outcome of interviews, the preferred start date would be 1 October 2022.


3.2 The Convener confirmed that Committee member appraisal meeting dates were in the diary for next quarter; remaining dates would be confirmed soon by the appraiser. For those at the end of year one, comments would be sent in advance along with timescales for return. The Convener would confirm who would conduct appraisals moving forward. Initial comments would be sent two to three weeks in advance and should be returned one week in advance of appraisal date. The Convener summarised the purpose of appraisals; no surprises and these were one to ones and helped to identify any learning and development needs and what can be done to improve support to members.

3.2.1 The Convener noted that new members, and those who had joined post March 2020, would need MACS ID badges & all members would potentially need updated business cards. This had already been flagged to the Secretariat and would be provided by the October meeting.

Action Point 3: Secretariat to progress MACS member ID badges and business cards.

Proposed format for some consultation responses

3.3 The Convener explained that a new format was trialled recently with the ‘Disability Commissioner’ consultation. A facilitated discussion was held and a final document was drafted from email responses and meeting notes. The Convener noted that this may not work for all consultations, but asked if consultation leads would see any benefit from adopting this approach for cross workstream consultations such as the Fair Fares Review.

3.3.1 The Vice Convener responded that it was important for the whole Committee to have an opportunity to feed into consultations and that conducting input exclusively by correspondence sometimes produced limited engagement.  The development of a collective MACS view from dialogue in a dedicated meeting (facilitated by the Secretariat) could be a more valuable way to proceed with the Secretariat issuing the response.

3.3.2 AB felt such a format would have value as it was difficult to capture the Committee’s view from a single perspective. She had worked in tandem with the Secretariat on the ‘Disability Commissioner’ consultation with the Secretariat capturing meeting comments then AB drafting the response, which the Secretariat submitted and this had been a useful approach.

3.3.3 DH suggested that for routine responses, the Secretariat could unilaterally prepare a draft response to be approved by MACS. DH proposed action for the Secretariat to draft a “procedure note” with a flowchart outlining the process(es), which might be adopted such that if a consultation was clearly about a workstream issue (e.g. rail fares or bus), this would go to the worsktream lead who then consult their workstream members.

DH suggested that if a consultation cut across several of the Committee’s topics of interest (e.g. the Equality Evidence Data consultation), this should go to each of the Leads or the full Committee. DH also proposed that the consultation register be made visible to all members.

Action Point 4: Secretariat to provide a procedure note with a flowchart of consultations process.

Action Point 5: Secretariat to make consultation register visible to all.

3.3.4 The Convener agreed with DH’s proposal for allocating consultations and recapped: When the consultation comes in, and is identifiable as workstream specific, Secretariat would pass on to Workstream Lead who would circulate to members of their workstream.  Workstream areas of engagement were used to allocate unless consultation does not fit neatly into one area, then this would go to DH as consultation lead. If a discussion was required, Secretariat would set up a meeting and capture questions and comments, which would be used to draft final consultation response.

Agenda Item 4: Sponsor Team - paper and update

4.1 The Convener handed the floor to the Sponsor team to discuss the Sponsor team update paper provided. The Deputy Sponsor opened the floor for questions to the Committee.

4.2 AB found the document was very helpful and thanked the Sponsor team. AB asked for further details on MACS involvement with the Disability and Equality Plan from the Directorate of Equality and Human Rights.

4.2.1 The Deputy Sponsor explained the Accessible Travel Policy team had had little visibility of this work to date but has encountered it through drafting a reply to the Inclusion Scotland (IS) Shadow Report on the Rights of Disabled People submitted to United Nations.

The IS Chief Executive asked for views from the Minister for Transport. The Deputy Sponsor suggested taking an action to get in touch with Equality colleagues and feed back to MACS about timescales / opportunity for MACS involvement.

Action Point 6: Deputy Sponsor to enquire about timescales and opportunities for MACS engagement with the new Disability and Equality Plan from Directorate of Equality and Human Rights colleagues.

4.2.2 The Convener added that MACS has been asking to be involved with this work for a long time. MACS have requested to be a part of designing the Disability Equality Strategy, which came from the Fairer Scotland Report for Disabled People. This opportunity may have been missed as the plan was quite far along. The Equality and Human Rights Directorate met with all Disabled People Organisations (DPOs) for a workshop in June.

4.3 SF asked for a copy of the new Blue Badge paper application forms, which LL agreed to action. SF also asked about the status of the Inclusive Design guidance, which MACS had contributed to in the associated working group.

Action Point 7: LL to send copy of Blue Badge paper application to SF.

4.3.1 The Deputy Sponsor advised this work had paused briefly to conclude an internal discussion on ownership for the work moving forward, the next stage being a consultation exercise on the draft guidance. 

4.4 SF asked if MACS had given input on the electric vehicle infrastructure guidance. The Convener noted that a previous MACS member, had reviewed the draft guidance, but MACS have not had visibility of what came after. The Secretariat took an action to provide a link for SF to look for an opportunity to review in future.

Action Point 8: Secretariat to provide link to SF on electric vehicle infrastructure guidance

4.5 NA asked if the Blue Badge eligibility criteria would include other conditions and distinguish between physical and mental health.

4.5.1 LL confirmed work was on-going and conditions to include are still being identified. This work would require input from Health and Social Care colleagues to extend the motor neurone disease pilot.

4.5.2 NA highlighted that including hidden disability was just as important as visible, and recommended to keep both physical and hidden conditions in mind.

4.6 NA asked if the work from Rail Directorate on timetables has been affected by the rail strikes. The Deputy Sponsor acknowledged this was not his remit and would take action to find out.

Action Point 9: Deputy Sponsor to find out if Rail Directorate work on timetables was affected by current rail strikes.

4.7 NA asked if the transport to health section of the sponsor team update included work on the national advisory board. The Convener noted she and AB were meeting with the Scottish Government Primary Care team leading on Transport to Health and Social Care the following week and would pick this up then.

4.8 AB noted that she was struck by the terminology “transport to health care” in the update. Previously the term ‘health’ was used in the widest sense of the word, and need to add ‘social care’ as access to this service was equally important.

4.9 GD found the report very useful and thanked the Sponsor team. It was agreed that transport to health should include social care and he noted work on-going for new national care system. GD also confirmed that MACS had initial conversations about representation on the national advisory board.

GD also asked what feedback was given from local authorities (LAs) once the new Blue Badge Code of Practice was released. What were the main queries?

4.9.1 LL responded that queries mainly focused on the new application forms. LAs had been involved in the initial design, however they preferred applications through online systems. LL has highlighted the importance of making paper forms available. The other area most queried was the new Social Security Scotland benefits (Adult Disability Payment) and new eligibility criteria/guidance. A new code of practice has been accepted, but there were still queries around risk and traffic and hidden disability criteria, e.g. how individuals should be progressed, the answers need to come from the Social Security team.

4.10 GD referred to the Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Act 2022. This included a requirement for LAs to produce guidance on what accessible vehicles are available and linked in to driver training. With new legislation in place, taxi operators were not able to charge more for provision of accessible vehicles and thus some operators had ceased this service entirely. GD suggested that we ensure accessibility was part of that discussion going forward.

4.10.2 LL speculated that the requirements of the new Act may have been misinterpreted by taxi providers. They cannot charge disabled people more for the provision of accessible vehicles, but have applied this to any larger vehicle.  Guidance on the operation of the Act provisions was being prepared.  

4.10.3 GD highlighted the human rights issue, as transport was an enabler and falls between a lot of different areas. Transport enables human rights and should be part of any plan in relation to human rights. The Deputy Sponsor agreed.

4.11 MT enquired about the progress of the inclusive design guidance and asked for visibility of the current draft. MT was involved in the design of the Avenues project, for which meetings are happening shortly, and it would be useful to be informed about the practice of design statements from the government.

4.11.1 The Deputy Sponsor noted that the consultant’s report was already published. MT noted this piece of work has been years in the making, but there had been a lack of progress updates. The Deputy Sponsor responded that the research project had been published and there has been some agreement on guidance. He committed to find out if documentation was available and what stage the guidance was at. The Convener agreed that MACS should have an opportunity to see and comment on the draft.

Action Point 10: Deputy Sponsor to find out what documentation is available and what stage the Inclusive Design guidance is at.
4.12 JD asked for a copy of the Blue Badge application form.

Action Point 11: LL to send new Blue Badge application form to JD.

Agenda Item 5: Workstream Leads Update – Any key points or new areas of engagement not covered in super report or virtual meetings

Planning and Strategy – DH

5.1 DH noted the Fair Fares review meeting scheduled for next week.

5.2 DH confirmed on-going discussions were taking place with Social Security Scotland (SSS) on setting up a Motability user group. He had also confirmed MACS’ comments on statistics had been passed to Paul Sloan.

5.3 DH gave update on work for the second National Transport Strategy (NTS2) delivery plan and monitoring and evaluation report. It was published in June 2022, without MACS being notified and DH raised concerns with NTS2 governance arrangements.

DH asked the Vice Convener if the Transport Equalities Network (TEN) group had met recently to discuss input to either delivery plan or monitoring evaluation report; noting weaknesses in both and that MACS was not involved in either.

5.3.1 The Vice Convener responded it had been weeks since the last TEN group meeting and she was not aware of any release; noting they usually included a summary in monthly reports.

5.3.2 DH proposed action for Secretariat to source a copy of the new NTS2 delivery plan and monitoring and evaluation report, and to find out when the TEN were holding their next meeting.

Action Point 12: Secretariat to source the new NST2 Delivery Plan  monitoring and evaluation report and circulate to Planning and Strategy workstream.

Action Point 13: Secretariat to find out the TEN meeting schedule.

5.4 DH confirmed that the Just Transition report was shared with his workstream. He felt the strategic document did not grasp the issues MACS addressed, with no mention of disabled people. DH proposed that MACS write to the chair of the Just Transition Commission with a copy of the MACS annual report and asking that issues raised by MACS feature in future reports (e.g. reduction of 20% in car kilometres by 2030, reducing the mobility gap for mobility of disabled people).

5.4.1 The Convener advised that there was on-going engagement with the Just Transition Commission. The Just Transition team had been invited to the 4 October 2022 meeting and already have visibility of MACS annual report.

5.4.2 SW agreed it may be worth writing anyway in advance of the October meeting to highlight MACS’ concerns.

5.4.3 The Convener noted that she had completed a brief and email invitation and would forward to Secretariat.

Action Point 14: The Convener to send the Just Transition team meeting invitation to the Secretariat and Secretariat to coordinate meeting.

Lunch break

Agenda Item 6: Workstream Leads Update – Any key points or new areas of engagement not covered in super report or virtual meetings

Ferries and Aviation – HS, Vice Convener

6.1 The Vice Convener confirmed she had been unable to attend a recent Disabled Person’s Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) meeting in Leeds in person due to scheduling issues, but would attend the next meeting (in person) in London.

6.2 The Vice Convener also confirmed that ferry cancellations were an on-going issue; the report shared by DH noted high percentages of people planning to leave the island with 26% of all Arran sailings cancelled.

6.3 The Vice Convener noted the Islands Connectivity Plan meeting scheduled in August at the request of the Ferries team and also noted the good working relationship with the TS Ferries team and was hoping to develop a similar relationship with the Aviation policy team, as island connectivity was managed mainly through ferry and air.

6.4 The Vice Convener noted she was unable to attend the British Aviation Conference due to rail strikes, as there was no virtual attendance option, but has summaries of presentations and meetings/connections. The Civil Aviation Authority grading has been paused due to current air travel issues.

6.5 The Convener asked for an update on the aviation industry consultation, specifically the section on special assistance.

6.5.1 The Vice Convener responded that regarding damage to wheelchairs during air travel; the aviation agency was focused on addressing current issues with delayed flights, but all UK airports were graded according to accessibility. No further contact had taken place, but would be picked up at next DPTAC meeting.

6.5.2 The Convener noted the recent increase in cases of damage to wheelchairs resulting from baggage handling issues. Individuals affected had been advised to claim through house insurance, which should not be the case.

6.6 DH noted the Sponsor mentioned that Round 7 of the Ferries Accessibility Fund had been successful and enquired about a potential round 8.

6.6.1 The Vice Convener responded it was unlikely that another round of funding would be made available shortly, as the ferries plan was coming to an end. There was likely to be a new way forward via island connectivity plan.

6.7 The Convener asked about plans on the Northlink App, disability awareness training and work on, disability hate crime awareness training linked to the accessible travel framework.

6.7.1 The Vice Convener responded that the Northlink App was turned down by the assessment panel and no further research has been completed.

6.7.2 DH suggested the Vice Convener take action to confirm if results had been published on the latest ferry accessibility round.

Action Point 15: Vice Convener to confirm if results have been published on the latest ferry accessibility round.

Bus, Taxis and Community Transport – AB

6.8 AB gave a readout of a recent meeting with the Community Transport Association’s (CTA) new Director for Scotland, David Kelly, and highlighted the main points from the discussion:

  • Impact of cost of living/fuel crisis on volunteer drivers: some volunteers were reimbursed whilst others absorbed travel costs. Rising fuel prices meant less volunteers would be able to cover their costs. CTA was lobbying for an increase from the 45p per mile rate;
  • AB suggested 55p per mile may be more suitable, and need to consider differences of long versus short journeys, rural versus city access.
  • Impact of moving away from petrol and diesel vehicles; funding was available from the Energy Saving Trust due to high cost of electric vehicles.
  • A mapping project was underway of CTA’s 166 members of transport providers; the report would be available in September.
  • Work was underway to review the MIDAS training (including accessibility issues) to community transport providers; this might provide a template for taxi driver training.
  • CTA conference in September; AB noted she may not be able to attend as it was in-person attendance only.

6.8.1 GD noted he would be attending the CTA conference in September as a speaker on electric vehicles. GD continued that MIDAS training had been highlighted on the development day and this seemed to be most accessible training in transport but people with lived experience need to be included. GD noted it was difficult to receive funding for volunteer driver reimbursement schemes and if the mileage rate was increased this could become even more difficult. GD also noted the mileage rate increases when transporting more than one person and decreases over a certain amount of miles.

6.8.2 SF added that some LAs dropped their rate from 45p to 40p five to eight years ago.

6.9 DH highlighted the Community Bus Fund (CBF) scheme and Bus Partnership Fund (BPF) in the NTS2 delivery plan. DH suggested Secretariat/Sponsor team follow up with AB and take action to discuss opportunities with bus colleagues to improve accessibility with remaining funds.

Action Point 16: Secretariat/Sponsor team to follow up with AB, to discuss opportunities with bus colleagues to improve accessibility with remaining funds from community bus fund scheme and bus partnership fund.

6.10 The Convener suggested that MACS could offer support to CTA by stating MACS were aware of the financial challenges and that the CTA provided a vital lifeline service to many disabled people (an others within communities). She also noted MIDAS training was due a refresh and suggested AB contact the Scottish Rural and Island Transport Committee (SRITC) who were also reviewing training to see if there is any shared learning opportunities.

Action Point 17: Convener to send Scottish Rural and Island Transport Committee main contact details to AB.

6.11 GD noted that many community transport services incurred a charge and reiterated the importance of subsidies to these services. GD highlighted that £500 million funding was a capital fund through the Bus Service Improvement Partnership Board; current focus was on reducing journey times for buses e.g. by installing new bus corridors.

Rail – SW

6.12 SW reported that MACS had asked ScotRail to monitor passenger-assist uptake post-COVID. Rail usage at start of the year had returned to 60-70%, with a slower return for passenger-assist at only 30% uptake.

6.13 SW updated that Great British Railways would be the new central governing body for rail and would set new regulations (e.g. timetables) for operators. This was comparable to British Rail operating as the main body with subcontracts below. An accessibility duty would be a core part of primary legislation and a working group had been created to write accessibility policy. Open consultation on the white paper outlined the duty of accessibility and gave DPTAC policing powers. As only England are covered by DPTAC, a memorandum of understanding would be agreed between MACS and DPTAC.

6.14 SW noted the workstream had visited Glasgow subway to examine work to introduce new wheelchair accessible rolling stock next year. However, lift access was only achieved at two of the 15 stations; operators said it was difficult to install lifts at single platform stations.

6.15 SW said that MACS had not been consulted on the Policy Compendium for the Nationalisation of ScotRail report before being shared more widely. Accessibility was included in the report, but focused was now on future plans. SW voiced concerns about the process and treatment of MACS as an external body rather than critical friend and Ministerial advisory body.

6.15.1 GD noted that as a previous Strathcylde Passenger Transport (SPT) employee he was aware of the £280 million awarded to upgrade stations. There had always been only two lifts in the entire network and more emphasis should have been given to accessibility when funding was awarded three years back.

6.15.2 The Convener agreed, having found previously used this service but now found it difficult or impossible to access Glasgow subway as a wheelchair user. MT added there had been mention of building additional lifts at other stations (e.g. Partick station), but not progressed due to lack of funds. MACS registered their disappointment given what funds had been allocated and spent without due consideration of accessibility needs.

6.16 MT noted SPT colleagues asked for preference of fire evacuation from inaccessible stations.

6.16.1 The Convener advised her personal preference was to be supported to the next safe station (safe place and for holding) even if it was not accessible, rather than waiting to be rescued at the accessible station on fire.

6.16.2 SF added the Fire Act places the responsibility of fire evacuations to building operators. She also noted Network Rail colleagues had been seconded to the new Great British Railways and voiced concerns about lack of new and fresh ideas on accessibility.

6.17 SW concluded the accessibility transition team lead also sits on the board at DPTAC.

Roads, Infrastructure and Active Travel – SF

6.18 SF updated on a proposal of the National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board. MACS confirmed interest in participation, but noted a significant time commitment. MT may take up this role.

6.19 SF updated that England had appointed an Active Travel Commissioner and that the Active Nation Commissioner for Scotland had recently completed their first term.

Action Point 18: Secretariat to find out if Scotland’s Active Nation Commissioner, would be replaced.

6.20 DH asked if the Blue Badge application procedure could follow a similar model to Adult Disability Payments, i.e. once the level of support is decided renewal was automatic. This would benefit those with lifetime or indefinite awards and prevent the cost and bureaucracy of two to three years renewals.

DH also advised the Committee of the International Mobility Summit in Copenhagen. Agenda items included discussions on the first and last mile, accessibility and attendance was virtual only. DH asked the Sponsor team if there were any plans of holding another national accessibility conference in Scotland.

6.20.1 The Convener agreed that indefinite or lifetime awards for the Blue Badge scheme could be frustrating.

6.20.2 LL responded that Blue Badge team receive a lot of feedback around this topic. There were no plans for lifetime blue badges as the focus was on streamlining the process for those with lifelong conditions.

6.20.3 SF added LAs were steering away from paper copy applications and not thinking about end users.

An example of this was not sending large print to visually impaired individuals causing frustration around having to wait until their carer comes to support.

6.20.4 The Convener observed her Blue Badge renewal this year had been easier than previous years; the online process only was completed in 5 minutes.

6.21 The Convener advised of an outstanding question for the Sponsor team on plans for a national accessibility conference.

6.21.1 The Deputy Sponsor confirmed there were no current plans for an annual conference. He noted current plans of reviewing the Accessible Travel Framework process, which has been superseded to some extent by other policy vehicles like the National Transport Strategy 2.

6.21.2 DH responded that MACS had spoken with previous Sponsor team on the potential for Scotland to host an international conference on the ‘Just Transition’ and what accessible transport for an environmental low carbon future would look like for disabled people.  There were some concerns around removal of disabled parking spaces, low emission zones in Scottish cities, impacts of cycling infrastructure etc. All European cities were grappling with similar issues, i.e. how to cut car travel but not disenfranchise disabled people dependent on vehicle usage.

6.21.3 DH also highlighted other conferences such as TransED in Seattle, USA and the Rehabilitation International in Edinburgh (2015). DH suggested a scoping exercise of the most influential conferences (e.g. STAR, transport awards), as it was important for MACS to be visible, collect feedback from disabled people and demonstrate what MACS was doing.

Action Point 19: Secretariat to scope most influential travel accessibility conferences.

6.21.4 DH concluded the accessible transport event organised previously had been of limited value and a conference should not be organised until aims were agreed and benefits understood.

6.21.5 The Deputy Sponsor agreed and noted the need for value in attendance. He advised that it currently would not be best use of time and resource, and had potential to distract from delivery.

6.21.6 The Vice Convener agreed with the Deputy Sponsor and suggested focusing on establishing foundations e.g. improving the Accessible Travel Framework delivery and monitoring of progress. The Vice Convener added the conference required a lot of planning and attendees were the same as current network.

Agenda Item 7: Key Messages for Twitter

7.1 The Convener suggested the message of valuing the service community transport provides and highlight the current financial challenges.

7.1.1 AB added she could share CTA campaign on Twitter to improve awareness and invite others to join.

Agenda Item 8: AOB

8.1 MT asked about progress on preparing for MACS hybrid meetings.

8.1.1 The Convener responded explaining the developing plans to host the full Committee meeting in October 2022 as a hybrid meeting and the Secretariat would conduct a “dummy run” to test equipment and acoustics.

8.1.2 MT confirmed he would like to be involved in the testing process.

8.1.3 The Convener responded that the Secretariat was in contact with IT to find best solution for the meeting, including setup of the room, full room view on camera, hearing loops and space for wheelchair users.

8.2 The Convener thanked the Committee for their attendance and input and thanked the Secretariat for the smooth process leading up the meetings; with agendas and meeting links sent out on time.


Action List

  1. Deputy Sponsor to raise concerns regarding the MTE for PSVAR as an outstanding action from the April 2022 MACS legislative main committee meeting (previous action point 5). - Ongoing
  2. Secretariat to check progress on previous action point 6: ‘if and how MACS can be involved in writing the 20 Minute Neighbourhood guidance.' - Ongoing
  3. Secretariat to progress MACS member ID badges and business cards. - Ongoing
  4. Secretariat to design flowchart of consultations process. - Ongoing
  5. Secretariat to make consultation register visible to all. - Ongoing
  6. Deputy Sponsor to enquire about timescales and opportunities for MACS engagement with the new Disability and Equality Plan from Directorate of Equality and Human Rights colleagues. - Ongoing
  7. LL to send copy of Blue Badge paper application to SF. - Completed
  8. Secretariat to provide link to SF on electric vehicle infrastructure guidance. - Ongoing
  9. Deputy Sponsor to find out if Rail Directorate work on timetables was affected by current rail strikes. - Ongoing
  10. Deputy Sponsor to find out what documentation is available and what stage the Inclusive Design guidance is at. - Ongoing
  11. LL to send new Blue Badge application form to JD. - Completed
  12. Secretariat to source the new NST2 Delivery Plan monitoring and evaluation report and circulate to Planning and Strategy workstream. - Ongoing
  13. Secretariat to find out the TEN meeting schedule. - Ongoing
  14. The Convener to send the Just Transition team meeting invitation to the Secretariat and Secretariat to coordinate meeting. - Completed
  15. Vice Convener to confirm if results have been published on the latest ferry accessibility round. - Ongoing
  16. Secretariat/Sponsor team to follow up with AB, to discuss opportunities with bus colleagues to improve accessibility with remaining funds from community bus fund scheme and bus partnership fund. - Ongoing
  17. Convener to send Scottish Rural and Island Transport Committee contact details to AB. - Completed
  18. Secretariat to find out if Scotland’s Active Nation Commissioner, would be replaced. - Completed
  19. Secretariat to scope most influential travel accessibility conferences. - Ongoing