Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) – Minutes of Quarterly Board Meeting - 30 April 2024


  • Linda Bamford, MACS Convener (LB)
  • Simon Watkins, MACS Vice-Convener & Rail Lead (SW)
  • Anne MacLeod, MACS Ferries & Aviation Lead (AM)
  • Lesley Macinnes, MACS Public & Community Transport Lead (LM)
  • Lynn Pilkington, MACS Planning, Strategy & Engagement Lead (LP)
  • Susan Fulton, MACS Active Travel & Infrastructure Lead (SF)
  • Catherine Barile, MACS Member (CB)
  • Joanne Devitt, MACS Member (JD)
  • Michael Tornow, MACS Member (MT)
  • Naghat Ahmed, MACS Member (NA)
  • Cllr Scott Arthur, The City of Edinburgh Council - Transport & Environment Committee Convener (SA)
  • GB, The City of Edinburgh Council - Head of Network Management and Enforcement
  • AS, Transport Scotland - Head of Transport Futures
  • DnL, Transport Scotland - Public Transport Strategy Team Leader
  • DKA, MACS - Head of Secretariat
  • DvL, Transport Scotland - Transport Futures Policy Manager
  • JM, Transport Scotland - Head of Transport Strategy
  • KA, Transport Scotland - Strategy and Engagements Officer
  • MAK, MACS - Secretariat Policy & Support Officer (Minutes)


  • Elliot Cooper, MACS Planning, Strategy & Engagement Lead (EP)
  • Lynsey Shovlin, MACS Member (LS)
  • Zara Todd, MACS Member (ZT)
  • BS, MACS Sponsor & Transport Scotland - Head of Stakeholder Engagement

Purpose of meeting:

Legislative Board Meeting where the Committee will hear from SA and GB from The City of Edinburgh Council on the enforcement of Pavement Parking legislation in their local authority and from AS, DnL and DvL on the publication of the Fair Fares Review.

Discussion Points:

1. Welcome, Apologies and Housekeeping

  • LB welcomed everyone to the meeting and confirmed those in attendance. She outlined the specifics of Board meetings; the legislative requirement, that they occur quarterly, the minutes should be with the Committee within 10 working days.
  • LB announced that Graham Dunn has resigned from the Committee and expressed thanks for his work as Co-Lead of the Public & Community Transport Workstream, wishing him all the best in his future endeavours.
  • LM will now lead on the Public & Community Transport Workstream.

2. Approval of minutes, matters arising and update on action points from previous meeting

  • DKA agreed to take ownership of Action Points 1 and 2 from BS.

Action Point 1: Sponsor to get an update from the relevant teams on both of SF’s points in relation to EV (electric vehicle) charging points and who is going to be carrying out EqIAs (Equality Impact Assessments) in relation to the Active Travel Fund.

Action Point 2: Sponsor to follow up on concerns raised about the continued rollout of ‘floating bus stops and the appetite to see an EqIA be carried out in relation to these with the relevant team.

  • All other actions from the January 2024 Board Meeting were agreed as complete or being progressed and as such could now be closed.
  • The Committee approved the minutes from the previous Board meeting.

3. Spotlight Session – Pavement Parking

  • SA and GB presented to the Committee on Pavement Parking in Edinburgh.

4. Spotlight Session - Pavement Parking Q&A

  • MT asked how the local authority managed streets and private land. SA and GB explained that they cannot enforce Pavement Parking legislation on private land but there is an appetite from residents to do so.
  • LM asked how long-term implementation would work. GB confirmed that they are exploring additional enforcement measures in key areas and continued communication campaigns.
  • SF asked about cycle tracks and GB confirmed powers are limited to pavements only but again they are seeking additional powers.
  • SF also asked about other local authorities not enforcing the legislation. SA explained that some do not have parking enforcement teams.
  • CB asked if there were a theme to complaints about the enforcement and SA noted that some complaints cited a ‘right’ to park outside their property.
  • LP asked how the impact and awareness generated from the public communications campaign was measured. GB said that he can ask colleagues to collate analysis and share with MACS.

Action Point 3: GB to share public communications campaign analysis with MACS once available.

  • LB thanked SA and GB for taking the time to present to the Committee and for their approach and success on enforcing the Pavement Parking Ban legislation. LB stated that the approach taken by Edinburgh City Council should be seen as an exemplar of good practice and she hoped other local authorities would follow this lead.
  • SA will share slides to be circulated with MACS members.

Action Point 4: SA to share presentation slides.

5. Comfort Break

6. Spotlight Session – Fair Fares Review

  • AS, DnL and DvL presented to the Committee on the recent publication of the Fair Fares Review.

7. Spotlight Session – Fair Fares Review Q&A

  • AM welcomed the pilot project to extend free travel on rail services for companions accompanying blind passengers who are concessionary travel card holders. She asked how long this will run for and if there any plans to extend this to include ferries or include people who are not blind but require a travel companion. AS said that they are still scoping this work, and it would be worth taking this forward as part of the subgroup.
  • SW noted that there was a point in time where ScotRail had recovered worse in terms of passenger numbers than any other rail company post-pandemic, and asked if that has since changed. AS did not have that data at hand but stated that there is an interim evaluation expected imminently for the removal of peak fares pilot and a full evaluation where he will take that question to analysts and come back when the information is available.

Action Point 6: AS to share information on ScotRail’s recovery post-pandemic once available.

  • LB sought reassurance that reducing car use by increasing cost was not the intent of the work around the 20% reduction strategy (mentioned in the FFR report) as this would negatively impact on disabled people, many of whom rely on their car as a mobility aid and this approach would increase the cost of private taxis, again heavily relied on by disabled people. AS assured that this was not the intention, and the intention is to make public transport more affordable and will ensure clearer messaging on the issue.
  • LB noted MACS disappointment on the decision not to pilot concessionary travel for disabled people on rail and asked if they could reopen dialogue in that area. AS assured that dialogue will remain open.
  • SW asked why the possibility that concessionary cards could be used by non-residents using the Edinburgh Tramline was not explored within the Fair Fares Review given that trams were one of the most accessible modes of transport. AS said that this was not assessed as the team had to prioritise options raised by stakeholders or ministers.
  • LB asked if they had explored the possibility of increasing concessionary travel age from 60 to 67 (to align with retirement age). She also asked if they could determine the split in the concessionary travel budget for under 22s, age 60 to 67s and disabled people’s travel cards. AS informed that there was a clear commitment from ministers to maintain benefits for all who receive them and no change in eligibility. AS will have colleagues take the second question away and update with the data when available.
  • LB suggested that part of the increase in concessionary travel and the drop in “fair box revenue” could be linked to paying passengers commuting to work switching from paying to concessions from age 60-67.

Action Point 6: AS to share data around the concessionary travel budget when available.

  • LB thanked AS, DnL and DvL for taking the time to present to the Committee on the Fair Fares Review and looks forward to continuing dialogue once the subgroup is set up. LB asked for assurances that MACS would be invited onto the subgroup.

8. Workstream Leads Update

  • SW met with the Rail Lead for DPTAC, Dave Partington. He also noted that Labour have come out in support of nationalisation and Great British Railways, which could give stability/consistency depending on outcomes of any UK general elections
  • AM let the Committee know that the MACS Response to the Islands Connectivity Plan Consultation is now complete and ready to be submitted.
  • DKA updated on the most recent Public & Community Transport meeting on behalf of LM. The Workstream will revisit the Fair Fares Review and the Secretariat will pull a briefing together on Bus Franchising for the Workstream to develop a position. Other issues such as rurality, digitisation, and automated vehicles were discussed.
  • SF is looking at running a questionnaire for local authorities to explore why they are struggling to implement the Pavement Parking Ban. She further updated that the Active Travel & Infrastructure Workstream have formed a great working relationship with the Scottish Road Works Commissioner and are looking to develop a Disability Awareness training package for them. SF asked the Committee to share any pictures of roadworks set ups near them.

Action Point 7: Secretariat to send out a call for pictures of roadworks from members.

  • LP reminded the Committee that there will be an informal drop-in session to help inform MACS submission to the Disability Commissioner Consultation in two days’ time.

9. Any Other Business

  • DKA updated that MAK was successful in gaining a six-month temporary promotion to work in the Roads Directorate and will be transferring post at the end of May. The Committee congratulated her, wished her well and looked forward to welcoming her back post secondment.

10. Close

  • LB closed the meeting and thanked the Committee for their attendance and participation.


Status: In progress

Action: 1. Secretariat to get an update from the relevant teams on both of SF’s points in relation to EV (electric vehicle) charging points and who is going to be carrying out EqIAs (Equality Impact Assessments) in relation to the Active Travel Fund.

Owner: DKA

Status: In progress

Action: 2. Secretariat to follow up on concerns raised about the continued rollout of ‘floating bus stops and the appetite to see an EqIA be carried out in relation to these with the relevant team.

Owner: DKA

Status: Complete

Action: 3. GB to share public communications campaign analysis with MACS once available.

Owner: MAK

Status: Complete

Action: 4. SA to share presentation slides.

Owner: MAK

Status: Incomplete

Actions: 5. AS to share information on ScotRail’s recovery post-pandemic once available.

Owner: MAK/DKA

Status: Incomplete

Action: 6. AS to share data around the concessionary travel budget when available.

Owner: MAK/DKA

Status: Complete

Actions: 7. Secretariat to send out a call for pictures of roadworks from members.

Status: Complete