GoNorthEast launches in run-up to completion

Plans for how the North East will celebrate the opening of the AWPR/B-T project have been announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work, Keith Brown, Aberdeen City Council Co-Leaders Councillor Jenny Laing and Councillor Douglas Lumsden, and Leader of Aberdeenshire Council Councillor Jim Gifford.
The focal point of the campaign will be a Community Weekend of family-orientated events and activities (8th and 9th of September 2018) which is planned to take place on the AWPR in the River Dee valley on the boundary between Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.
It will be a ‘fete style’ event with attractions including a celebration of travel through the ages with vintage vehicles and future electric vehicle technology. There will also be unique opportunities for cyclists of a wide range of abilities to experience the road before strategic traffic begins using it in earnest and cyclists get to enjoy the benefits of less congested city roads.
This will be supported by the GoNorthEast campaign which will underline the benefits of this transformational project and show how these will positively impact on people’s lives and the future of businesses, small and large across the North East. This will use the hashtags #GoConnect, #GoSafer, #GoGreener, to highlight the key positive impacts of the route on the economy, on safety and on sustainable travel. Ambassadors for these key themes, Russell Borthwick, Chief Executive of Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, Emma Bellu, Chief Executive of Absafe and Derick Murray, Director of Nestrans, also attended the launch.
More details on the event will be made available via media and social media in due course.