
This 25 km road from Dalraddy to Slochd is being upgraded to dual carriageway as part of a wider programme to improve the A9 between Perth and Inverness. Design work is being taken forward by our consultants Atkins Mouchel Joint Venture.

Road Orders and Compulsory Purchase Order

The Road Orders and Compulsory Purchase Order were made on 13 November 2024 and came into force on 06 December 2024. The road Orders define the line of the proposed route from Dalraddy to Slochd and the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) defines the extent of the land required to deliver the project.

Draft Orders and Environmental Statement

We have completed DMRB (Design Manual for Roads and Bridges) Stage 3 and published the draft Orders and Environmental Statement for the project on 28 August 2018.

The draft road Orders define the line of the proposed route from Dalraddy to Slochd with the draft Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) defining the extent of the land required to deliver the project.

An oral Public Local Inquiry session was not required for this project, however a number of objections not withdrawn were considered by the Reporter appointed by the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) of the Scottish Government.

The Reporter issued her report to Scottish Ministers in April 2021. Scottish Ministers published their decision notice in November 2021 which concluded that the Orders should be made.

Community engagement

Engagement with directly affected communities and businesses is at the heart of Transport Scotland’s projects and is a vital part of our work as we develop our ambitious plans to dual the A9 between Perth and Inverness. These engagement events regularly take place along the route.

You can find details of engagement events and exhibition material to download below:

Environmental Statement and Draft Orders – September 2018

Details of the Environmental Statement and Draft Orders for the Project will be displayed at the exhibitions and representatives from Transport Scotland and our consultants AMJV (Atkins Mouchel Joint Venture) will be available to answer questions relating to the statutory processes.

Details of the Dalraddy to Slochd public exhibitions:

  • Thursday 20 September – 12noon - 8.00pm – Aviemore Community Centre, Muirton, Aviemore, PH22 1SF
  • Friday 21 September – 11.00am – 5.00pm – Carrbridge Village Hall, Main Street, Carrbridge, PH23 3BB

Public drop-in - November / December 2017

Public drop-in events are taking place in Aviemore on 30 November 2017, and Carrbridge on 1 December 2017. The sessions will give visitors an opportunity to see the development of the design following identification of the preferred route earlier this year. This will include details on access and side road arrangements, Non-Motorised User (NMU) provision, drainage design and the location of lay-bys.

Preferred Option - March 2017

Public exhibitions were held in Aviemore on Thursday 2 March and Carrbridge on Friday 3 March 2017 to let locals and road users see and comment on the preferred option for the Dalraddy to Slochd project.

Exhibition materials

Change of address for AMJV Stakeholder and Lands team

Please note that from 9 March 2018 the Atkins Mouchel Joint Venture Stakeholder and Lands team are based at:

Atkins Mouchel Joint Venture
110 Queen Street
G1 3BX

Designing the route

The project has a number of considerations in the ongoing design process:

  • the northern extent of the section beyond Black Mount Junction is severely constrained by the hard geology, the railway and the need to widen the 3-span 145m Slochd Beag Underbridge
  • the River Dulnain Underbridge (3 spans and 80m across) will require widening
  • there is peat present in the area
  • this section contains 21 Non-Motorised User (NMU) crossing points
  • the southern part of this section is important from an environmental perspective. It contains multiple SAC (Special Area of Conservation), SPA (Special Protection Area), SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) sites, a nature reserve and ancient woodland.