17 Summary of Key Impacts
17 Summary of Key Impacts
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This chapter presents a summary of the key environmental impacts associated with this particular road improvement scheme.
17.2 Environmental Impact Table
An Environmental Impacts Table (Table 17.1) has been prepared for the scheme, the purpose of which is to present the main predicted residual impacts associated with the scheme in summarised form.
The table includes the following:
- Description of the potential impact;
- Sensitivity/value of the receptor;
- Significance of impact without mitigation;
- Mitigation objective and commitment to address specified impact;
- Significance of the impact with mitigation in place; and
- Duration of the impact.
A description of likely effects for the ‘do nothing’ should the scheme not be developed has also been included, and mainly comprises a no change situation for the existing site conditions.
The mitigation measures reference in Table 17.1 are described in more detail in Chapters 5 to 16 and summarised into a Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (see Chapter 18).
Table 17.1. Environmental Impacts Table.
Description of Predicted Impact |
Sensitivity /Value of Receptor |
Significance of Impact Without Mitigation |
Mitigation Measure/s |
Significance of Impact With Mitigation |
Beneficial or Adverse Duration of Impact (long, medium, short term) |
Description of Predicted Effects |
Deterioration in air quality at receptors within 200m of development (five properties). |
Negligible |
Not significant |
No specific mitigation required, but best practice adhered to. A1 |
Not significant |
Adverse, long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Overall deterioration in NO2 and PM10 for three properties. |
Negligible |
Not significant |
No specific mitigation required, but best practice adhered to. A1 |
Not significant |
Adverse, long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
No change in NO2 and PM10 for one property. |
Negligible |
Not significant |
No specific mitigation required, but best practice adhered to. A1 |
Not significant |
Insignificant |
No change from existing situation. |
Improvement in NO2 and PM10 for one property. |
Negligible |
Not significant |
No specific mitigation required, but best practice adhered to. A1 |
Not significant |
Beneficial, long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Potential effect on Sites 24 and 26 due to creation of new widened road alignment. |
Local - Negligible |
Slight |
Mitigation will not be required to address this impact. Avoidance through careful site working and fencing. |
None |
Adverse, long term |
No change from existing situation. |
Loss, damage or severance of previously unrecorded sites/remains. |
Not known |
Not known – no significant impact anticipated |
Confirm with Historic Scotland whether or not any field evaluation is required within new areas of land take in advance of site clearance/ construction works. C1 |
Not known – no significant impact anticipated |
Adverse |
No change from existing situation. |
Discovery of new features due to earthworks, adding to archaeological knowledge of area. (Recording of features and/or excavation if need to be removed). |
Not known |
N/A |
Contractor to be vigilant during construction in case of disturbing unrecorded sites and made aware of potential for site discovery. C2, C3 |
N/A |
Beneficial |
No change from existing situation. |
Changes in access arrangements for Marldene (private property). |
Medium |
Slight |
Relocation of existing access arrangements. L6 |
Slight |
Adverse |
Existing access arrangement unchanged. |
Loss of community land (at Magazine Wood lay-by). |
Medium |
Slight |
Creation of new lay-by facility. L1, L5 |
Slight |
Adverse |
Lay-by and its use remains unchanged. |
Loss of agricultural land: |
Whitburgh Farm. |
Medium |
Negligible |
Minimisation of land take; minimisation of public utility diversion; re-use of excavated agricultural soil; restoration of disturbed land as far as possible; and compensation for loss of land / installation of stock holding pens at Longfaugh Farm. L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6 |
Negligible |
Adverse |
No land take. |
Longfaugh Farm. |
Medium |
Slight |
Slight |
Adverse |
Saughland Farm. |
High |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Adverse |
Loss of existing field gates and other access points: |
Whitburgh Farm. |
Medium |
Negligible |
Minimisation of disturbance; compensation for loss of access; and relocation of existing access arrangements / provision of new tracks. L6, L7, L8 |
Negligible |
Adverse |
No loss / alteration to current access points. |
Longfaugh Farm (Haugh field). |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Adverse |
Longfaugh Farm (field access A8). |
Medium |
Slight |
Negligible |
Adverse |
Saughland Farm (field accesses A18 & A19). |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Adverse |
Loss of woodland: |
On the edge of Magazine Wood/ due to new Longfaugh Farm field access. |
Medium |
Slight |
Minimisation of land take; restoration of disturbed area to original use as far as possible; and re-planting / landscaping. L1, L5, L9 |
Slight |
Adverse |
No change to woodland. |
At Crichton Dean. |
Low |
Slight |
Slight |
Adverse |
Temporary habitat loss due to location of working corridor site compound. |
Low |
Negligible |
Minimise land take. Demarcation of the working corridor. Restoration and landscaping of disturbed areas. E1, E2 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing conditions. |
Temporary disturbance to otter holt on Cakemuir Burn due to construction activities (human activity, noise, dust and light). |
National |
Minor |
Sensitive construction methods, e.g. noise reduction techniques, machinery turned off when not in use, directional lighting to be used. E2 |
None predicted |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Temporary disturbance to badger foraging during construction (human activity, noise, dust and light). |
Local |
Minor |
Minimise land take. Demarcation of the working corridor. Sensitive construction methods, e.g. noise reduction techniques, machinery turned off when not in use, directional lighting to be used. E1, E2 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance during tree felling activities to bats potentially roosting within the lime kiln at Magazine Wood. |
Regional |
Minor |
Demarcation of the working corridor. Sensitive tree felling activities during Sep/Oct before hibernation roosting occurs (and outwith breeding bird season). E2, E4, E7, E8 |
Minor |
Adverse, short-term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance during tree felling activities to bats potentially roosting within trees, particularly at Magazine Wood. |
Low |
Minor to Moderate |
Pre-construction checks for bat roosts within trees with potential and implement mitigation where required, e.g. fell during Sep/Oct before hibernation roosting occurs (and outwith breeding bird season), leave any tree with bat roost in situ, reasonable avoidance measures. E3, E7 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short-term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Permanent habitat loss to the scheme footprint, comprising poor quality hedgerow and stone built wall and agricultural land. |
Low |
Negligible to Minor |
Minimise land take. Demarcation of the working corridor. Landscaping and restoration of disturbed areas – planting of hedgerows. Pre-construction wildlife checks and implement mitigation if required. E1, E2, E3, E5 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short-term. Neutral, long-term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Loss of scattered trees and areas of scrub habitat to the scheme footprint. |
Local |
Minor |
Planting of trees/shrubs, inc. native species of local provenance as landscaping to maintain cover. Pre-construction checks for bats, birds and red squirrel and implement mitigation if required. E3, E5 |
Minor |
Adverse, short-term. Neutral, long-term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Loss of an area of conifer plantation at Magazine Wood (possible within an area of long-established plantation) which provides potential bat roost habitat and breeding woodland bird habitat. |
Regional/ Local |
Moderate |
Planting of trees inc. native broad-leaved species at Magazine Wood as landscaping to maintain tree cover. Pre-construction checks for bats, birds and red squirrel and implement mitigation if required. E2, E3, E5, E7, E8 |
Minor |
Adverse, short-term. Neutral, long-term. |
No change from existing situation. The commercial conifer plantation may affected by other woodland activities/strategies. |
Loss of small areas of riparian habitat associated with Salters Burn and the two unnamed burns due to realigning/extending existing culverts. |
Local |
Minor |
Appropriate landscaping and restoration of disturbed areas. Culverts to include features to allow for natural channel to develop. E1, E2, E5, E14 |
Minor |
Adverse, long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Potential barrier effect for otter during realignment/extension of culverts. |
National |
Moderate |
Watercourse to remain passable to otter at end of working day. E6, E9 |
Minor |
Adverse, short-term. Beneficial, long-term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Loss of badger foraging habitat and fragmentation/barrier effect of new road alignment. |
Local |
Negligible to Minor |
Minimise land take. Landscaping and restoration of disturbed areas – planting of trees/hedgerows. E1, E2, E5 |
Minor |
Adverse, long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Fragmentation and disturbance to ornithological habitats and increased risk of road casualty. |
National to Low |
Minor to Negligible |
Minimise land take. Landscaping and restoration of disturbed areas – planting of trees/hedgerows. E1, E2, E5 |
Minor to Negligible |
Adverse, long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Potential increase in wildlife road casualties, specifically badger and otter, due to increased speeds on new alignment. |
Realignment/extended culvert design includes mammal ledges, separate mammal tunnel beneath A68. E10, E11, E15 |
Adverse, short-term. Beneficial, long-term. |
No change from existing situation unless badgers/otters become more active within scheme extents. |
Badger | Local | Moderate | Negligible | ||||||
Otter | National | Minor | Minor | ||||||
Non-protected species | Low to regional | Negligible to minor | Negligible to minor | ||||||
Potential for water quality effects on wildlife interest due to release of sediment or other pollutants or accidental spillage during construction. |
High |
Major |
Mitigation as set out in Chapter 13 SUDS techniques utilised. Water Quality and Drainage. Water quality protection plan implemented together with Pollution Incident Response Plan. Attenuation and treatment of surface water run-off before discharge to receiving watercourse. E13 |
Negligible to minor |
Adverse, short- to medium-term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Pollution of surface waters due to increased road-run off / potential for accidental spillage and impacts upon ecology (with new road drainage system in place). |
High |
Minor to moderate |
SuDS to be incorporated including filter drains and detention basin. E12, E13 |
Negligible impact to minor beneficial with improved road drainage system |
Beneficial, long term |
No change from existing situation. |
Mainline widening - impact on landscape character due to land take - loss of agricultural land and poor quality hedgerows. |
Medium |
Moderate/ slight |
Minimise permanent land take. High standard design to preserve the landscape character. Opportunities to enhance landscape character and biodiversity as a result of incorporating detention basin and appropriate landscaping, inc. tree/hedgerow planting, into design. LE1, LE2, LE3, LE4, LE6, LE7, LE8, LE9 |
Slight |
Adverse, long term |
No change from existing situation. |
Side road alteration - impact on landscape character due to land take - loss of some distinct landscape features. |
Medium |
Moderate |
Slight |
Adverse, long term |
No change from existing situation. |
Visual impact of A68 widening/side road alterations on properties within proximity of the road improvement. |
Medium - High |
Negligible to moderate |
Minimise permanent land take. High standard design to preserve the landscape character. Appropriate landscaping of road embankments and tree/hedgerow planting. LE1, LE5, LE7, LE8 |
Negligible |
Adverse, long term to Beneficial, long term (for travellers on A68) |
No change from existing situation. |
Visual intrusion due to temporary presence of construction site compounds, plant and lighting. Road users Properties |
Medium High |
Negligible Moderate/ slight |
Limitation of working and storage areas. Ensure good housekeeping of the construction site and storage areas. Minimise use of lighting. Restoration of disturbed areas where possible. LE10, LE11, LE12, LE13 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short-term |
No change from existing conditions. |
Changes in noise levels at Receptors 1 (Marldene), 4 (Routhenhill) and 5 (Hope). |
Moderate |
Adverse but insignificant |
N/A |
N/A |
Adverse, long-term |
No change from current situation |
Changes in noise levels at Receptors 2 (Old Crichton Dean) and 3 (Haugh Head House) |
Moderate |
Beneficial but insignificant |
N/A |
N/A |
Beneficial, Long-term |
No change from current situation |
Pedestrians |
Low |
Slight Beneficial |
No mitigation required as design incorporates a new combined footpath / cycleway facility to replace existing footpath of poorer quality. P1 |
Slight |
Beneficial |
Gradual further deterioration of footpath quality. |
Cyclists |
Low |
Slight Beneficial |
No mitigation required as design incorporates a narrow footpath included within closed off side roads at U77 and U78 to maintain access for cyclists and pedestrians. Safer provision as removal of traffic access. P1 |
Slight |
Beneficial |
No effect. |
Equestrians |
Low |
None |
N/A |
None |
N/A |
No effect. |
Community |
Low |
None |
N/A |
None |
N/A |
No effect. |
Vehicle Journeys |
Southbound |
Routhenhill |
Low |
Negligible |
No mitigation required as design incorporates a new side road linking the U77/U78 to the A68 (in place of existing U77 and U78 junctions). Also new staggered junction at B6458 provides safer access for farm traffic. P1 |
Negligible |
Slight benefit to all in long-term due to safer junctions and improved road / junction layout. |
No change to existing journeys or safety levels. |
Others |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Northbound |
Marldene |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Old Crichton Dean |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Others |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Field Access for Saughland Farm |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Driver Views |
Medium |
Slight Beneficial |
N/A |
Slight |
Beneficial |
No change to existing views. |
Driver Stress |
High |
Major Beneficial |
Advance warming signs erected. V1 |
Major |
Beneficial |
No change to existing situation. |
Potential Accidents |
Medium |
Moderate Beneficial |
N/A |
Moderate |
Beneficial |
No change to existing situation. |
Road drainage: Increased volume of surface water road run-off and potential for pollutants to enter the watercourses and cause deterioration in water quality- |
The scheme design will provide SUDS treatment of the road runoff within detention basin prior to discharge to Salters Burn and within swale feature to Cakemuir/Fala Dam Burn. W1, W2, W3, W7 |
Beneficial due improved drainage (when compared to existing drainage system). |
Continued input of untreated road runoff to catchment. |
Cakemuir Burn. |
Very High |
Very Large |
Moderate |
Salters Burn and others. |
High |
Adverse |
Moderate |
Surface Waters: |
No mitigation but best practice in culvert design to be followed. W4 |
Possible deterioration over time with increase in age of structures e.g. erosion etc. |
Cakemuir Burn |
High |
Neutral |
Neutral |
Salters Burn and others |
Very High |
Neutral |
Effect on existing groundwater regime and risk of groundwater pollution from routine runoff. |
Medium |
Slight Adverse |
Careful and sensitive construction and detailed drainage design. Appropriate drainage system during construction. Adherence to SEPA’s Pollution Prevention Guidance Notes and ‘Special Requirements’ regarding controlled water. Creation of Contingency Plans and Emergency Procedures. W1, W2, W3, W5 |
Slight |
Adverse, long term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Flooding |
Low |
No Impact |
No risk assessment required. |
N/A |
N/A |
No change |
Risk of serious accidental spillage and deterioration in water quality of surface water features. |
Very High/High |
Neutral |
Despite a very low risk of serious accidental spillage, containment facilities and emergency response plan will be provided due to sensitivity of receiving environment. Adherence to SEPA’s Pollution Prevention Guidance Notes and ‘Special Requirements’ regarding controlled water. Creation of Contingency Plans and Emergency Procedures. Appropriate storage for on-site materials. W1, W3, W6 |
Minor |
Beneficial long-term provided containment facilities installed (compared to existing situation). |
No change from existing situation apart from added benefit of installing emergency containment facilities. |
Disturbance / damage to geological and soil resource & requirement to import substantial volumes of earthworks from of-site. |
Low |
Slight Adverse |
Limitation of extent and location of working and storage areas. Implementation of erosion and sedimentation controls. Re-use of excavated material in landscaping. Appropriate handling and storage of soils. Implementation of appropriate construction methods. Additional soil procurement should be from local sources where possible. G1, G2, G3, G4 |
Slight |
Adverse long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance / damage to hydrogeology of the site. |
Low |
Negligible |
Care with culvert extension and new culvert / drainage installation. Appropriate timing. G5 |
Negligible |
Long-term |
No change from existing situation. |
Impact of airborne dust levels on local properties. |
Moderate |
Minor Adverse |
Use of dust suppression techniques such as regular water spraying to minimise airborne dust load. Ensure that any pollution emitting plants are not located in the vicinity of a receptor unnecessary. A1 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Impact of air pollutants/emissions on air quality at local receptor sites. |
Moderate |
No impact |
None |
No impact |
No impact |
No change from current situation. |
Damage to or disturbance of cultural heritage features. |
Local |
Negligible |
Preventing access to cultural heritage feature by identifying sensitive features in contract documents and fencing off prior the onset of construction. Archaeological monitoring of any works that may cause subsurface damage and recording of any archaeological features discovered. Inclusion of ‘special requirements’ provided by Historic Scotland in contract documents and implementation of ‘special requirements’ during works. C1 |
Negligible |
No impact |
No change from current situation. |
Disruption to access arrangements to land and property due to construction and temporary land take. |
High |
Major Adverse |
Provide temporary access points where access is disrupted during construction. Adopt construction programming sensitive to the needs of farming activity and completing disruptive works within the shortest timescales possible. L6 |
Slight |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Temporary disturbance to birds due to construction activities (human activity, noise, dust and light). |
Low |
Negligible |
Sensitive construction methods, e.g. noise reduction techniques, machinery turned off when not in use, directional lighting to be used. Dust suppression techniques to be applied where and when required. E2 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance of otter holt on Cakemuir Burn. |
National |
Minor Adverse |
EMS and use of lighting minimised and directed away from sensitive receptors such as watercourses etc. E3, E6 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance to foraging badgers within the vicinity of the development. |
National |
Minor Adverse |
Completion of pre-construction surveys, covering of culverts and excavations to avoid trapping of animals, ecological watching brief as required. |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance to potential bat roosts within lime kiln in Magazine Wood. |
Regional |
Minor Adverse |
EMS and dust emissions reduced as in Air Quality chapter recommendations. E3, E4 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance to potential bat roosts within trees in Magazine Wood and elsewhere within vicinity of development. |
Local |
Minor to moderate adverse |
Completion of pre-construction surveys with timing of works altered as appropriate. E3, E4 |
Negligible |
N/A |
No change from existing situation. |
Impact of local dust levels on surrounding vegetation/habitats as a result of construction activities. |
Low |
Negligible to minor |
Use of dust suppression techniques such as regular water spraying to minimise airborne dust load. Ensure that any pollution emitting plants are not located in the vicinity of a receptor unnecessary. A1 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance to nocturnal fauna within vicinity of development by lighting. |
Local |
Minor |
EMS and use of lighting minimised and directed away from sensitive receptors. E2 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Visual impact on 4 local properties. |
Local |
Slight to moderate adverse |
Retain existing vegetation where appropriate; limit size and extent of working and storage areas; ensure good housekeeping of the construction site and storage areas; use of temporary floodlighting only when necessary and orientated away from receptors where possible. LE2 |
Slight to moderate |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Noise and vibration disturbance to local receptors. |
Moderate |
Moderate adverse |
Implement best practice to minimise noise. T1 |
Slight |
Adverse, short tern |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance to pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians and community effects. |
Low |
Negligible |
Maintenance of thoroughfare throughout construction corridor by means of alternative facility or arrangement. P1 |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Disturbance to vehicle journeys within vicinity of development. |
Low |
Slight adverse |
Installation of temporary or permanent new side roads prior to closure of existing roads and routes and advanced notice of any expected major delays. |
Negligible |
Adverse, short term |
No change from current situation. |
Alteration in driver views along the construction corridor. |
Medium |
Slight adverse |
None |
Slight |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Alteration to driver stress levels within construction corridor. |
High |
Moderate adverse |
Prior warning of changes in road layout; sensitive timing of key events such as traffic management; reduced speed limits within construction corridor. |
Slight |
Adverse, short term |
No change from current situation. |
Alteration in traffic accident risk within construction corridor. |
Medium |
Moderate adverse |
Formal traffic management system with clear signage and reduced speed limits. |
Moderate |
Adverse, short term |
No change from current situation. |
Physical disturbance to Salters Burn, Cakemuir Burn and two unnamed burns due to alteration of existing culverts (installation of realigned/extended culverts) along with pollution risks. |
Very High |
Neutral |
Careful and sensitive construction and detailed drainage design. Assess need for licence under Controlled Activity Regulations. W1, W4 |
Neutral |
Adverse, long term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Risk of construction phase impacts upon surface water resources. |
Very High/High |
Moderate adverse |
Careful and sensitive construction and detailed drainage design. Assess need for licence under Controlled Activity Regulations. Implementation of good practice measures. W7 |
Slight |
Adverse, short term. |
No change from existing situation. |
Importing soils to the site – increased traffic impacts. |
Low |
Moderate adverse |
Utilising local materials, reducing the need for such high levels of material importing. G1 |
Slight |
Adverse, short term |
No change from existing situation. |
Extent of earthwork and soil exposure . |
Low |
Moderate Adverse |
Limitation of extent and location of working and storage areas. Implementation of erosion and sedimentation controls. Re-use of excavated material in landscaping. Appropriate handling and storage of soils. Implementation of appropriate construction methods. Additional soil procurement should be from local sources where possible. G1, G2, G5 |
Slight |
Adverse long-term |
No change from existing situation. |