Priority 7
Develop and implement its procurement systems to improve sustainable outcomes.
Delivery sub-action 7.1
Engage with Scottish Government and wider public sector led initiatives and consider implementation within Transport Scotland.
Transport Scotland supported a number of public sector led activities. These include attendance at relevant events such as the Supplier Development Programme’s Meet the Buyer Events which were held in in June 2022 and September 2022 and the Scottish Government Collaboration Group meetings relating to procurement.
The Procurement Team also support Scottish Government through a number of activities including liaising with the capability team to develop guides for those purchasing within primary impact areas for climate change and use of the new Climate Change Plans required for the Single Procurement Document where deemed ‘priority’ or ‘relevant’. The Director of Purchasing meets biannually with the Scottish Government’s Director of Procurement and Property.
Delivery sub-action 7.2
Review and update the procurement page of our website to improve visibility for internal and external stakeholders.
The procurement pages of the Transport Scotland website are routinely reviewed and updated when required. The pages explain how Transport Scotland does business and how suppliers can become involved in Transport Scotland procurements.
During this reporting period, additional information about community benefits was added to our public-facing website, to support suppliers who may be interested in tendering for our procurements. This information includes our community benefits metrics template which is used within our procurements and contracts to benchmark and monitor delivery of community benefits through our contracts, as well as links to information about Fair Work First within the procurement process.
Delivery sub-action 7.3
Review and update our best practice tools and procedures to take account of any legislative changes, internal policy changes and ensure consistency.
Transport Scotland has developed procurement guidance, including a Procurement Toolkit which sits alongside procurement advice notes on specialised topic areas. These documents provide staff with information, guidance and templates to ensure procurements comply with legislation, Scottish Procurement Policy Notes, internal policy and governance procedures. The Procurement Toolkit is regularly revised to ensure that it remains up to date.
Following revisions to Scottish Government policy on Prompt Payment in the Supply Chain and the Real Living Wage within procurement processes, as well as the introduction of an SPD (Single Procurement Document) question on climate change, the Procurement Team has worked to develop guidance on how these policies will be applied within Transport Scotland procurements, ensuring that our approach is consistent across the organisation.
Delivery sub-action 7.4
Maintain our procurement IT systems to monitor and ensure compliance with procurement processes.
Transport Scotland uses the Scottish Government’s PECOS EASEBUY system for e-Procurement. This system supports the prompt payment of our supply chain and ensures compliance with the Scottish Government target for the payment of invoices within 10 working days of their receipt.
Transport Scotland implemented a new version of its digital Contracts Database system in October 2022 which is used to record information about our procurements and the resulting contracts. The Contracts Database includes a procurement compliance check which is in use on all of our regulated procurements. It allows the procurement team to review each procurement as it progresses through governance stages to ensure that it is being undertaken in line with our Corporate Procurement Strategy and is compliant with legislation. The Contracts Database also supports the ongoing monitoring of contract expiry dates, contract spend and planned future procurement activity to enable forward planning.