Ministerial Foreword
This Aviation Statement sets out, for the first time, the strategic importance of aviation to Scotland and the specific actions the Scottish Government will take to help ensure we can continue to enjoy its many benefits while significantly reducing its emissions in line with our net zero ambitions.
The Statement has been fully informed by the responses provided to our earlier public consultation and I thank everyone who took part in that process. There have been many positive developments since our consultation closed and this report also serves to showcase both the recent improvements in Scotland’s international connectivity and the sector’s ongoing efforts to decarbonise flying. I expect this to stimulate a more positive and constructive conversation about aviation and how best to harness the economic, social and cultural benefits it provides.
There are limitations on Scottish Ministers’ powers to support even greater progress, because aviation is largely a reserved matter and Scotland is one part of what is a global and highly interconnected aviation network. Further, the UK Government’s ‘Jet Zero strategy’ for aviation decarbonisation – which was published after our own consultation concluded – applies throughout the UK and influences the policy choices the Scottish Government can make.
Given this context, our Aviation Statement focusses on specific actions where we can make a meaningful contribution to growing Scotland’s international connectivity, securing lifeline services in the Highlands and Islands and contributing to international efforts to decarbonise aviation. The reserved nature of aviation means that we will continue to influence the UK Government so that Scotland can benefit fully from the Jet Zero strategy including by delivering our target for domestic flights to reach net zero by 2040.
Achieving the outcomes in the Statement will mean being fully joined up with other Scottish Government policies that encourage sustainable economic growth and deliver our commitment to net zero emissions by 2045. In particular, our commitments on aviation must support delivery of relevant actions in the Islands Connectivity Plan draft Strategic Approach and the Scottish Government’s International Strategy, The Scottish Government Climate Change Plan and Transport Just Transition Plan may also contain further actions relating to aviation, particularly on sustainable aviation fuel. This Statement therefore sets out an approach that is flexible enough to respond to any such developments.
Growing connectivity while reducing emissions is primarily the responsibility of the aviation sector, but the Scottish Government must play a strong supporting role. In doing so, all of the actions described in this Statement will be informed by our new vision for aviation:
“To help Scotland be at least as well-connected as leading peer regions and nations while reducing the environmental impact of aviation, so that we can enjoy the economic and social benefits of air travel and support a just transition to our net-zero by 2045 target.”
The outcomes in this Statement will only be achieved if we work effectively with airlines, airports, unions and other interested groups, and I therefore look forward to ongoing engagement with the sector to make our vision a reality.
Jim Fairlie MSP, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity