AECOM has been commissioned by Transport Scotland (TS) to undertake a series of impact assessments on the Cycling Framework and Delivery Plan for Active Travel (the Cycling Framework). This includes the following:
- A Combined Social and Equality Assessment (SEQIA),to include:
- Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA);
- Health Inequalities Impact Assessment (HIIA);
- Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA); and
- Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA).
- Separate Impact Assessments for:
- Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA); and
- Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA).
A separate Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening report was also submitted to the Scottish Government SEA Gateway. The screening assessment determined that a full SEA is not required.
This report sets out the BRIA assessment of the actions within the Cycling Framework based on existing evidence and previous assessment work.
This report has been updated and expanded, from an initial screening report, following a 12 week period of consultation and the feedback and findings of the consultation will contribute towards completing a full assessment. A record of consultation comments and actions taken in response is provided in Appendix B.
Cycling Framework and Delivery Plan for Active Travel
Cycling Framework and Delivery Plan sets out 38 Actions, under five strategic themes, which are aimed at achieving the cycling elements within the five Active Travel objectives within Transport Scotland’s Active Travel Framework:
- Cut carbon emissions and other pollution
- Delivering liveable, more pleasant communities
- Better health and safer travel for all
- Reducing inequalities - jobs, services, leisure
- Supporting delivery of sustainable economic growth
By helping to achieve the objectives of the Active Travel Framework, the actions within the Cycling Framework will contribute to achieving the Vision and the Priorities of Scotland’s second National Transport Strategy (NTS2).
Alongside the Climate Change Plan and Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework NTS2 provides the strategic policy basis for the active travel interventions detailed in the Cycling Framework.
The Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) provides emissions reduction pathways for the transport sector equating to a halving of emissions by 2028, 70% reduction by 2040 and net-zero by 2045. The CCPu outlines eight policy outcomes designed to achieve the required level of emissions reduction. Active travel interventions contribute directly to CCPu Outcome 1 (Reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030). Impact assessments have been produced and are available.
NPF4 sets out how the planning system will help to deliver on the net-zero carbon reduction target under its overarching spatial strategy and strategic policies. The Cycling Framework will help support the delivery of NPF4 strategic policies 7 (Local living) and 10 (Sustainable Transport). Impact assessments have been produced and are available.
The Second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) will provide a suite of transport interventions intended to deliver the outcomes of NTS2 over the coming two decades. STPR2 will include a raft of active travel interventions which are likely to be delivered, in part, via the delivery mechanisms proposed in the Cycling Framework. Impact assessments have been produced and are available.
Business and Regulatory Impact Assessments (BRIAs)
BRIAs help to assess the likely costs, benefits and risks of any proposed primary or secondary legislation, voluntary regulation, codes of practice, guidance, or policy changes that may have an impact on the public, private or third sector. The Scottish Government recommends and encourages the completion of a BRIA as best practice to assess the impact of new legislation, as well as other changes such as voluntary guidance or policy changes, even where they do not necessarily present additional obvious burdens. In such cases it can either help confirm understanding that the impact will not change or identify and address unintended impacts which have not been identified. The content of a BRIA should be proportionate to the problem involved and the size of the proposal. A Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment Toolkit and BRIA Template have been developed to provide guidance and information.
The BRIA will assess the likely impacts, costs, benefits and risks of the Cycling Framework on the public, private or third sector organisations. The information gathered through the consultation process will be used to revise the estimates of any costs and benefits of the actions prepared at the screening stage where applicable.