Exhibition materials - Community engagement events - August 2024 - Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing - A9 Dualling
Community Engagement Events for the A9 Dualling Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing project are being held in the Birnam Arts and Conference Centre on 21 and 22 August 2024. An online virtual event will also be available from 21 August to 6 October 2024. These events will let local communities and road users see the work that has taken place since the preferred route option for the scheme was announced in December 2023, including details on access and side road arrangements, facilities for walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse-riders, drainage design, and access and car park proposals at Dunkeld and Birnam Railway Station.
Details of the community engagement events:
- Wednesday 21 August, 11am to 8pm
- Thursday 22 August, 10am to 6pm
Birnam Arts and Conference Centre, Station Road, Birnam, PH8 0DS
Visit the virtual event or one of the in-person events.
Find more information on the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing Story Map
Exhibition materials
- View Banners - August 2024 Engagement Events - Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing
- View A9 P2 - Community Engagement Events - Scheme Overview Drawing
- View A9 P2 - Community Engagement Events - Plan and Profile Drawings
- View A9 P2 - Community Engagement Events - Railway Station Proposal Drawings
- View A9 P2 - Community Engagement Events - Walking, Wheeling, Cycling and Horse-Riding Proposal Drawings
- View Brochure - August 2024 Engagement Events - Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing
- View Feedback Form - August 2024 Engagement Events - Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing
Event banners in text format
Welcome to this engagement event for the A9 Dualling Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing scheme.
In January 2024 we held exhibitions to present the Preferred Route following conclusion of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 2 Assessment.
This event will provide an update on the DMRB Stage 3 design development and assessment which has taken place since then.
Your views are important to us and we are seeking feedback on the developing design, including provisions for walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse-riders, and access proposals to Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station.
Transport Scotland staff and their technical advisors, Jacobs, will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have.
The Assessment Process
We are following the standard trunk road scheme development process and progressing in accordance with guidance in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), which covers engineering, environmental, traffic and economic considerations.
We are currently undertaking further design development work as part of the DMRB Stage 3 assessment. This stage of the project is expected to conclude in Spring 2025 with the publication of draft Orders and Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Process:
DMRB Stage 1
A9 Preliminary Engineering Study and Strategic Environment Assessment – identification of broad improvement strategies
DMRB Stage 2
Route option assessment and identification of preferred option
Co-Creative Process
Identification of the community’s preferred option
DMRB Stage 3
Development and assessment of preferred option
Statutory Process
Publication of draft Road Orders, Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and Environmental Impact Assessment
Public Locally Inquiry (if required)
Previous Consultation
The exhibitions in January 2024 provided details of the Preferred Route, and outlined the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 2 assessment process and the A9 Co-Creative process, both of which informed the development and identification of the Preferred Route.
Key points raised in the feedback following these exhibitions included:
- General comments on the Preferred Route, including comparison to the Community's Preferred Route
- Opinions regarding the inclusion of Dunkeld Roundabout
- Suggestions regarding access to the Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station
- Comments on the project timescales
- Suggestions for active travel improvements
- Expression of environmental concerns
- Comments on the proposed speed limit
The feedback received was collected and analysed, and has been summarised in a Consultation Summary Report available on the Transport Scotland website. This continues to inform the ongoing design development and assessment work for the project.
Description of the plan
A plan showing the preferred route in relation to the adjacent villages of Dunkeld, Birnam and Inver. The plan identifies locations where the design has been developed or refined since the previous exhibitions.
Accompanying plans focusing on the areas around Birnam Junction, Dunkeld and Birnam Station, Dunkeld Junction, and Dalguise Junction, showing the preferred route at each location and identifying key developments or refinements since the previous exhibitions.
General Design Development
Since the Preferred Route exhibitions the project team have been undertaking further design development as part of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 development and assessment. The subsequent banners detail specific elements which have been developed, including:
A9 carriageway
- Vertical alignment refined to reduce visual impacts
- Widen the verge and central reserve for safety
- Upgrade two existing lay-by's
- Adjust alignment across the Jubilee Bridge to improve constructability and reduce earthworks
Junctions, side roads and accesses
- Refine all junction designs
- Alter the B867 at Birnam Junction to improve visibility
- Dalguise Junction southbound exit slip changed from a roundabout to a t-junction joining the B898
- Reduced extent of the realignment of the Murthly Access Track
- Design accesses to properties, fields, and Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) features
Drainage proposals
- Design developed in accordance with SuDS guidance
- Locations of drainage features have been refined to reduce impacts and maximise effectiveness.
Walkers, Wheelers, Cyclists and Horse-riders (WCH) Provisions
The ongoing Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 assessment will assess impacts to routes used by walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse-riders (WCH), and the design will aim to maintain or improve the existing provision and connectivity where possible. Current proposals under consideration include:
- Footway between Birnam Junction and Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station
- Diversion of National Cycle Route NCN77 along Perth Road
- Improved connectivity of the Core Path network at the River Brann crossing, between Dunkeld and Inver
- Maintain existing provision over the River Tay (Jubilee Bridge)
- Alterations and improvements to facilities in the scheme vicinity to maintain and enhance user experience.
The current proposals have been informed by consultation with a range of key stakeholders. We welcome your feedback on the proposals shown, which along with further consultation will assist the design team in progressing the DMRB Stage 3 design development and assessment.
Further details on the WCH proposals can be found on the drawings situated on the tables within the room.
Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station
The design of access provisions to Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station and the car parking facilities at the top of Station Road, identified in the Preferred Route, is ongoing. Key elements of the design that have been developed since the previous exhibitions include:
- Refine the car park level to improve tie-in with Station Road and access to surrounding properties
- Optimise the underpass alignment design by locating it more centrally relative to the car park
- Reduce the impact on the existing railway footbridge by repositioning the platform lift and stairs access
- Improve accessibility for all users on approach to the station entrance and connection to Birnam Glen.
The car park design provides approximately 50 car parking spaces, and includes potential provisions for public transport and cyclists. The design proposals for all users of Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station will continue to evolve, and we welcome your feedback on the draft proposals presented. Your feedback, along with further consultation with the local community and other key stakeholders, will assist the design team in the continued development of the proposals.
Protecting the Environment
The project team have been undertaking a wide range of environmental surveys since the scheme began to inform our understanding of the environment and landscape of Murthly, Birnam, Dunkeld, Inver and Dalguise.
Information and data obtained from the surveys, this event and further engagement with local stakeholders and key statutory environmental consultees will inform the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This assessment will consider a range of factors, in compliance with relevant guidance.
The EIA will strive to ensure the scheme minimises and mitigates environmental impacts wherever possible, including considering:
- The Community's Objectives
- Preserving key habitats such as the River Tay and ancient woodland
- The presence of protected species
- Protecting cultural heritage assets
This work will culminate in the publication of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), which will include identification of suitable mitigation measures where required. The EIAR will inform identification of the land required to deliver essential mitigation.
Community Objectives
During the A9 Co-Creative Process, the Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group identified the following community objectives for the scheme.
- Reduce current levels of noise and pollution in the villages of Dunkeld, Birnam and Inver to protect human health, and well-being of residents and visitors and to enable them to peacefully enjoy their properties and amenity spaces.
- Provide better, safer access on and off the A9 from both sides of the road ensuring easy, safe movement of vehicular traffic and non-motorised users through the villages, helping to reduce stress and anxiety and support the local economy.
- Examine and identify opportunities to enhance the levels of wheeling, cycling and walking for transport and leisure, including the improvement of existing footpaths and cycle ways, to promote positive mental health and well-being.
- Protect and enhance the scenic beauty and natural heritage of the area and its distinctive character and quality.
- Promote long term and sustainable economic growth within Dunkeld and Birnam and the surrounding communities.
- Ensure that all local bus, intercity bus services and train services are maintained and improved.
- Preserve and enhance the integrity of the unique and rich historical and cultural features of the Dunkeld, Birnam and Inver communities, thereby supporting well-being and the local economy.
We will continue to use these community objectives to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) undertaken for the scheme, and would welcome your feedback and any suggestions on incorporating these objectives within our design and assessment work.
The developing design has and continues to be informed by these community objectives, and includes features such as:
- Low-noise road surfacing
- Aesthetic design of Dunkeld and Birnam Railway Station and the River Tay crossing
- Safety features such as lighting, road markings and signage
- Provisions for walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse-riders
- Improved connectivity with bus and train links
What Happens Next
Feedback received from this Community Engagement Event will be considered as we progress the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 design development and assessment.
The DMRB Stage 3 assessment, alongside the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) allow the identification of the land required for the scheme, preparation of draft Orders and the publication of the EIA Report (EIAR).
Publication will be followed by a statutory objection period for the draft Orders and a statutory representation period associated with the EIAR. During this statutory consultation period, we will host another public exhibition event to display all the relevant information.
On conclusion of the statutory consultation period, we will engage with any parties who have submitted an objection to the draft Orders or representation to the EIAR. Should there be any objections which we cannot resolve, there may be the need for a Public Local Inquiry (PLI). Progress after publication of the draft Orders will depend on the formal comments received on the proposals.
Your Views Matter to Us
We welcome your comments and feedback on the design development work presented, which will help inform the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 Assessment.
Feedback forms can be submitted in the onsite feedback box at Birnam Arts and Conference Centre, by email or post to the details provided below or online via the virtual event.
Please take time and consider the information presented, and provide any comments you have as soon as possible and by 6 October 2024.
If you have any queries in relation to the scheme, we will be happy to assist you. You can also get in touch with us through the 'Contact Us' section of the project Story Map or via the contact details provided below.
Contact Details
Should you wish to contact the project stakeholder team, contact details are:
Email: A9dualling@jacobs.com
By post: Jacobs, A9 Dualling Team, 95 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 7HX
Phone: 01316591579 during work hours from 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
All of the information presented is available in the virtual exhibition room.
Transport Scotland will consider your comments and feedback to help inform the ongoing design development and assessment of the Preferred Route. All submissions will be shared with our technical advisors as required. We may also use your submission to inform future reports or public documents related to this activity.
If you choose to provide contact details with your submission, Transport Scotland will only use these details to keep you updated with the progress of this project. Your personal data will be deleted in line with our records retention and disposal policy (available at gov.scot/publications/scottish-government-records-management-plan-2/). You can opt out of receiving updates from Transport Scotland at any time by contacting the project team using the above contact details.
The provision of contact details is optional and your comments will still be considered if provided anonymously. However, Transport Scotland will be unable to respond to your submission if you choose not to provide these details.
If you want to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal data or exercise any of your rights under the UK GDPR, please contact dpa@transport.gov.scot.