Forth Bridges Forum - Meeting 51 - Minutes - 23 April 2024

- Jonny Moran (JM) - Transport Scotland
- John Andrew (JA) - Transport Scotland
- Karen Stewart (KS) - FB Area Tourism Strategy Manager
- Gillian Laurie (GL) - Secretariat - BEAR Scotland
- Dave Bishop (DB) - BEAR Scotland
- Joanna Buggy (JB) - BEAR Scotland
- Francis Newton (FN) – Online - City of Edinburgh Council
- Caroline Warburton (CW) - VisitScotland
- Stewart Lothian (SL) - Online (part) - Network Rail
- James Bruhn (JBR) - Online - Historic Environment Scotland
- Jane Findlay (JF) - Online - Fife Council
1. Welcome & Introductions
JM welcomed all to meeting 51 of the Forth Bridges Forum.
2. Apologies, Minutes of Previous Meeting and Actions
Apologies received from: - Scott Lees - Transport Scotland; Paul Lawrence, Elin Willamson – CEC, Sarah Duignan – Network Rail, John Mitchell - Fife Council, Gordon Brown – West Lothian Council.
Minutes of previous meeting held on 6 February 2024 were agreed and subsequently published.
Action points were reviewed and updated as follows:
Action 43 5 – WH Coordinator Role – Ongoing – See item 4.2
Action 47 2.4 – FBF ministerial briefing – Ongoing – See item 5.1
Action 47 5.1 – Terms of Reference review – Ongoing – See item 5.1
Action 47 7.4 – FRB 60 Anniversaries group - Ongoing – See item 5.2
Action 48 4.6 – CEC use – Ongoing– See item 5.3
Action 50 3.10 – Climate Forth – not ministerial event - closed
3. Tourism Update – Update by KS
- KS provided a presentation of tourism work.
- Forth Bridges Trail – New signs installed along the trail. Aiming to complete remaining signage strategy and installation by late summer 2024. A number of signs funded by Fife UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
- Forth Bridges Website – Digital agency secured to end September. Lots of News and Blogs stories added and more coming soon including downloadable FB trail maps, events section and FRB60 interactive page
- Social media update – FB 3.9m reach to 31/03/24, X 18.1k impressions in last 12 months. Engagement increasing across all channels. Social Media toolkit added and Forth Bridge Ambassador Training Pack coming soon.
- FB Area Tourism Strategy 2019 – 2029. 2024 is the halfway point, Tourism Group workshop arranged to review progress, priorities and funding sources.
- Climate Forth – Inner Forth cycle route launched. Transport Link around the Forth.
- JM wished to thank KS for all her valuable work to date.
4. World Heritage Management Group Update – Update by JA / JBR
Following Miles Oglethorpe’s retirement, James Bruhn will represent HES at FBF and WHMG meetings, Mark Watson will continue attending WHMG meetings. Miles will continue to attend but not in HES capacity. John Andrew will chair the next WHMG meeting. Permanent replacement as chair of WHMG required, is this an HES role?
Action – JA and JBR to discuss and finalise
- WH Coordinator role – Final funding of role to be confirmed.
Action – JA Arrange meeting to agree funding for WH Coordinator – NR and HES
- World Heritage Management Plan – WH Coordinator will progress with HES providing specialist support.
- JBR advised a workshop is planned for all 6 sites World Heritage Coordinators, KS will be invited.
5. Forth Bridges Forum Update – Update by JA
FBF Terms of Reference review is almost complete. A meeting to be arranged to clarify fundamental aspects of the group including funding and chairing. Once approved at Director level it will then go to Cabinet Secretary. Aiming to have this process complete by the end of Summer 2024.
Action: JA / GL arrange FBF Terms of Reference meeting
- FRB 60th anniversary – meetings continue monthly. A programme of events has been agreed with budget to be confirmed. Aiming to launch mid May. JM thanked colleagues for the planning work into this event. FN pleased to hear of CEC museums colleagues involvement.
- Use of CEC – As this is not a public building, the use of this building for public and community/other groups is unlikely due to various restraints. JA will confirm. Certain requests my be considered on a case by case basis.
- Engagement with QDCC – QDCC, NQCC are members of the WHMG. BEAR Scotland, Network Rail and other forum members i,e KS, CEC, meet on regular basis. JM asked that engagement with local community councils is mapped out by Forum members. ACTION – GL map local community engagement
6. Queensferry Crossing and Forth Road Bridge – Update by DB
- Automated SPIE barriers - A successful barrier trial took place on Sunday 21 Queensferry Crossing closed and FRB opened. Time taken from traffic stopping to diversion opening was less than 22 minutes.
- FCBC carried out remedial works on QC during this planned closure.
- Both FRB footpaths are open at weekends and will continue into the summer. This will continue until future planned works necessitate the need for a footpath closure.
- The Dehumidification system on the FRB has been decommissioned and removed for refurbishment.
- The Northbound carriageway on FRB us currently closed while a temporary Hanger Trial is carried out.
- Other schemes including footpath refurb, lighting, steelwork and grillage will require traffic management but is not expected to impact the footpath.
- JA / JM asked if all TM may be removed for FRB 60th anniversary. ACTION DB will assess and confirm.
7. Communications Group – Update by JB
- Quarterly Forth Bridges website analysis report was shared with members prior to the meeting. A peak in activity associated with Storm Isha in January. Although the website moved to tourism focus there remains a legacy of peaks due to weather events. Continue to build engagement with website for tourism activity.
- GL advised there has been 39 enquiries via FBF mailbox in last quarter, Jan to Mar 2024. A rise from 18 in previous quarter. A wide range of topics with most replied from BEAR but also for Transport Scotland, HES, Tourism, Network Rail and The Briggers.
- A change to the FBF communications group is being considered i.e linked to subgroups rather than a separate entity. To be confirmed following TofR review.
8. Network Rail – Update by SL and written update by SD
- Forth Bridge Experience – no further update. ACTION - JA asked Network Rail to revisit the Business Plan
- The Automatic Train Warning System installation is currently on hold.
- NR is continuing to liaise with NQCC on the issue of dirty water. Attended a community council meeting on 26 March and took an action to revise the options appraisal report following feedback from the community. ACTION - SD speak to BEAR (JB and DB) about Network Rail’s engagement with NQCC. BEAR have an ongoing interaction with NQCC residents at Ferrybarns over debris being thrown over FRB.
- Barnardo’s your View event 20th to 22nd Sept 2024 – Preparations going well, tickets due to go on Sale in June.
- CHSS abseil event 16th June 2024 – Preparations and ticket sales are going well, will be another push to sell remaining tickets.
- Balfour Beatty contract extended for further year. JA asked SL to pass on information of any large scale works.
- JM and JA advised they are aiming to ensure Transport Scotland Rail colleagues are involved in the Forum.
9. AOB
- Beamer Rock – Remains in Fife storage. KS advised a resident of NQ has offered to pay for another year of storage but a solution has to be found. ACTION - JA will contact Douglas Spiers, Fife Council.
- Admirals House is under Transport Scotland’s ownership. DB has been liaising with Billy Minto. TS to scope out future use and public, legal requirements.
- Doors Open day will be launched before the next FBF meeting.
- JM extends his thanks to all for their good work and advised Scott Lees is returning.
10. Date of next meeting
23 July 2024