Forth Replacement Crossing: Code of Construction Practice: Schedule of Changes in Revision 1 (May 2010)
ISBN 978 1 906006 91 4
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Para. |
A Description of Change |
Reason for Change |
1.4.2 |
Clarification that the Scottish Ministers will consider representations made that construction works are not being undertaken in accordance with this Code of Construction Practice or that environmental impacts greater than the residual environmental impacts identified in the Environmental Statement are occurring. Commitment that if impacts following construction are found to be greater than the residual impacts in the Environmental Statement, additional mitigation will be provided. |
In respect of clarifications provided to the Committee in response to questions 107 and 111 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 and in response to question 2 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
1.6.2 |
Clarification that the contractor will have to demonstrate that it has an appropriate Environmental Management System in place prior to construction works being permitted to commence. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 6 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
1.7.1 |
Clarification that the contractor will not be permitted to commence construction works until the Environmental Management Plan is accepted by the Employer’s Representative. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 1 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
1.7.7 - 1.7.10 |
Clarification that the contractor will consult with and take consideration of the views of the relevant local authorities and statutory bodies during development of the Environmental Management Plan, including commitments regarding the scope and purpose of the consultation. |
In respect of clarifications provided to the Committee in response to questions 1, 6, 82, 85 and 110 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 and in response to question 6 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
1.7.11 |
Commitment that the Environmental Management Plan, including its subsidiary plans and other management plans referred to in this Code of Construction Practice will be made available on the information website. |
In respect of commitment provided to the Committee in response to question 7 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
1.10.3 - 1.10.7 |
Text regarding monitoring moved from Section 1.11 in the original version to Section 1.10 to reflect its more appropriate placement in the Code of Construction Practice. Clarifications and commitments given regarding the purpose and extent of monitoring to be undertaken. |
In respect of clarifications provided to the Committee in response to questions 1, 10, 46, 63, 85, 94, and 110 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
1.10.8 |
Commitment that monitoring records will be made available on the information website. |
In respect of commitment provided to the Committee in response to question 70 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
1.11.1 - 1.11.3 |
New Section 11 added covering involvement of local authorities and other statutory bodies. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 275). |
1.12.3 - 1.12.4 |
Originally numbered paragraphs 1.11.3 and 1.11.4 moved to Section 1.10. |
See comments regarding 1.10.3 - 1.10.7 above. |
2.2.2 - 2.2.5 |
Clarifications added regarding approach, scope and purpose of community engagement. |
In respect of clarifications and commitments provided to the Committee in response to questions 11, 12 and 13 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10; in response to questions 8, 13 and 14 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10; and in respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 225 and 227 - 230). |
2.3.1 |
Clarifications and commitments in respect of the communications’ requirements regarding the information website, newsletter, notifications to residents and the enquiries and complaints procedure. |
In respect of clarifications and commitments provided to the Committee in response to questions 15, 18, 19, 20, 24 and 25 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10; in response to question 15 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10; and in respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 247). |
3.2.5 - 3.2.8 |
Clarifications and commitments in respect of health and safety matters and emergency contacts. |
In respect of clarifications and commitments provided to the Committee in response to questions 6 and 27 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 and in response to question 27 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
3.4.1 - 3.4.5 |
Amended provisions regarding normal working hours and start-up period, with paragraph regarding close-down period also moved to front part of section. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 291 - 292). |
3.4.5 - 3.4.7 |
Clarification that the approval of the Employer’s Representative will be required for all works to commence in accordance with Section 5 of the Code of Construction Practice regarding Noise and Vibration. |
In respect of clarifications provided to the Committee in response to question 30 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
3.4.10 |
Clarification that routine and planned maintenance is not considered to be an exceptional work added. |
In respect of clarifications provided to the Committee in response to question 32 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
3.4.11 |
Clarification regarding notification by the contractor of exceptional works. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 34 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
3.5.5 |
Clarification regarding construction of compounds being in accordance with the residual environmental impacts identified in the Environmental Statement and the Code of Construction Practice. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 37 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
3.6.2 |
Clarification that entry to land will be taken in accordance with the provisions of the Forth Crossing Bill. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to questions 102 and 105 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
3.6.4 |
Clarification regarding consultation requirements for environmental impact assessments associated with the contractor using additional land temporarily. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 39 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
3.6.9 |
Clarification regarding location and content of information boards. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to questions 21 and 105 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 and in respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 247). |
3.6.10 |
Cross reference amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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3.7.1 |
Cross reference amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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4.1.1 |
Reference to cycle tracks and other paths added. |
In respect of commitment provided to Linlithgow Cycling Action Group in response to their objection. |
4.2.2 |
Reference to cycle tracks and other paths added. |
In respect of commitment provided to Linlithgow Cycling Action Group in response to their objection. |
4.2.4 |
Commitment that regular updates regarding any disruption caused by construction works on the road network will be provided. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 110). |
4.2.9, 4.2.11 |
Commitment to form a Marine Liaison Group which will be consulted by the contractor regarding the proposals to manage construction activities within the Firth of Forth and limit disruption to navigation. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 275). |
4.2.9 |
Commitment that the operator of Rosyth Dockyard (Babcock International Group (or their subsidiaries) will be consulted with regards to marine works and will be part of the Marine Liaison Group. |
In respect of commitment provided to Babcock in response to their objection. |
4.2.9 |
Commitment that the operator of Port Edgar Marina will be consulted with regards to marine works and will be part of the Marine Liaison Group. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 90 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 following amendment of the text in this section. |
4.2.12 |
Commitment that organisations representing fishing interests will be consulted regarding works which affect navigation. |
In respect of commitment provided to Mr Flint in response to his objection. |
4.3.9 |
Clarification that organisers of significant local events will be consulted regarding measures to accommodate abnormal traffic or unusually high traffic demands. |
In respect of commitment provided to Hopetoun Estate and Trust in response to their objection to take account needs regarding access to Hopetoun House during construction. |
4.5.5 |
Clarification regarding content of Traffic Management Plan with regards to maintaining access to and signing of National Cycle Routes and other existing routes signposted for pedestrians or cyclists. |
In respect of commitment provided to Linlithgow Cycling Action Group in response to their objection. |
4.7.5 |
Commitment to restricting construction traffic along Hopetoun Road/Society Road. |
In respect of commitment provided to Mr Faulds in response to his objection. |
5.2.1 |
Clarification that the Environmental Statement sets noise limiting criteria rather than the Code of Construction Practice. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 284). |
5.2.2 |
Commitment to form a Noise Liaison Group to provide oversight of all aspects of noise planning, control during construction and monitoring. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.2.5 |
Clarification regarding the Employer’s Representative’s approval of the contractor’s noise assessments and commitment regarding the role of the Noise Liaison Group. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.2.6 |
Clarification that best practicable means includes appropriate scheduling of noisier activities. |
Clarification regarding the overall noise management process. |
5.2.6 |
Clarification that appropriate screening of the haul road to be constructed from the site compound to the west of South Queensferry to Society Road will be provided as necessary. |
Clarification regarding the overall noise management process. |
5.2.7 |
Clarification regarding the commitment in the Environmental Statement not to undertake percussive piling at night. |
Clarification regarding the overall noise management process. |
5.2.9 |
Clarification regarding consultation with property owners regarding vibration risk assessments, including consultation. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 54 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
5.2.11 |
Cross references amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.2.11 |
Clarification that noise insulation criteria relate to 15 consecutive calendar days. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 56 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
5.2.12 |
Cross references amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.2.13 |
Cross reference amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.3.1 - 5.3.6 |
Clarification that the Environmental Statement sets noise limiting criteria rather than the Code of Construction Practice and explanation of the criteria and methodology to be applied by the contractor in noise assessments and demonstrating compliance. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 284). |
5.3.6 |
Clarification regarding matters to be covered in the contractor’s noise assessments, including monitoring. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 63 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
5.5.1 |
Clarification regarding proposed approach to noise thresholds in the Code of Construction Practice. |
Clarification regarding the overall noise management process. |
Table 5.5.1 |
Noise threshold table renumbered from 5.4.1 due to paragraph renumbering. Table amended to reflect revised normal working hours for road building sections. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 291 - 292). |
5.5.2 |
Clarification that the Environmental Statement sets noise limiting criteria rather than the Code of Construction Practice, and commitment to role of Noise Liaison Group. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.5.3 |
Cross reference amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.5.3 |
Commitment to role of Noise Liaison Group. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.5.4 |
Cross reference amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.5.5 |
Cross reference amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.5.5 |
Clarification regarding Employer’s Representative’s approval of working outwith normal working hours and role of Noise Liaison Group. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 61 in the Promoter’s written responses dated 22/02/10 and 22/03/10 and in respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.5.6 |
Removal of consultation requirement with local authorities due to role being taken on by Noise Liaison Group, as covered by paragraph 5.2.2. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.7.3 |
Clarification regarding proposed approach to vibration thresholds in the Code of Construction Practice. |
Clarification regarding the overall vibration management process. |
Table 5.7.4 |
Vibration threshold table renumbered from 5.6.4 due to paragraph renumbering. |
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5.7.5 |
Clarification that the contractor will note that potential vibration impacts on buildings are a concern to adjacent communities. |
In respect of commitment provided to Mr Stevens in response to his objection. |
5.7.6 |
Clarification regarding purpose of vibration threshold and commitment to role of Noise Liaison Group. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.7.7 |
Cross references amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.7.7 |
Commitment to role of Noise Liaison Group. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.7.9 |
Cross references amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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5.8.1 |
Clarification regarding monitoring to be undertaken and ability of Noise Liaison Group to require additional monitoring to that proposed by the contractor. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 63 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10 and in respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (paras. 275, 276, 284, 291 and 292). |
5.8.3 |
Cross references amended in line with new paragraph numbering. |
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6.3.1 |
Cross reference amended to make clear which factors relating to dust and air pollution can cause a statutory nuisance. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 72 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
6.2.12 |
Clarification that dust and air quality monitoring will pay particular focus to sensitive sites such as residential areas and schools. |
In respect of commitment given by the Minister in his response to the Committee regarding the Stage 1 Report (para. 247). |
7.3.6 |
Clarification that appropriate mitigation will be implemented to deal with risks associated with land affected by contamination. |
In respect of commitment provided to SEPA in response to their statement to the Committee. |
7.4.6 |
Clarification that the contractor will consult with local authorities and SEPA regarding works in relation to land affected by contamination. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 84 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
7.6.2 |
Clarification that the contractor will consult with persons where there is a risk to their private water supply. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 79 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
7.6.3 |
Clarification regarding provision of alternative water supplies. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to questions 80 and 81 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
10.5.2 |
Clarification that the Code of Construction Practice covers trees in relation to construction in accordance with BS 5837. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 97 in the Promoter’s written responses dated 22/02/10 and 22/03/10. |
10.5.6 |
Original paragraph 10.5.6 deleted. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 98 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/03/10. |
11.2.3 |
Clarification that the contractor will consult with the Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 101 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
11.3.1 |
Clarification that the contractor will consult with the Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 101 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
12.3.2 |
Clarification regarding consultation prior to taking entry to land to undertake archaeological investigations or protect listed buildings. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 105 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
13.3.3 |
Clarification that owners and occupiers will be consulted prior to taking entry to land to undertake remedial works if there is damage to the landscape adjacent to the construction site. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 109 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |
14.2.2 |
Clarification that procedures will be in place to contact persons or owners and occupiers of property affected by any pollution incident. |
In respect of clarification provided to the Committee in response to question 90 in the Promoter’s written response dated 22/02/10. |