12 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
12 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
12.1.1 To carry out the works in such a way as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, disturbance or damage to built heritage including Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and other sites of archaeological interest as defined in relevant legislation and the Environmental Statement.
12.2 Cultural Heritage Management Plan
12.2.1 As explained in Section 1.7 of this CoCP, the contractor’s EMP will include a Cultural Heritage Management Plan which will include details of the measures to be implemented during topsoil stripping and excavations to enable potential cultural heritage resources to be identified, excavated recorded and potentially published as well as controls to be put in place to protect cultural heritage resources adjacent to the construction works.
12.2.2 The Cultural Heritage Management Plan will include the following, as appropriate:
- A description, including maps showing the locations, of all known sites of archaeological or cultural heritage interest and conservation areas within and adjacent to the construction site.
- Details of the measures to be implemented at each site to prevent damage by the movement of construction vehicles and machinery.
- Procedures to be adopted during topsoil stripping, including a watching brief to be implemented by an archaeological clerk of works (see paragraph 12.2.3 below).
- Procedures to be adopted in the event of an unanticipated discovery or disturbance of archaeological remains.
- Procedures to be adopted in the event of emergency work to any sites of archaeological or cultural heritage interest.
- Procedures to be adopted to protect archaeological remains in situ beneath earthworks where that has been agreed with Historic Scotland as an appropriate mitigation measure.
- Procedures for the dismantling and re-erection of any buildings of cultural heritage interest.
- archaeological monitoring procedures to be implemented at any sites of archaeological or cultural heritage interest adjacent to the construction site during construction.
12.2.3 The contractor will provide an Archaeological Clerk of Works who will be responsible for implementation of the Cultural Heritage Management Plan.
12.2.4 The contractor will consult with Historic Scotland regarding preparation of the Cultural Heritage Management Plan.
12.3 Mitigation of Potential Impacts on Archaeological or Cultural Heritage Resources
12.3.1 The contractor will provide appropriate fencing and hoarding as may be necessary to protect sites of archaeological or cultural heritage interest within or adjacent to the construction site, including unknown sites discovered during construction. See also Section 3.6 and Section 6 of this CoCP.
12.3.2 The contractor will implement appropriate watching briefs and archaeological monitoring during construction works adjacent to sites of archaeological or cultural heritage interest and during topsoil stripping.
12.3.3 The contractor will consult with Historic Scotland should any archaeological or cultural heritage finds or sites be discovered or revealed during construction to enable appropriate measures to be implemented to mitigate potential impacts. Measures to be implemented may include the following, as appropriate:
- Investigation and assessment of the discoveries to determine their significance.
- Assessing the potential impacts due to the Project to inform the design of appropriate mitigation measures.
- Excavating, recording and reporting on any discoveries.
- Recording and taking measures to potentially preserve any discoveries in situ if required or appropriate as agreed with Historic Scotland.
12.3.4 The contractor will undertake a risk assessment and undertake appropriate structural or dilapidation surveys and vibration monitoring at sites of archaeological or built heritage interest adjacent to the construction site prior to, during and following construction works. The risk assessment will include, but not be limited to, the following buildings:
- St Margaret's Hope, Admiralty House, Category B listed building.
- Port Edgar Barracks Category B listed complex.
- Inchgarvie House Category C(s) listed building.
12.3.5 The nature, extent and frequency of monitoring will be appropriate and agreed with Historic Scotland taking into consideration the nature of the planned construction works and proximity of the relevant site. See also Section 5.2 of this CoCP.
12.3.6 The contractor will seek to minimise the encroachment of the design and construction of the Project into Hope Street Cemetery, Inverkeithing and will consult with Fife Council Bereavement Services in this regard. The Scottish Ministers will consult with Fife Council Bereavement Services and other relevant authorities to develop a procedure to be implemented in the event that the design or construction of the Project requires exhumation and relocation of any human remains interred within the cemetery. See also section 3.6 of this CoCP.
12.4.1 The monitoring requirements, including those during construction, are set out in Section 12.3 above.
- Code of Approved Practice for the Regulation of Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Code of Conduct, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Environmental Archaeology and Archaeological Evaluations, Association for Environmental Archaeology, Working Paper No. 2, 1995
- Excavation and post-excavation treatment of cremated and inhumed human remains, McKinley, Jacqueline I and Roberts, Charlotte; Institue of Field Archaeologists Technical Paper No. 13, 1993
- Recording Historic Buildings: A Descriptive Specification, Third Edition, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1993
- Scottish Historic Environment Policy, Historic Scotland, 2008
- Scottish Planning Policy 23 [SPP23] Planning and the Historic Environment
- Standard and Guidance for an Archaeological Watching Brief, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Desk Based Assessments, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Excavation, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Field Evaluation, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- Standard and Guidance for the Collection, Documentation, Conservation and Research of Archaeological Material, Institute for Archaeologists, 2008
- The Law and Burial Archaeology, Garratt-Frost, Stephen 1992; Institue of Field Archaeologists Technical Paper No. 11, 1992