3. Next steps

3. Next steps

If you consider you may suffer an adverse effect as a result of the proposals described in this Non-Technical Summary and in the Environmental Statement, you are entitled to object.

Objections should be lodged with the clerks of the Scottish Parliament no later than 60 days after the introduction of the Bill, which is expected to be introduced in November 2009.

Objections should be sent in writing to:

The Non Executive Bills Unit
Room T2 60
The Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP

The fee for lodging objections is £20 and is payable to the Scottish Parliament.

The Environmental Statement, including the Non-Technical Summary, can be viewed on the FRC website: www.forthreplacementcrossing.info. A bound paper copy of the Environmental Statement may be purchased at a cost of £500, and is also available in DVD format at a cost of £10 by writing to Transport Scotland.

Additional copies of this Non-Technical Summary are available free of charge on request from:

Forth Replacement Crossing Team
Transport Scotland
7th Floor, Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
Glasgow G4 0HF

Telephone: 0141 272 7578

If you wish to view the full Environmental Statement, it is available for inspection during normal office hours at the above address and also by appointment at:

Scottish Government
IMU Library Services
F Spur, Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD

Telephone: 0131 244 4556

Copies of the Bill and the accompanying documents published by the Parliament will be available on the Parliament’s website (www.scottish.parliament.uk/bills) and also to purchase from any Blackwells bookshop.

Further information about the Hybrid Bill process, in particular the objection process, is provided in the Scottish Parliament leaflet Guidance on Hybrid Bills, which is available from the Non Executive Bills Unit (address as before) and online at www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/so/sto-c .