A6.1 List of Consultees
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1.1.1 A full list of consultees and a summary of the information provided through the consultation process (as described in Chapter 6: Consultation and Scoping) is presented below.
Consultee |
Information provided |
Aberdour Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Airth Parish Community Council (Falkirk) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Area Advisory Group (Forth) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Advised on landscape mitigation. |
Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
BAA AirportsM |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Blackness Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Bo’ness Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI) |
Rare plant species and protected sites. |
British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
British Geological Survey (BGS) |
Referred to their website for information and provided information on data searches that BGS can carry out. |
British Horse SocietyP |
Information provided through West Lothian Bridleways. |
British Herpetological Society |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
British Oceanographic Data Centre * |
Provided details of data available for coastal modelling. |
British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) |
Wetland birds survey data. |
British Waterways Scotland |
Confirmed that there are no navigable waterways in the study area. |
Bug Life Scotland |
Confirmed that they do not have any records relevant to the proposed scheme. |
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) |
No response provided to EIA information request letters. |
Central Scotland Bat Group |
Confirmed that they do not have any records relevant to the proposed scheme. |
Clyde River Foundation* |
Provided details of data available on invasive species. |
Charleston, Limekilns & Pattiemuir Community Council |
No response provided to EIA information request letters. |
Civil Aviation Authority |
Advised that Edinburgh Airport is better equipped to give information and provided contact details. |
Clackmannanshire Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Coal Authority* |
Provided a review of potential past mining activities. |
Community Facilities including schools, nurseries and care homes*. (Refer to Chapter 17: Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community Effects). |
Information on attendance/ no. of residents. |
Council of Scottish Archaeology |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Cramond Angling Club |
Catch data for the River Almond. |
Cramond Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Crombie Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Cycling ScotlandP |
No comments but requested to be kept informed. |
Cyclist Touring ClubP |
No comments. |
Dalgety Bay & Hillend Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Dalgety Bay Sailing ClubP |
Concerned about potential disruption to access to and from club. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Deep Sea WorldM |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Information on marine surveying. |
East Lothian Council3 |
Housing developments in the Local Plan 2008. |
Echoes Ecology Ltd. |
Bat data and their conservation status. |
Edinburgh Biodiversity Partnership |
Advised that the Lothian Wildlife Information Centre, the Scottish Ornithologists Club and the Forth Estuary Forum should be contacted. |
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce3 |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Edinburgh and Lothian Badger Group |
Badger activity and location of setts in study area. |
Edinburgh Natural History Society |
Unable to provide information, larger consultees are better placed to respond. |
Falkirk Council |
Advised that Falkirk Council is out with the survey area. |
Fife Bat Group |
Bat records. |
Fife Biological Records Centre3 |
Marine and terrestrial biological records. |
Fife Bird Club |
Fife bird reports 2003-2007. |
Fife Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Ltd3 |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Fife Coast and Countryside Trust |
They do not hold red squirrel records for the study area. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Fife CouncilMP |
GIS Shape files of proposed core paths, protected areas, geology, landscape and archaeological sites. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Fife Environmental Network |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Fife Ornithological Atlas Group |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Fisheries Research Services M (now Marine Scotland) |
Fish and shellfisheries in the Forth. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS)P |
Forth & Tay Disabled Ramblers (FTDR) |
Information on existing access to the Forth Road Bridge. |
Forth Bridges Visitor Centre |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Forth Canoe ClubP |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Forth Cruising Club |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Forth District Salmon Fisheries Board** |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Forth Estuary Forum |
Unable to provide information but offered to publish project updates in their newsletter. |
Forth Estuary Transport Authority (FETA)M |
Review of Forth Road Bridge closures. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Forth Fisheries Foundation (Data Managed By RAFTS) |
Requested to be removed from consultee list. |
Forth PortsM |
Forth Right Alliance |
No response provided to EIA information request letters. |
Forth Sea Bird Group |
Forth Tunnel Action Group (Forthtag) |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Friends of the Earth (FoTE) |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Greenpeace |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Hawk and Owl Trust |
Requested to be removed from consultee list. |
Health and Safety Executive |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Health Scotland |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust |
No information to provide to the EIA information request letters. |
Heritage Railway Association |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Heriot-Watt University - School of Life Sciences |
Marine data. |
Historic ScotlandM |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Inverkeithing Community Council |
Informed of three reservoirs located at Castlandhill that supply the Naval Dockyards. |
Joint Nature Conservative Committee (JNCC) |
Requested removal from consultee list. |
Kincardine Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Kirkliston Community CouncilP |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Lothian Amphibian & Reptile Group |
Location of great crested newts. |
Lothian Bat Group |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Lothian Ringing Group* |
Bird data for the Forth Islands Appropriate Assessment. |
Lothian Wildlife Information Centre |
Mammal Society |
Informed no cetacean data available and requested removal from consultee list. |
Midlothian Council |
Suggested contacting Lothian Wildlife Information Centre. |
Midlothian & East Lothian Chamber of Commerce3 |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Mobility and Access Committee (MAC) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
National Biodiversity Network (NBN) |
Species records. |
National Farmers Union |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
National Museums of ScotlandM |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
National Trust for Scotland |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Newton Community Council (West Lothian)P |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
North Queensferry Boat and Sports Club |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
North Queensferry Community CouncilP |
North Queensferry Heritage TrustP |
Historical information relating to North Queensferry. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Passenger FOCUS |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Perth & Kinross Council |
Advised that they are outside survey area, and therefore have no information or further comment. |
Pitcorthie Community Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Plantlife UK |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Port Edgar Marina |
Private users and business operating from marina. |
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL)* |
Provided details of data available for coastal modelling. |
Queensferry Boat Club |
No comments to make. |
Queensferry & District Community Council (South)P |
Information on community facilities including Westmuir riding school, fields at Echline and Port Edgar. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Requested removal from consultee list. |
Ramblers AssociationP |
Suggested consulting Edinburgh and West Lothian draft core path plans, Sustrans and the Scottish Right of Way Society for details. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Raptor Study Group Lothian and Borders |
Location of barn owl and three buzzard territories. |
Rosyth Community CouncilP |
Advised that St Columbas Parish Church was omitted from the baseline plans. |
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments for Scotland |
Archaeological sites and monuments and historical landscape assessments. |
Royal Forth Yacht ClubP |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)M |
Bird data. |
Scarborough Muir |
No information provided. |
Scottish Badgers |
Badger records. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Scottish Canoe AssociationP |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Chamber of Commerce3 |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Civic Trust |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries (SCURL) Special Needs Group |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Scottish Environment Link |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)M |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency (now Marine Scotland) |
Fishing activities in the study area. |
Scottish Fishermen’s Federation |
Confirmed that none of their members undertake crab/lobster fishing near the study area. |
Scottish Government Climate Change and Water Industry Directorate |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Scottish Government Marine Directorate (now Marine Scotland) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Government Rural Directorate (formerly SEERAD) |
Agricultural land. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Scottish Ornithological Club (SOC) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Pelagic Fisherman's Association |
Confirmed that their boats do not fish in the Forth. |
Scottish Public Health Observatory |
Information sources and health and wellbeing profiles. |
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)MP |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Scottish Rural Property & Business Association (formerly SLF) |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Scottish Water |
Scottish Waters assets. |
Scottish Wildlife Trust |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
ScotwaysP |
Sea Watch Foundation |
Cetacean data. |
Provided details of data available for coastal modelling. |
South East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran)M |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Sea Mammal Research Unit |
Pinniped data. |
SPOKES EdinburghP |
Information on local paths and community facilities (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Stirling Council |
Requested removal from consultee list. |
South Lanarkshire Council |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Confirmation of cycle routes. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Take Pride in Fife Environmental Information Centre |
Provided details of data available on notable species. |
Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership (TACTRANS) |
Confirmed that they do not hold any data. |
Tay Ringing Group |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
The Bat Conservation Trust |
Confirmed that they do not hold any bat records. |
The City of Edinburgh CouncilM |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
The Cockburn Association |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
The Crown Estate |
Details of land ownerships. |
The Forth Yacht Clubs Association3 |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
The Garden History Society |
Gardens of national importance. (Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Transform |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Turnhouse Golf Club |
Thank you and request removal from consultee list. |
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) |
Provided details of data available on tidal currents. |
United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO) |
Tidal data. |
University of Edinburgh |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
University of Exeter* |
University of Glasgow |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
University of Stirling |
Provided details of data available. |
Vincent Wildlife Trust |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Visit Scotland |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Waterski Scotland |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
West Lothian Bridleways AssociationP |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
West Lothian CouncilMP |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
West of Scotland Archaeological Service (WoSAS) |
(Refer to Appendix A6.3). |
Wetlands Bird Survey (WeBS): Lothian Coordination |
Response received via BTO. |
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) |
No information to provide to the EIA. |
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Winchburgh Community CouncilP |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
Winchburgh Development |
No response provided to the EIA information request letters. |
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) |
No comments to make. |