Forth Replacement Crossing: Environmental Statement
Forth Replacement Crossing: Environmental Statement
November 2009
Non-Technical Summary
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Statutory Context
1.3 Environmental Statement (ES)
1.4 The Assessment Team
1.5 Review and Comments
1.6 References
2 Need for the Scheme
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Forth Road Bridge
2.3 National Context for Bridge Replacement
2.4 Existing Traffic Conditions
2.5 References
3 Alternatives Considered
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Background
3.3 The Proposed Scheme – Assessment and Development
3.4 References
4 The Proposed Scheme
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Scheme Procurement
4.3 Scheme Design
4.4 Sustainable Development Policy
4.5 Summary of Proposed Scheme
4.6 Details of the Proposed Scheme
4.7 Construction Methods and Programme
4.8 Ongoing Design Development
4.9 References
5 Overview of Assessment Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Scope and Guidance
5.3 Environmental Reporting
5.4 References
6 Consultation and Scoping
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Approach and Methods
6.3 Consultation Summary
6.4 Key Issues Raised by Consultees
6.5 References
7 Land Use
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Approach and Methods
7.3 Baseline Conditions
7.4 Potential Impacts
7.5 Mitigation
7.6 Residual Impacts
7.7 Ongoing Design Development
7.8 References
8 Geology, Contaminated Land and Groundwater
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Approach and Methods
8.3 Baseline Conditions
8.4 Potential Impacts
8.5 Mitigation
8.6 Residual Impacts
8.7 Ongoing Design Development
8.8 References
9 Water Environment
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Approach and Methods
9.3 Baseline Conditions
9.4 Potential Impacts
9.5 Mitigation
9.6 Residual Impacts
9.7 Ongoing Design Development
9.8 References
10 Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Approach and Methods
10.3 Baseline Conditions
10.4 Potential Impacts
10.5 Mitigation
10.6 Residual Impacts
10.7 Ongoing Design Development
10.8 References
11 Estuarine Ecology
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Approach and Methods
11.3 Baseline Conditions
11.4 Potential Impacts
11.5 Mitigation
11.6 Residual Impacts
11.7 Appropriate Assessment
11.8 Ongoing Design Development
11.9 References
12 Landscape
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Approach and Methods
12.3 Baseline Conditions
12.4 Potential Impacts
12.5 Mitigation
12.6 Residual Impacts
12.7 Ongoing Design Development
12.8 References
13 Visual
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Approach and Methods
13.3 Baseline Conditions
13.4 Potential Impacts
13.5 Mitigation
13.6 Residual Impacts
13.7 Ongoing Design Development
13.8 References
14 Cultural Heritage
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Approach and Methods
14.3 Baseline Conditions
14.4 Potential Impacts
14.5 Mitigation
14.6 Residual Impacts
14.7 Ongoing Design Development
14.8 References
15 Air Quality
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Approach and Methods
15.3 Baseline Conditions
15.4 Potential Impacts
15.5 Mitigation
15.6 Residual Impacts
15.7 Sensitivity of CO2 Emissions Using Paramics / PHEM Modelling
15.8 References
16 Noise and Vibration
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Approach and Methods
16.3 Baseline Conditions
16.4 Potential Impacts
16.5 Mitigation
16.6 Residual Impacts
16.7 References
17 Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community Effects
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Approach and Methods
17.3 Baseline Conditions
17.4 Potential Impacts
17.5 Mitigation
17.6 Residual Impacts
17.7 Ongoing Design Development
17.8 References
18 Vehicle Travellers
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Approach and Methods
18.3 Baseline Conditions
18.4 Potential Impacts
18.5 Mitigation
18.6 Residual Impacts
18.7 Ongoing Design Development
18.8 References
19 Disruption Due to Construction
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Approach and Methods
19.3 Land Use
19.4 Landscape and Visual
19.5 Air Quality
19.6 Noise and Vibration
19.7 Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community Effects
19.8 Vehicle Travellers
19.9 Summary of Construction Impacts on Other Environmental Parameters
19.10 Other Issues of Relevance to Construction Works
19.11 Alternative Construction Compound
19.12 Summary of Residual Impacts
19.13 References
20 Policies and Plans
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Approach and Methods
20.3 Summary of Plans and Policies
20.4 Assessment of Compliance
20.5 Summary of Policy Assessment
20.6 Ongoing Design Development
20.7 References
21 Cumulative Impact Assessment
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Approach and Methods
21.3 Potential Cumulative Impacts
21.4 Mitigation of Cumulative Impacts
21.5 Residual Cumulative Impacts
21.6 Ongoing Design Development
21.7 Conclusions
21.8 References
22 Summary of Potential Impacts
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Environmental Impact Tables
23 Schedule of Environmental Commitments
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Mitigation Schedules
24 Summary of Significant Residual Impacts
24.1 Introduction
This document supports Volume 1 (Main Report) of the Forth Replacement Crossing Environmental Statement.
1 Introduction
A1.1 Environmental Assessment Team
4 The Proposed Scheme
A4.1 Construction Information
5 Overview of Assessment Process
A5.1 Supplementary Do-Minimum Assessment
6 Consultation and Scoping
A6.1 List of Consultees
A6.2 Consultation Letters
A6.3 Summary of Key Issues
7 Land Use
A7.1 Business Questionnaire
A7.2 Business Impacts (confidential)
A7.3 Agricultural, Forestry and Sporting Interests Questionnaire
A7.4 Agricultural Land Capability
A7.5 Assessment of Development Land
A7.6 Impacts on Agriculture, Sporting and Forestry Interests
8 Geology, Contaminated Land and Groundwater
A8.1 Land Contamination Assessment
A8.2 Private Water Supplies (PWS) Assessment Criteria
9 Water Environment
A9.1 Hydrodynamic Modelling
A9.2 Surface Water Hydrology
A9.3 Hydraulic Modelling and Input to Design
A9.4 Fluvial Geomorphology
A9.5 Water Quality – Road Drainage Assessment
12 Landscape
A12.1 Landscape Character – Sensitivity and Impact Magnitude
A12.2 Extracts from SNH Landscape Character Assessments
13 Visual
A13.1 Built Receptors - Main Crossing
A13.2 Outdoor Receptors - Main Crossing
A13.3 Built Receptors - Northern Route
A13.4 Outdoor Receptors - Northern Route
A13.5 Built Receptors - Southern Route
A13.6 Outdoor Receptors - Southern Route
14 Cultural Heritage
A14.1 Summary of Marine Geophysics Assessment
15 Air Quality
A15.1 Air Quality Model Evaluation
16 Noise and Vibration
A16.1 Noise and Vibration - Introduction and Terms
A16.2 Noise and Vibration Policy
A16.3 Baseline Noise Surveys
A16.4 Impact and Significance Criteria
19 Disruption due to Construction
A19.1 Code of Construction Practice
A19.2 Construction Noise Results
20 Policy and Plans
A20.1 Assessment of Development Plan Policy Compliance
This document supports Volume 1 (Main Report) of the Forth Replacement Crossing Environmental Statement.
10 Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology
A10.1 Ecology Team - Names and Qualifications
A10.2 Legislation, Conservation Status and Biology
A10.3 Detailed Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology Methods
A10.4 Detailed Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecological Baseline Data
A10.5 Badger and Otter Information (Confidential)
A10.6 Evaluation of Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecological Receptors
A10.7 Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology – Impacts and Mitigation
11 Estuarine Ecology
A11.1 Estuarine Ecology - Legislation
A11.2 Detailed Estuarine Survey Methods
A11.3 Detailed Estuarine Baseline Information
A11.4 Detailed Estuarine Ecology Impacts and Mitigation
This document supports Volume 1 (Main Report) of the Forth Replacement Crossing Environmental Statement.
1 Introduction
1.1 Regional Context
3 Alternatives Considered
3.1 FRCS Corridor Options
3.2 Corridor D – Bridge Option
3.3 Pre-Stage 2 Route Corridor Options
3.4 Stage 2 Route Corridor Options
3.5 Main Crossing Tower Options
4 The Proposed Scheme
4.1 The Proposed Scheme
4.2 Main Crossing – Indicative Arrangement
4.3 Do-Minimum (DM) 2017 and Do-Something (DS) 2017 Predicted Traffic Flow Volumes (18 hour flow)
7 Land Use
7.1 Agricultural Land Use
7.2 General Land Use
8 Geology, Contaminated Land and Groundwater
8.1 Rockhead Elevation Contours
8.2 Drift Thickness Contours
8.3 Geological Constraints
8.4 Contaminated Land
8.5 Hydrogeological Related Features
9 Water Environment
9.1 Water Features
9.2 Surface Water Hydrology
9.3 Surface Water Mitigation
9.4 200 Yr Flood Extents Along Swine Burn and Niddry Burn
9.5 Swine Burn Realignment
10 Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology
10.1 Designated Nature Conservation Sites
10.2 Phase 1 Terrestrial and Freshwater Habitat Survey
10.3 St. Margaret’s Marsh SSSI: Vegetation Map
10.4 Bat Activity Survey
10.5 Bat Habitat Survey
10.6 Terrestrial Breeding and Wintering Bird Survey Quadrats
10.7 Water Vole Habitat Assessment
10.8 Red Squirrel Survey
10.9 Amphibian and Reptile Survey Locations
10.10 Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey
10.11 River Habitat, Macrophyte, Macroinvertebrate and Fish Surveys
11 Estuarine Ecology
11.1 Subtidal and Intertidal Surveys
11.2 Sediment Grain Size Distribution
11.3 Marine Fisheries
11.4 Seal Haul Out Locations within the Firth of Forth and Forth Islands
11.5 Marine Mammals Sea Watch Foundation and Lothian Wildlife Information Centre Data
11.6 Coastal and Passage Migrant Bird Surveys
11.7 Breeding Tern Survey: Survey Sectors and Vantage Points
11.8 Distribution of Intertidal Biotopes in the Firth of Forth
12 Landscape
12.1 Overview of Local Landscape Character Areas and Landscape Designated Areas
12.2 Landscape Character Area Photos
12.3 Topography and Drainage
12.4 Landscape and Ecological Mitigation
12.5 Proposed Scheme Cross-Sections
12.6 Photomontage and Wireline Locations
12.7 Photomontages and Wirelines
13 Visual
13.1 Visual Impact General Overview Map
13.2 Main Crossing: Visual Impact on Outdoor Receptors
13.3 Main Crossing: Visual Impact on Built Receptors
13.4 Main Crossing: Visual Impact on Built Receptors – Urban Areas
13.5 Northern Route: Visual Impact on Outdoor Receptors
13.6 Northern Route: Visual Impact on Built Receptors
13.7 Southern Route: Visual Impact on Outdoor Receptors
13.8 Southern Route: Visual Impact on Built Receptors
13.9 Theoretical Visual Envelope Map, Winter Year of Opening – Day Proposed Scheme and Main Crossing
13.10 Theoretical Visual Envelope Map, Winter Year of Opening – Night Proposed Scheme and Main Crossing
13.11 Theoretical Visual Envelope Map, Summer 15 Years From Opening - Day Proposed Scheme and Main Crossing
13.12 Theoretical Visual Envelope Map, Summer 15 Years From Opening - Night Proposed Scheme and Main Crossing
13.13 Theoretical Visual Envelope Map, Winter Year of Opening - Day Main Crossing
14 Cultural Heritage
14.1 Overview of Features of Cultural Heritage Importance
14.2 Location of Features of Cultural Heritage Importance
14.3 Main Crossing Cultural Heritage Setting Impact Sites
14.4 Historical Landscape Areas
15 Air Quality
15.1 Air Quality Local Study Areas and Receptors
15.2 Air Quality - Additional Assessment Areas and Receptors
15.3 Air Quality Regional Study Area
15.4 Air Quality Model Evaluation Locations
15.5 2005 Base Annual Mean NO2 Concentration
15.6 2017 Do-Minimum Annual Mean NO2 Concentration
15.7 2017 Do-Something Annual Mean NO2 Concentration
15.8 2032 Do-Minimum Annual Mean NO2 Concentration
15.9 2032 Do-Something Annual Mean NO2 Concentration
15.10 Difference Plot 2017 Do-Something – Do-Minimum Annual Mean NO2
15.11 Difference Plot 2032 Do-Something – Do-Minimum Annual Mean NO2
15.12 Base 2005 Annual Mean PM10 Concentration
15.13 2017 Do-Minimum Annual Mean PM10 Concentration
15.14 2017 Do-Something Annual Mean PM10 Concentration
15.15 2032 Do-Minimum Annual Mean PM10 Concentration
15.16 2032 Do-Something Annual Mean PM10 Concentration
15.17 Difference Plot 2017 Do-Something – Do-Minimum Annual Mean PM10
15.18 Difference Plot 2032 Do-Something – Do-Minimum Annual Mean PM10
15.19 2005 Base Daily Mean PM10 Concentration (98.08th Percentile)
15.20 2017 Do-Minimum Daily Mean PM10 Concentration (98.08th Percentile)
15.21 2017 Do-Something Daily Mean PM10 Concentration (98.08th Percentile)
15.22 2032 Do-Minimum Daily Mean PM10 Concentration (98.08th Percentile)
15.23 2032 Do-Something Daily Mean PM10 Concentration (98.08th Percentile)
16 Noise and Traffic Vibration
16.1 Extent of Noise Study Area including Location of Significant Non-Residential Buildings
16.2 Noise Survey Locations
16.3 Do-Minimum Road Traffic Noise Levels, 2017
16.4 Do-Minimum Road Traffic Noise Levels, 2032
16.5 Noise Level Differences between Do-Something 2017 without Mitigation and Do-Minimum 2032
16.6 Do-Something Road Traffic Noise Levels, 2017 without Mitigation
16.7 Do-Something Road Traffic Noise Levels, 2032 without Mitigation
16.8 Noise Level Difference Between Do-Something 2017 without Mitigation and Do-Minimum 2017
16.9 Noise Level Difference Between Do-Something 2032 without Mitigation and Do-Minimum 2017
16.10 Proposed Additional Noise Mitigation
16.11 Do-Something Road Traffic Noise Levels, 2017 with Mitigation
16.12 Do-Something Road Traffic Noise Levels, 2032 with Mitigation
16.13 Noise Level Difference between Do-Something 2017 with Mitigation and Do-Minimum 2017
16.14 Noise Level Difference between Do-Something 2032 with Mitigation and Do-Minimum 2017
16.15 Noise Level Difference between Do-Something 2017 with Mitigation and Do-Something 2017 without Mitigation
17 Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community Effects
17.1 Community Catchment Areas and Community Links
17.2 Existing Paths / Cycleways and Links to Community Facilities
17.3 Potential Impacts on Paths and Proposed Mitigation
18 Vehicle Travellers
18.1 View from Proposed Road, Winter Year of Opening
18.2 View from Proposed Road, Summer 15 Years from Opening
19 Disruption Due to Construction
19.1 Construction Compound Locations
19.2 Day Time Noise Impacts From Construction Activities
19.3 Night Time Noise Impacts From Construction Activities
21 Cumulative Impact Assessment
21.1 Cumulative Impact Assessment – Other Developments
21.2 Residual Impacts Considered in the Cumulative Impact Assessment