23 Schedule of Environmental Commitments 23.1 Introduction 23.2 Mitigation Schedules
23 Schedule of Environmental Commitments
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23.1 Introduction
23.1.1 This chapter summarises the mitigation measures identified in the ES, which are considered necessary to protect the environment, prior to construction, during construction and/or during operation of the proposed scheme.
23.1.2 The purpose of the Schedule of Environmental Commitments is to collate mitigation measures, both for ease of reference and for use by those overseeing the Contract Documents. These mitigation measures are those identified as necessary for the proposed scheme as reported in this ES.
23.1.3 As described throughout this ES, the proposed scheme design has been progressed taking account of identified environmental constraints and considerations, enabling avoidance of potential environmental impacts.
23.2 Mitigation Schedules
23.2.1 Tables 23.1 to 23.13 summarise the mitigation measures identified within the ES to avoid, reduce or offset the potential impacts as listed in Chapter 22 (Summary of Potential Impacts).
Table 23.1: Land Use Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
LU1 |
Dundas Estate (Land Ref 1, 6, 9 & 23), Humbie Farm (Land Ref 3), Newliston Estate (Land Ref 11 & 16), Overton Grazing (Land Ref 15). |
Scheme design/ Operation |
Loss of agricultural land and forestry will be reduced by implementing re-instatement plans i.e. returning land to agricultural use, where appropriate, post construction. Agricultural land will be re-instated in accordance with the requirements of the Bill. A photographic and video survey is to be undertaken to ensure all land is restored as near to its original state as is reasonably practicable and will be made available to the owner or occupier. |
LU2 |
All agricultural land |
Operation |
Access to agricultural land and woodland will be maintained during the construction process and post construction in accordance with the requirements of the Bill. |
LU3 |
All agricultural land |
Construction/ Operation |
Potential for damage to the agricultural capability of soils will be minimised by the adoption of appropriate measures during construction and reinstatement. This includes the careful excavation, storage and replacement of topsoil and subsoil. |
LU4 |
All agricultural land |
Construction |
Notice of intention to commence construction work will be given to owners and occupiers of adjacent land along the route before works commence. Consultation with landowners and occupiers will be undertaken when developing the programme of works to reduce disturbance where appropriate and without detriment to the overall programme. |
LU5 |
All agricultural land |
Construction/ Operation |
Temporary fences and lights will be provided in appropriate locations during construction for the protection of the health and safety of the public and animals and to avoid trespass. Where appropriate, fencing of the working area will be to a standard adequate for the purpose of excluding any stock kept on adjoining land. |
LU6 |
All agricultural land |
Construction |
Where boundary features such as fences, walls and hedges have to be removed to allow construction these will be reinstated with appropriate materials to provide a secure field boundary. |
LU7 |
All agricultural land |
Construction |
Where access points require alteration either temporarily or permanently as a result of construction, alternative access for stock and machinery will be provided as appropriate in consultation with the landowner/occupier. Recessed access will be provided off side roads as appropriate. |
LU8 |
All agricultural land |
Construction/ Operation |
Reasonable precautions will be taken during construction to avoid the spreading of soil borne pests and diseases, animal and crop diseases and invasive species. |
LU9 |
All agricultural land |
Construction |
Particular care will be taken to reduce damage or disturbance to field and forestry drainage systems. Laying of new drains will be undertaken to maintain drainage systems during construction. Repairing and reinstatement of field drains affected by construction will be agreed with the landowner/occupier to ensure that land capability is maintained and flooding is not exacerbated. Where appropriate, the integrity of the drainage system will be secured in advance through the installation of header drains (cut off drains) to facilitate construction. All remaining remedial works will be undertaken post construction. |
LU10 |
All agricultural land |
Construction |
Water supplies for livestock will be protected at all times and alternative supplies provided where access is compromised by any works, unless agreed with the landowner. |
LU11 |
Castlandhill Farm (Land Ref 30) Dundas Estate (Land Ref 1, 6, 9,& 23) Dundas Mains (Land Ref 3) Newliston Estate (Land Ref 11 & 16) Rosebery Estate (Land Ref 44) |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Where individual stands of trees will be affected, an appropriate arboricultural assessment will be undertaken pre-construction and appropriate mitigation employed. |
LU12 |
Castlandhill Farm (Land Ref 30) Dundas Estate (Land Ref 6, 9, 23) Dundas Mains (Land Ref 3) Newliston Estate (Land Ref 11 & 16) |
Construction |
Where there are no windthrow or landscape visual issues, tree felling will be reduced to that necessary to allow the safe construction and operation of the proposed scheme. |
Table 23.2: Geology, Contaminated Land and Groundwater Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
G1 |
Ferry Hills SSSI |
Construction |
Rock mapping and rock inspection will be undertaken by the Contractor at the removal of the rock-cut meshing and as the excavation progresses to allow ongoing review of the slope stability in order to minimise the requirement for meshing or other stabilisation measures. |
G2 |
M9 Junction 1A and A90 to A8000 Bus Link |
Pre-construction |
If mining risks are confirmed in these areas (from the assessment of the 2009 GI results), appropriate stabilisation/protection works will be implemented and a detailed assessment on the impact of grouting on groundwater and ground gas migration will be undertaken. |
G3 |
Firth of Forth; N1-N3, N5a, N5b, N6, N8, N10, N17-N20, N27-N29 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S2, S11, S13 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The Contractor will establish appropriate health and safety procedures, waste management procedures, workmanship and QA/QC measures applicable to the level of contamination expected at the potential land contamination sources. |
G4 |
St Margaret’s Marsh (N1-N3 refer to Figure 8.4a) |
Pre-construction |
Detailed assessment of impacts on soils, groundwater and ecological receptors (based on the results of the 2009 GI) will be undertaken. Mitigation measures will be developed as appropriate. |
G5 |
Firth of Forth; N1-N29 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S1-S13 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The Contractor will select appropriate construction materials with reference to guidance such as BRE SD1:2005 and BS8500. |
G6 |
St Margaret’s Marsh (N1-N3 refer to Figure 8.4a). |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The Contractor will undertake a radioactivity risk assessment and if applicable will use appropriate construction methods to mitigate any potential risk. |
G7 |
N1-N3, N10, N17-N20, N27, N28, N31 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S2, S13 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Pre-construction |
A ground improvement risk assessment will be carried out including an assessment of risks from ground gases to inform potential protection measures. |
G8 |
N1-N31 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S1-S16 (refer to Figure 8.4b/c). |
Pre-construction/ Construction/ Operation |
An assessment of ground gasses in accordance with CIRIA 665 will be produced prior to construction and adhered to during construction. If significant ground gas issues are identified, further monitoring will be undertaken and/or appropriate gas protection measures incorporated into the final design. |
G9 |
N1-N3, N5a, N5b, N6, N8, N10, N17-N20, N27-N29 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S2, S11, S13 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Construction |
The Contractor will implement a ‘watching brief’ to be undertaken in order to identify any previously undiscovered areas of contamination. If any such areas are encountered, these will be dealt with appropriately. |
G10 |
N1-N29 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S2 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Construction |
Control of dust generation will be undertaken through damping-down of areas with water as required. Air quality monitoring will be undertaken, including occupational exposure and ambient air quality monitoring. |
G11 |
N1-N29 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S1-S14 (refer to Figure 8.4b and 8.4c). |
Operation |
Ground gas monitoring of confined spaces will be undertaken before entry. |
G12 |
N1-N3, N27 (refer to Figure 8.4a). |
Pre-construction |
Groundwater and soil sampling results from the 2009 GI will be assessed. Further groundwater sampling wells may be required as a result of this assessment (N1-N2 only). |
G13 |
S13 (refer to Figure 8.4a). |
Pre-construction/ Construction/ Operation |
Groundwater, surface water and soil sampling results from the 2009 GI will be assessed. Surface water and groundwater monitoring will be undertaken during construction. Where necessary, post construction groundwater monitoring will be undertaken. |
G14 |
N1-N3, N27 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S2, S11, S13 refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Pre-construction |
The Contractor will undertake a ground improvement risk assessment including assessment of risks from migration of to inform the final design. |
G15 |
N1-N3, N27, N29 (refer to Figure 8.4a); S2 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Construction/ Operation |
Where human health risks to end users have been identified, appropriate measures to prevent wind blown dust will be implemented. |
G16 |
N1-N3, N27 (refer to Figure 8.4a). |
Construction |
A soils reuse assessment will be undertaken to identify any potential risks posed to the water environment from reused soils used in embankments. Prior to disposal, soils will be assessed in line with the WM2 document (Environment Agency, 2008) to determine whether they are hazardous or non-hazardous. |
G17 |
S2 (refer to Figure 8.4b). |
Pre-construction |
A human health risk assessment will be undertaken based on the results of soil sampling undertaken during the 2009 GI in the area of made ground and the former Barracks. |
G18 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Refer to mitigation measures proposed for protection of surface water (mitigation measure W1 in Table 23.3). |
G19 |
Ch0-350 (Castlandhill Road) Ch0-290 (Ferrytoll Road) Ch0-1050 (temporary access road) Proposed scheme around M9 Junction 1A Ch2000-2500 (Queensferry Junction) Ch3200-4600 (mainline including associated roads and part of the main construction compound). Ch7900-8430 (mainline and associated side roads) Ch8500-8800 (mainline) |
Construction/ Operation |
Road drainage, detention basins and swales will be lined to protect the surrounding water environment in the locations specified. |
G20 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction/ Operation |
All detention basins and swales will be lined unless risk assessment during design development indicates that lining is not necessary at specific locations. |
G21 |
PWS N03, N04, N23 |
Pre-construction/ Construction/ Start of operation |
Site surveys will be undertaken to confirm if PWS are at risk. If confirmed, monitoring of the water quality of PWS will be required to determine background supply quality. Private water supplies will be maintained where practicable or alternatively, a connection to the public water supply will be provided. |
G22 |
All PWS |
Construction |
Any water supply pipes damaged during construction will be repaired or replaced. |
G23 |
N4 |
Construction |
During blasting, appropriate controls including health and safety procedures will be implemented and best practice will be adopted. |
G24 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The design will maintain the hydrological connectivity of the marsh whilst ensuring that the directional flow of groundwater is not affected. A groundwater monitoring network will be installed within St. Margaret’s Marsh. Groundwater levels will be monitored for a minimum of one year prior to construction to ensure seasonal fluctuations in water levels are adequately assessed; groundwater levels will be monitored during construction. |
G25 |
ch3200-4150 Swine Burn ch7350-7700 ch8000-8450 |
Pre-construction |
An assessment of permeability tests and groundwater/surface water monitoring results from the 2009 GI will be undertaken to inform CAR licences and discharge requirements. |
G26 |
Ch3000-4250 |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Quantitative stability analyses based on results of 2009 GI will be carried out to determine if any properties are at risk of settlement. In the eventuality of some properties being confirmed as at risk, appropriate measures including condition surveys and monitoring of buildings and groundwater levels may be required. |
G27 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Any existing pathways through services (e.g.land drains) affected during construction will be sealed. The detailed design will ensure that no new pathways are created. |
G28 |
S13 |
Construction |
Where necessary, lining of drainage to prevent the ingress of contaminated groundwater or lateral migration through granular backfill will be undertaken by the Contractor. |
G29 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will undertake an options appraisal in accordance with CLR11 for any additional areas of contaminated land identified by the 2009 GI as requiring remediation. |
Table 23.3: Water Environment Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
Generic/Best Practice |
W1 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction/ Operation |
Best practice guidance including but not limited to the following will be adhered to: SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines - PPG01, PPG02, PPG03,PPG04, PPG05, PPG06, PPG07, PPG08, PPG10, PPG13, PPG14, PPG18, PPG20, PPG21, PPG22, and PPG26; CIRIA Guidelines Report 142 Control of Pollution from Highway Drainage Discharges; CIRIA Report 168 Culvert Design Guide; CIRIA C609 Sustainable Drainage Systems; CIRIA C648 Control of Water Pollution from Linear Construction Projects; CIRIA C649 Control of Water Pollution from Linear Construction Projects Site Guide; CIRIA C697 The SUDS Manual; BS6031:1981 Code of Practice for Earthworks; and Defra Code of Practice for Using Plant Protection Products. |
W2 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
An Environmental Clerk of Works will be present on site during construction to supervise the implementation of appropriate environmental safeguards. |
W3 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Temporary treatment ponds will be constructed to reduce the pollution from runoff during the construction of approach roads. |
W4 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
To reduce potential increases in flows into the receiving watercourses during construction, the period of exposure of bare areas and uncontrolled runoff from newly paved areas will be limited as far as practicable. |
W5 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Stationary oil storage tanks will be located above the 0.5% AEP (1 in 200-year return period) flood level. Plant and material will be stored in safe areas above the 0.5% AEP (1 in 200 year return period), where practicable and temporary construction works will aim to be resistant to flood impacts in order to prevent movement or damage during potential flooding events. |
W6 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will be required to prepare a method statement for in-stream working for approval by SEPA. |
W7 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Temporary drainage systems will be used to alleviate localised flood risk and prevent obstruction of surface runoff pathways. Temporary SUDS systems or equivalent to reduce the potential for contaminated runoff to watercourses will be implemented. |
W8 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
General Binding Rule (GBR) 10 of CAR requires construction sites to be served by a sustainable drainage system, or equivalent, equipped to avoid pollution of the water environment. During construction of the site, temporary SUDS systems or equivalent to reduce the potential for contaminated runoff to watercourses will be implemented. |
W9 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
If flocculants are considered necessary to aid settlement of fine suspended solids such as clay particles, the chemicals used must first be approved by SEPA. |
W10 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Where required, temporary discharge consents are to be obtained from SEPA and oil interceptor(s) to be provided for vehicle parking areas, if required by SEPA. |
W11 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Materials for use in fill e.g. in embankments should comply with best practice. Where the Contractor considers the use of other materials, agreement with SEPA is required prior to use of such material. |
W12 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Effective mitigation for impacts associated with outfalls will be based on the following principles:
W13 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Service diversions, protection of utilities, excavations and ground penetration works will be carried out according to best practice. Potential services will be identified using information from the service provider and through survey where necessary. Measures are to be taken to prevent damage to services and to avoid pollution during service diversions, excavation and ground penetration. |
W14 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Best practice measures associated with storage of oil and fuels will be adhered to. |
W15 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The impact of the proposed scheme can be reduced through timely implementation of certain aspects of the construction works. Reasonable precautions will be taken to develop a programme to facilitate the implementation of mitigation measures at the stage where their application will be most effective. |
W16 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
For all watercourses, in-channel works will be carried out during periods of low flow (as determined by the Environmental Clerk of Works) to reduce the risk of a pollution event. The length of channel disturbed will be restricted to the minimum that is required. All in-channel works and construction activities within the floodplain will be avoided during periods of high flow and increased flood risk for health and safety reasons. In-channel works will avoid spawning periods in salmonid watercourses, i.e. Niddry Burn, Swine Burn and the River Almond (between October and May). Refer to mitigation measure TE8 and TE20 in Table 23.4 (Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology). Tie-ins back to existing channels during culvert realignment works will be undertaken during low flow conditions. |
W17 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will comply with CAR and SEPA requirements. |
W18 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will be required to monitor water quality prior to and during construction in order to assess chemical and biological parameters as required by SEPA. Parameters, frequency of sampling and limits will be agreed with SEPA in advance of construction. |
W19 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
A daily inspection is to be carried out by the Environmental Clerk of Works to identify:
The Environmental Clerk of Works will recommend appropriate actions where risks are unacceptably high, where there is non-compliance with the CoCP, where spillages and leakages are unacceptable or where there are any suspected pollution incidences. Where necessary, the Pollution Incident Response Procedure is to be implemented. |
W20 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will take reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of pollution to the marine environment including:
W21 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh |
Construction |
Storage of chemical, fuel or oil tanks or refuelling locations will be located more than 10m beyond the boundary of St. Margaret’s Marsh SSSI. |
W22 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh |
Construction |
Concrete mixing and washing areas will be located more than 10m beyond the boundary of St. Margaret’s Marsh SSSI. |
W23 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
The Contractor will apply for the necessary consents required for any dredging activities and will comply with the mitigation measures as set out in the consents. |
W24 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
The Contractor will liaise with Forth Ports to request information on any proposed dredging within the Firth of Forth during the programmed dredging period for the proposed scheme. The Contractor will be required within the constraints of the proposed scheme construction programme to make reasonable efforts to avoid carrying out proposed scheme dredging at the same time as other dredging within 3km of the Main Crossing. |
W25 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
If the Contractor proposes to use more than one dredging vessel to dredge two or more pockets on or near the same shore at the same time, he will be required to demonstrate to SNH and Marine Scotland that there will be no additional impacts that could result in an overall significant impact from the dredging activities. |
W26 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
When waterproofing or using other sprayed chemicals, enclosed spraying to be used to prevent chemicals from entering estuary. |
W27 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
Dredged material will be disposed of appropriately. |
Drainage |
W28 |
Throughout Scheme |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
For each outfall, a treatment train will be provided to maximise pollutant removal. For new sections of road and roads to be upgraded, the treatment train will consist of 3 levels of SUDS in accordance with CIRIA (2007) and approved by SEPA, including filter drains, swales and detention basins. |
W29 |
St Margaret’s Marsh (refer to Figure 9.3a) |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
The design will maintain the hydrological connectivity of the marsh whilst ensuring that the directional flow of groundwater is not affected (as per mitigation measure G24 in Table 23.2). |
W30 |
Linn Mill Burn (refer to Figure 9.3c) |
Design/Construction/ Operation |
To mitigate against an increase in flood risk from the carriageway drainage onto lands adjacent to the viaduct abutments, excess runoff will be directed toward areas of detention, and/or conveyed toward the Firth of Forth without impacting areas of high risk. |
W31 |
Tributary of Niddry Burn, Niddry Burn, Swine Burn, River Almond (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
Where structures or embankments are constructed within the floodplain, compensatory storage will be created by landforming and this will be provided directly adjacent to the watercourse floodplain where practicable. |
W32 |
Swine Burn (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
Two outfalls appropriately positioned with scour protection will be provided. Two treatment trains will be provided. For flood flows in excess of carriageway drainage capacity, detention or conveyance of flood water toward areas of less risk. |
W33 |
Swine Burn (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
One new depressed invert culvert and one double-barrel culvert extension will be provided. The culvert will be designed in line with CIRIA 168 guidance and with allowance for freeboard above the 0.5% AEP (200-year return period event) flood level and mammal passage. Regular inspection to ensure the culverts are free from debris is recommended. |
W34 |
Swine Burn (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Construction |
Two stage channel with sinuous low flow channel will be provided. An adequately sized floodplain channel within the realignment will be provided to compensate for encroachment of the floodplain by the new proposed crossing and the culvert extension if required. |
W35 |
Tributary of Swine Burn (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
One treatment train will be provided. |
W36 |
Niddry Burn (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
One treatment train will be provided. |
W37 |
Niddry Burn (refer to Figure 9.3e) |
Design/ Construction |
Culvert extension maintaining same form as existing culvert will be provided. |
W38 |
Tributary of Niddry Burn |
Design/ Construction |
Culvert extension maintaining same form as existing culvert will be provided. |
W39 |
River Almond |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
One treatment train will be provided. |
W40 |
Ferry Burn |
Design/ Construction/ Operation |
One treatment train will be provided. |
W41 |
Dolphinton Burn (refer to Figure 9.3d) |
Design/ Construction |
Tie in with existing drainage network and SUDS will be provided. |
W42 |
Firth of Forth (refer to Figure 9.3d) |
Design/ Construction |
Two land-based treatment trains will be provided. Drainage over intertidal areas on both shores will be taken back to land-based SUDS systems. Drainage on Main Crossing will include droplet-dispersal system to disperse discharge and any road contaminants. Outfalls will be positioned at reasonably regular spacings (15m indicatively) on either side of bridge deck. Enhancement of drainage system along the viaduct to capture flood flows from the 0.5% AEP (200-year return period) event if practicable will be undertaken. |
W43 |
Main Crossing |
Construction |
Through deck drainage where permitted will include a droplet dispersal design. |
W44 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
The Scottish Water sewage outfall on the southern side of the shore will be relocated in a manner to reduce disturbance to the subtidal bed and shoreline and relocated to a position to provide adequate dilution and dispersion of effluent in accordance with Scottish Water and SEPA’s requirements. |
W45 |
Throughout scheme |
Operation |
Filter drains and filtration devices will be maintained through inspection and weed control, grass cutting, removal of sediment and vegetation build up, annual reinstatement of eroded areas or damaged vegetation and replacement of clogged filter material as required. |
W46 |
Throughout scheme |
Operation |
Scour protection will be provided at the drainage discharge outfall to protect the banks and bed of the receiving watercourse and to limit erosion. |
Table 23.4: Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
Generic/Best Practice |
TE1 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The Contractor’s Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) will be present on site to monitor construction works. |
TE2 |
Various |
Pre-construction/ Construction/ Operation |
An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be prepared and will specify where and when mitigation should be undertaken including a timetable of actions. |
TE3 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction |
Pre-construction surveys will be undertaken within the limits of the site and will extend 50m outwith the site boundary within areas of appropriate habitat to identify sensitive and vulnerable species. This will include surveys for badger setts, otter resting places and bat roosts adjacent to the proposed scheme. Where found, their locations will be communicated to construction staff in strict confidence to ensure no direct mortality during site clearance. |
TE4 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
If required by the ECoW, plant and personnel will be constrained to a prescribed working corridor through the use of temporary barriers, thereby reducing damage to habitats, potential direct mortality and disturbance to species. |
TE5 |
Throughout scheme |
Design/ Pre-construction/ Construction |
Works compounds, storage sites and access roads will avoid, where practicable, areas of woodland, wetland and scrub as advised by the ECoW to prevent degradation of sensitive habitat. |
TE6 |
Throughout scheme |
Design/ Pre-construction/ Construction |
Suitably constructed structures primarily for badgers, bats and otters including overbridges, underpasses, and fencing, with associated planting will be created on commuting corridors. |
TE7 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions will be undertaken to avoid/reduce in-channel works and translocation of channel substrate. |
TE8 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Best working practices in relation to works within salmonid watercourses will be adhered to. |
TE9 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Any temporary drainage systems will be designed to prevent otters entering and becoming trapped. |
TE10 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Trenches will be covered at the end of each working day or mammal ramps will be provided to allow mammals to escape. |
TE11 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Vegetation buffer strips will be maintained where practical. |
TE12 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Dust control measures will be implemented as outlined in mitigation measures DC13-17 (Table 23.13). |
TE13 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh. Habitats at Castlandhill Woodlands. St. Margaret’s Hope. South of Port Edgar Barracks. Inchgarvie House Lindsay’s Craigs. |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions are to be undertaken to avoid/reduce risk of transfer of alien species. |
TE14 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Destruction of otter resting places and bat roosts will only take place under the conditions of a European Protected Species (EPS) licence obtained from the Scottish Government through consultation with SNH. Destruction of badger setts will only take place under the conditions of a SNH badger development licence. On a case by case basis, setts and otter resting places lost to construction may require replacement. Any artificial setts and otter resting places required will be created in line with best practice guidance and with consultation with SNH. Pre-construction surveys for otter resting places adjacent to the proposed scheme will be undertaken and the locations of holts, couches and hovers communicated in strict confidence to construction staff. Where loss of a resting place is unavoidable, an EPS licence must be obtained from the Scottish Government through consultation with SNH. |
TE15 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Where practicable, works compounds, storage sites, access roads and construction work will be located/carried out at least 30m away from bat roosts and sensitive habitats for birds, and at agreed minimum distances from sensitive habitats for otter and badger. Any works undertaken within this distance must be subject to consultation with SNH, and undertaken under licence where applicable on a case by case basis. |
TE16 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Soft-start techniques will be applied to piling work procedures to encourage sensitive species to evacuate the area. |
Vegetation Clearance |
TE17 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Lighting |
TE18 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design/ Construction/ Operation |
TE19 |
Edge of Castlandhill Woods, St. Margaret’s Hope Wood, Port Edgar Barracks, Society Road, Inchgarvie, Echline Strip, Dolphington Wood and adjacent linear habitats, Milton Cottage, Ross’s Plantation, Swine Burn and their associated aquatic and wetland habitat, Niddry Burn, Lindsay’s Craigs, River Almond |
Construction |
Where night works are required, directional lighting will be used to ensure that roosts, woodland edges and waterbodies are not directly illuminated, or curfew times established to ensure that emerging or foraging bats, badgers, otters or migratory fish are not disturbed. |
Watercourses/Drainage |
TE20 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design/ Construction/ |
Habitat Management |
TE21 |
Throughout scheme |
Operation |
Habitat Re-instatement/Creation |
TE22 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction/ Operation |
Pollution Prevention |
TE23 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction/ Operation |
Specific Mitigation (refer to Figures 12.4a-n) |
TE24 |
Mixed woodland planting adjoining existing woodland west of M9 Junction 1A; replacement planting south of Queensferry Junction between ch2700-2900; and mixed woodland planting west of Ferrytoll Junction within the agricultural field adjoining Castlandhill Wood. |
Construction/ Operation |
Habitat creation to be undertaken using broad-leaved and mixed plantation woodland of native species of local provenance where available. |
TE25 |
Along existing hedge south of Inchgarvie House. Along the access road north of Queensferry Junction (ch3700-4300) and on the western side of the proposed scheme (ch3600-3900). Along the A904 west of Queensferry Junction and along the minor road southwest of Queensferry Junction. Along the proposed scheme east of Queensferry Junction (ch2500-3500) and alongside the bus links east of ch500. North of Lindsay’s Craigs Woodland alongside M9 WB from the M9 Spur Interchange Link to Overton Road (ch1700-2200). |
Construction/ Operation |
Hedgerow and tree planting will be provided. |
TE26 |
Areas of Habitat Creation |
Operation |
Bankside habitat creation comprising planting and enhancement of detention basins will be undertaken. |
TE27 |
Confidential |
Operation |
Replacement badger setts will be provided prior to the exclusion of badgers from social group A from their parent sett and population group C for a main and two outlier setts. Where practicable, replacement setts will be created within the same woodland area as the existing setts. Where this is not possible, the alternative site will be located such that a clear path leads to it from an existing sett. |
TE28 |
Confidential |
Construction |
Existing bat flight lines will be maintained through measures such as ensuring culverts and bridges are not obstructed at night, use of temporary structures, maintenance of ‘dark areas’ and keeping commuting routes free of obstructions and unlit at night. |
TE29 |
Watercourses |
Construction |
Generic mitigation measures proposed for water environment (see mitigation measure W1 in Table 23.3) also mitigate impacts on otters. |
TE30 |
Niddry Burn |
Construction |
If found to be required, a European Protected Species Licence will be obtained to allow for the likely disturbance of otter lying up sites. |
TE31 |
Niddry Burn |
Construction/ Operation |
An artificial otter holt will be provided. |
TE32 |
Watercourses |
Operation |
In order to reduce disturbance of otters, lighting will be sensitively sited to reduce light spill onto burns and where required screens will be provided. |
TE33 |
Ferrytoll Junction (ch7200-7500) |
Construction |
Destructive searches of terrestrial habitat will be undertaken prior to site clearance making the habitat unsuitable for amphibians. Searches will be carried out between March-October when amphibians are active and out of hibernation. Amphibians captured during this procedure will be relocated to pre-identified areas that are sheltered and close to a suitable refuge or pond, in weather conditions conducive to activity. The location of pre-identified release areas will be established through consultation with SNH. Amphibian exclusion fencing will be installed between approx. ch7200-ch7500 (on east side of the highway only) where applicable/practicable and through consultation with SNH to prevent the movement of amphibians back into cleared areas. |
TE34 |
Swine Burn. Niddry Burn. |
Construction/ Operation |
Habitat enhancement/creation will be incorporated through the inclusion of meander bends, secondary channels and riparian zones, where appropriate. |
TE35 |
Dewatered watercourses. Swine Burn. |
Construction |
The translocation of some of the main channel substrate will be undertaken during construction to enable a proportion of the macroinvertebrate assemblage present in the substrate to survive the dewatering process. |
TE36 |
Swine Burn. |
Pre-Construction |
Fish will be removed from the areas which are required to be dewatered during the construction of culverts, bridges and watercourse realignments and transferred to diverted watercourse (where available) or returned to the existing watercourse either upstream or downstream of the proposed scheme. On reinstatement of any diversion channel, any fish remaining in the diverted watercourse will be returned, in the same way, to the main channel. |
TE37 |
Swine Burn (ch1850) . |
Construction |
Swine Burn will be culverted at ch1850 where the proposed scheme crosses the watercourse. This culvert is to include integral mammal ledges to enable otters to continue to commute along the Swine Burn corridor. |
TE38 |
Scheme drainage including detention ponds |
Operation |
Detention basins, culverts, filter drains, swales and catchpits will be inspected and maintained as appropriate (refer to Table 23.3). |
TE39 |
Ch3350. Ch2750. East of ch1500 on the A90. |
Construction/ Operation |
Suitable structures such as temporary fencing during construction and ITS/ADS gantries during operation will be provided to act as bat bridges. |
TE40 |
Ch 3350. Ch 2750. fencing locations. |
Construction/ Operation |
Temporary mammal-resistant fencing will be provided around construction compounds following a specification agreed in consultation with SNH. Where required, permanent mammal fencing will be erected in accordance with DMRB and SNH guidance ‘Otters and Development’ (The Highways Agency et al., 1993; Scottish Natural Heritage, Undated). Associated planting will be placed in such a way that animals will be directed towards safe passing places. Where the operational scheme crosses watercourses otter-proof fencing will be installed 150m either side. |
TE41 |
Ch1700-4300. |
Construction/ Operation |
Badger proof fencing will be provided. Note at certain locations integrated with noise barriers refer to Table 23.6. |
TE42 |
River Almond. Niddry Burn. Swine Burn. Coastal areas. |
Construction |
Temporary otter proof fencing will be provided. |
TE43 |
B981 realignment. M9 Junction 1A ch300-2700. M9 Spur. |
Construction |
Otter proof fencing will be provided. |
TE44 |
Between ch2500-3100. |
Construction/ Operation |
A dry mammal passage will be provided. |
TE45 |
Castlandhill Woods. Woodland at St Margaret’s Hope. East Shore Wood adjacent to Society Rd (west of Main Crossing). Echline Strip (ch2920). |
Construction/ Operation |
Bat surveys will be undertaken to determine the species, seasonal and dimensional requirements of replacement roost habitat including provision of bat boxes. |
TE46 |
Ch8200-8300 (cemetery) |
Construction/ Operation |
If required, maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides) to be translocated to a suitable adjacent location. Translocation will be undertaken with necessary permissions under the supervision of an ECoW in accordance with a detailed method statement prepared in advance. |
TE47 |
Woodlands |
Construction |
If native bluebells (LSAP species) are within the woodland areas designated for land take, these will be translocated with necessary permissions and used as "plant plugs" to aid new colonisation in suitable, adjacent woodland. |
TE48 |
Woodlands |
Construction |
The area of marshy grassland will be avoided, where practicable. |
TE49 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh |
Construction |
The area of species-rich grassland will be avoided, where practicable. |
TE50 |
Realigned B981 |
Construction |
The design will maintain the hydrological connectivity of the marsh whilst ensuring that the directional flow of groundwater is not affected (as per mitigation measure G25). |
TE51 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh |
Construction/ Operation |
A management strategy to enhance the site’s condition will be implemented in consultation with stakeholders. |
Table 23.5: Estuarine Ecology Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
Generic/Best Practice |
EE1 |
Firth of Forth |
Pre- & post Construction |
EE2 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE3 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE4 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE5 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
The Contractor will adhere to an Environmental Management Programme (EMP) and Code of Construction Practice (CoCP). Method statements will detail full construction methodologies and specific rules in order to prevent environmental contamination. |
EE6 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction/ Operation |
Best practice measures will be implemented to prevent pollution (see mitigation measure W1 in Table 23.3). |
Specific Mitigation |
EE7 |
Beamer Rock |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions will be undertaken to avoid/reduce noise disturbance from blasting including:
EE8 |
At piling locations in the Firth of Forth |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions to be undertaken to avoid/reduce noise disturbance from piling including:
EE9 |
Beamer Rock and piling locations in the Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE10 |
Beamer Rock |
Construction |
EE11 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE12 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE13 |
Long Craig Island and Port Edgar |
Construction |
EE14 |
Temporary trestle bridges on northern and southern shores of Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE15 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE16 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE17 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
EE18 |
Port Edgar |
Pre-construction |
EE19 |
Firth of Forth |
Construction |
Table 23.6: Landscape Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
Generic/Best Practice |
L1 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design / Construction |
Earthworks will promote integration of the road with surrounding landform through sensitive grading of cutting and embankment slopes. |
L2 |
Cemetery, Ferry Hills and Castlandhill |
Scheme design / Construction |
New rock cuttings will be formed to promote natural appearance and natural regeneration. |
L3 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design / Construction |
SUDS detention basins will be formed to promote integration with the surrounding landscape by sensitive grading, visually discreet boundary fencing and planting of scrub woodland to screen and promote biodiversity. |
L4 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design / Construction |
Noise barriers, as determined by the noise assessment, will be provided in the form of barriers and false cuttings. |
L5 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design / Construction |
Existing trees and vegetation will be retained wherever practicable and incorporated with new planting proposals. |
L6 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design / Construction |
Planting will be undertaken to promote the following:
L7 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design / Construction |
Grass seeding for verges will be Roadside Verge Mix which is low maintenance, fast establishing and tolerant of traffic and salt spray. Grass seeding for all other soft areas, outwith planting areas, will be Species Rich Grassland Mix consisting of native, non-invasive grasses and wildflower species to reflect locally occurring semi-natural flora. |
Specific Mitigation (refer Figure 12.4 Landscape and Ecological Mitigation) |
Urban Area : Inverkeithing (ch8200-8500) |
L8 |
ch8200-8450 s/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Regrading of cutting beside A90 will promote naturalistic grading of new rock and soft cuttings and promotion of natural regeneration. |
L9 |
ch8200-8230 s/b |
Scrub woodland planting will be provided to replace lost vegetation and soften appearance of cutting. |
L10 |
ch8230-8310 s/b at relocated cemetery boundary |
Stone wall will be reinstated. |
Coastal Hill : Castlandhill (ch7900-9200) |
Whinny Hill |
L11 |
ch7900-8000 n/b between realigned B980 and proposed slip road. |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to replace lost woodland. |
L12 |
West of ch8000-8300 n/b around edge of agricultural land. |
Mixed woodland planting at Castlandhill will be provided to extend existing woodland pattern and provide coherent quantity of habitat replacement. |
L13 |
ch8200-8450 between B980 and A90. ch8600-8930 n/b either side of footbridge to Inverkeithing. |
Scrub woodland planting will be provided to soften appearance of cutting, embankment and visually separate local road from A90. |
North Hill |
L14 |
ch9100-9150 n/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to assist integration and provide screening for properties in Rosyth. |
Coastal Flats : North Queensferry (Ch7200-7900) |
L15 |
ch7300-7500 beneath A90 and slip roads on viaduct |
Scheme design / Construction |
Stone facings and local gravel will be provided beneath viaducts with ivy planting where daylight permits. |
L16 |
ch7300-7500 s/b east of A90 and slip road to Forth Road Bridge |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to replace lost vegetation and soften appearance of embankments and cuttings. |
L17 |
West of ch7900-7500 n/b north and west of WWTW |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to screen WWTW. |
L18 |
ch7300-7800 n/b both sides of n/b slip roads to and from Ferrytoll gyratory and on embankment west of realigned B981. ch7250 n/b around SUDS detention basin. |
Scrub woodland planting will provide landscape integration of embankments, cuttings and SUDS detention basin. |
L19 |
West of ch7850-7900 n/b |
Standard tree planting will be provided beside Ferrytoll Road to provide formal entrance to Europarc. |
Industrial: South Inverkeithing Bay (ch7900-8200) |
L20 |
ch7800-7900 area contained by Ferrytoll gyratory. |
Scheme design / Construction Scheme design / Construction |
Scrub woodland planting will be provided with rock/boulders and species rich grassland. |
L21 |
ch8000-8200 s/b between Park and Ride and s/b slip road to Ferrytoll gyratory. |
Scrub woodland planting will be provided to enhance existing scrub and replace scrub lost to cutting. |
Coastal Hills: Ferry Hills (ch6800 -7800) |
Undulating hill top |
L22 |
ch7500-7700 s/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Naturalistic grading of rock cut adjacent to existing A90 and railway line will be provided as permitted by safety issues and promotion of natural regeneration. |
L23 |
Cuttings and embankments to the east and west of approach to Forth Road Bridge. ch7100-7500 s/b. |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to replace lost woodland and soften appearance of embankments and cuttings. |
Wooded hill to the east of A90 |
L24 |
ch7100-7300 s/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed and scrub woodland planting will be provided to replace lost woodland. |
L25 |
ch7000-7100 n/b, s/b and east of B981 |
Naturalistic grading of rock cuttings and promotion of natural regeneration will be provided. |
Existing Road Corridor: A90/M90/M9//M9 Spur |
L8-L14, L16, L20-L23 |
A90/M90 North of the Firth of Forth (Halbeath to Ferryhills) |
Scheme design / Construction |
Measures identified above for LLCAs adjacent to the northern route, with direct impacts, which also reduce impacts for the Existing Road Corridor LLCA. |
Urban Area: South Queensferry (east of ch3600-3750) |
L26 |
ch3600-3650) west of realigned B924 junction with A904 |
Scheme design / Construction |
Standard tree planting will replace lost trees at the southwest corner of South Queensferry. |
L27 |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft area. |
L28-L35, L37, L39-L42 |
Measures identified for Duddingston LLCA, which also reduce impacts for South Queensferry LLCA: |
Lowland Hill and Valley Farmland: Duddingston (ch500-4450 and M9 ch1700-2700 M9 J1A) |
North Facing Slopes |
L28 |
ch3760-4450 n/b ch3800-4514 s/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Noise barriers in the form of false cuttings and/or barriers as per mitigation items N1-N7 will provide visual screening and noise mitigation. |
L29 |
East of ch3700-4400 s/b at east boundary of construction and maintenance access road, SUDS detention basin area and Inchgarvie House south boundary. |
Hedgerow and hedgerow tree planting will provide screening and tie in with existing boundaries. |
L30 |
ch4200-4320 n/b and s/b |
Mixed woodland planting will screen and integrate southern route north of cutting, where at grade and on embankment. |
L31 |
ch4320-4400 s/b ch4150-4200 n/b |
Scrub woodland planting will integrate SUDS detention basins. |
L32 |
ch3600-4440 n/b and s/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft areas outwith planting, including SUDS detention basins. |
L33 |
ch3600-3900 s/b slip beside s/b slip road to Queensferry junction |
Mixed woodland planting will provide screening for southwest corner of South Queensferry. |
L34 |
ch3600-3750 s/b slip |
Mound will provide screening for southwest South Queensferry |
Undulating Farmland |
L35 |
ch3600-3880 n/b slip. West of Queensferry Junction, on north side of A904. West of ch3200-3500, both sides of realigned Builyeon Road. ch2850-3550 e/b. ch2950-3350 w/b. ch500-1440 A90 e/b. |
Hedgerows and hedgerows with tree planting will reinforce landscape boundaries and provide connectivity for bats. |
L36 |
West of ch36400 n/b |
Redundant section of former A904 will be grubbed up. |
L37 |
Southeast boundary of A904 Queensferry Junction. Southwest boundary of A904 Queensferry Junction from Former Builyeon Road to sewage works access. |
Stone walls will be replaced. |
L38 |
ch3094-3350 |
Noise barrier in the form of false cutting will be provided as per mitigation item N9. |
L39 |
North of ch2080-2200 |
Scrub woodland planting will integrate SUDS detention basins. |
L40 |
A8000 n/b and s/b north of A90. |
Standard trees will be provided to replace lost trees and mark transition to urban character. |
L41 |
A8000 embankments and ch1450-1570 w/b |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to replace existing woodland and provide screening and integration. |
L42 |
ch500-3600 n/b and s/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft areas outwith planting. |
South Facing Slopes |
L43 |
M9 Spur west embankment, west of Kirkliston. |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to replace lost woodland. |
L44 |
East and west of M9 eastbound to M9 Spur northbound link, north of M9 ch1700-2180, M9 J1A |
Scrub woodland planting will be provided to screen and integrate SUDS detention basin and realigned Swine Burn. |
L45 |
East and west of M9 eastbound to M9 Spur northbound link, north of M9 ch1700-2180, M9 J1A |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft areas outwith planting. |
Designed Wooded Landsdcape: Dundas (M9 Spur n/b to ch2850) |
L46 |
ch2500-2950 w/b ch2660-2850 e/b ch2210-2480 e/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting will be provided to replace SINC and loss of woodland at Echline strip and adjacent woodland blocks. |
L47 |
ch1750-2350 w/b |
Mixed woodland planting will provide screening for Dundas Home Farm |
L48 |
ch2480-2660 e/b ch2350-2500 w/b |
Hedgerow planting will reinforce landscape boundaries. |
L49 |
ch2350-2500 w/b. |
Standard tree planting to reflect Dundas Estate’s character will be provided. |
L50 |
A90 to A8000 public transport link and A90 public transport link |
Hedgerow tree planting will be provided to replace trees lost beside public transport links, provide screening and provide connectivity for bats. |
L51 |
ch1700-2850 e/b and w/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft areas outwith planting. |
L52 |
ch2550-3904 w/b ch1861-2364 w/b |
Noise barriers in the form of false cuttings and barriers as per mitigation items N8 and N10 will provide visual screening and noise mitigation. |
L53 |
ch1750-1861 w/b |
Noise barrier in the form of false cutting will be provided as per mitigation item N11. |
Urban Area: Kirkliston (M9 Spur s/b to M9 ch980 e/b) |
L54 |
M9 Spur s/b embankment at northwest edge of Kirkliston |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting will replace lost woodland. |
L55 |
M9 ch1250-1480 s/b |
Mixed woodland will be provided to integrate cutting into existing woodland pattern. |
L56 |
M9 ch980-1150 s/b |
Scrub woodland planting will be provided to screen embankment and noise barrier. |
L57 |
M9 Spur s/b to M9 ch1100 e/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft areas outwith planting. |
L58 |
M9 ch1014-1290 s/b |
Noise barrier will be provided as per mitigation items N12 and N13. |
Lowland Plain: Overton (M9 ch1300-2780) |
Large flat fields |
L59 |
M9 ch2500-2600 w/b, northeast of Ross’s Plantation |
Scheme design / Construction |
Scrub planting around SUDS detention basin will provide screening and integration. |
L60 |
M9 ch2180-2600 w/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided on embankment and SUDS area outwith planting. |
Rising field with existing M9 Junction 1A to the east |
L61 |
M9 ch1300-1600 w/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting will integrate cutting into existing woodland pattern. |
L62 |
M9 westbound to M9 Spur northbound link |
Scrub woodland will integrate junction. |
L63 |
M9 Spur southbound to M9 westbound link, south of M9 ch1680-2180-2150 |
Hedgerow will be provided to tie boundary of new slip road into existing field boundaries and reinforce edge of existing woodland on slip road embankment. |
L64 |
M9 ch1300-2180 w/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided in disturbed soft areas outwith planting. |
Designed Wooded Landscape: Newliston (M9 ch 600-1300) |
L65 |
M9 ch1200-1300 n/b, east end Lindsay’s Craigs woodland. |
Scheme design / Construction |
Mixed woodland planting at northern SUDS detention basin will be provided to replace lost woodland, provide screening and integrate with Lindsay’s Craigs woodland. |
L66 |
M9 ch600-780 M9 ch1100-1150 |
Scrub planting on regraded embankments and at southern SUDS detention basin will provide screening and integration. |
L67 |
M9 ch600-1300 n/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided in SUDS basins and disturbed soft areas outwith planting. |
Lowland Plain: River Almond (M9 ch0-980 s/b) |
L68 |
M9 ch600-980 s/b |
Species rich grassland will integrate regraded embankment. |
Industrial Area: Newbridge (M9 ch0-600 n/b) |
L69 |
M9 ch300-550 n/b |
Scheme design / Construction |
Scrub woodland will replace lost woodland on embankment. |
L70 |
M9 ch0-600 n/b |
Species rich grassland will be provided on regraded embankments outwith planting. |
Existing Road Corridor A90, M90, M9, M9 Spur |
L39-L45, L50, L51, L54-L70 |
A90/M9/M9 Spur South of the Firth of Forth |
Scheme design / Construction |
Measures identified above for LLCAs adjacent to the southern route, with direct impacts, which also reduce impacts for the Existing Road Corridor LLCA. |
Table 23.7: Visual Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
V1 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design/ Construction /Operation |
All landscape mitigation in Table 23.6 will be provided. |
V2 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design/ Construction/ Operation |
Where lighting is essential, all reasonable precautions will be undertaken to reduce energy consumption and avoid/reduce the amount of light pollution of the night sky and rural landscape where this can be achieved safely and effectively. |
Table 23.8: Cultural Heritage Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
CH1 |
St. Margaret’s Marsh |
Pre-construction |
Evaluation and recording of identified site (St. Margaret’s Wharf upstanding remains) will be undertaken to record the extent of known remains that may be affected and to assess areas of unknown archaeological potential prior to construction. |
CH2 |
Inchgarvie House Port Edgar Barracks Complex St. Margaret’s Hope (Admiralty House) |
Pre-construction |
Historic Building recording (to appropriate level) will be undertaken prior to the start of construction. |
CH3 |
Inchgarvie House Port Edgar Barracks Complex St. Margaret’s Hope (Admiralty House) |
Construction |
Vibration monitoring will be carried out on a weekly basis during works that may create a risk of vibration damage to protect buildings from risk of physical damage. |
CH4 |
St. Margaret’s Hope Arch |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Historic Building recording will be undertaken prior to relocation or dismantling to record the features and setting of the arch. |
CH5 |
Throughout the scheme |
Pre-construction |
A programme of archaeological trial trenching, set piece excavation and evaluation will be implemented to ensure that the full scope of known and unknown archaeological remains are identified, excavated and fully recorded prior to any proposed construction works. The programme will be confirmed in a Written Scheme of Investigation approved by Historic Scotland and will include a combination of non-intrusive surveys applied to relatively large areas, followed by intrusive techniques targeted on specific areas. |
CH6 |
Beamer Rock Beacon (Site 426, Figure 14.2a). |
Pre-construction |
A topographic survey and recording, building recording, dismantling and storage in a suitable location will be undertaken, leaving open the possibility to re-erect the beacon at a suitable site later if appropriate. |
CH7 |
Beamer Rock, ship wrecks (Sites 410-17, 419-20, 424, on Figure 14.2d). |
Pre-construction |
Detailed underwater survey will be undertaken prior to construction within 50m of the low tide mark in the vicinity of Beamer Rock to check for the presence of historic wrecks or debris that may exist on and around Beamer Rock. The known vessels shipwrecked on or within the vicinity of Beamer Rock will be included within the programme of archaeological evaluation works. |
CH8 |
Inchgarvie House, Springfield graves (Site 453). Linn Mill Burn, Dalmeny, cropmark (Site 561). Inchgarvie House, Linear cropmark (Site 811). South Queensferry, Linear cropmark (Site 1118). Refer to Figure 14.2e-h. |
Pre-construction |
Geophysical survey followed by trial trenching will be included as part of the programme of archaeological evaluation works. |
CH9 |
Echline Strip Clearance Cairn (Site 1147, Figure 14.2g). Newbigging Clearance cairns (Site 1148, Figure 14.2g). Newbigging tank/spring (Site 1149, Figure 14.2g). Dundas Castle Designed Landscape (Site 1111, Figure 14.2e-h). |
Pre-construction |
Trial trenching followed by excavation (if required) will be included as part of the programme of archaeological evaluation works. |
CH10 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction/ Operation |
Planting proposed as part of the landscape/ecology mitigation measures (refer to Table 23.6 and Figure 12.4) and noise barriers (refer to Table 23.10) will be provided to reduce impacts on setting. |
Table 23.9: Air Quality Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
No operational mitigation required; refer to Table 23.13 for construction mitigation. |
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
N1 |
South Queensferry (ch4310 - 4515) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 2.8m x 180m barrier on viaduct and a 2.8m x~25m barrier on road will be provided. |
N2 |
South Queensferry (ch4260 - 4310) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 4m x ~50m barrier will be provided. |
N3 |
South Queensferry (ch4110 - 4260) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 3m x ~150m barrier will be provided. |
N4 |
South Queensferry (ch4030 - 4110) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 3m x ~80m bund will be provided. |
N5 |
Linn Mill (ch4310 - 4450) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 2.8m x ~115m barrier on viaduct and a 2.8m x ~25m barrier on road will be provided. |
N6 |
Linn Mill (ch4000 - 4310) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 4m x ~310m barrier will be provided. |
N7 |
West Dundas (ch2550 - 3095) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 4m x ~545m barrier will be provided. |
N8 |
East Dundas (ch1860 - 2365) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 4m x ~505m barrier will be provided. |
N9 |
Kirkliston M9 (ch1015 - 1260) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 2.5m x ~245m barrier will be provided. |
N10 |
Kirkliston M9 (ch1260-1290) |
Construction/ Operation |
Noise barrier to achieve residual impact identified in Chapter 16 (Noise and Vibration). It is envisaged that a 2m x ~30m barrier will be provided. |
Table 23.11: Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community Effects Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
P1 |
B981(Inverkeithing) and A90 slip road - NCR 1 and local path 6 (refer to Figure 17.3a) |
Scheme design/ Construction |
The realigned footpath/cycleway from the B981, Inverkeithing to A90/ Forth Road Bridge will not be less than 2.5m wide. |
P2 |
Realigned B981 - Ramp from path 6a to 22 (refer to Figure 17.3a) |
Scheme design/ Construction |
Ramp linking paths will be DDA compliant. |
P3 |
A90 North end of Forth Road Bridge (refer to Figure 17.3a). |
Scheme design/ Construction |
An at-grade crossing point to the north of the Forth Road Bridge will be provided to facilitate an alternative route for NMUs wishing to travel between North Queensferry and Inverkeithing. |
P4 |
Queensferry Junction/A904 at Echline (refer to Figure 17.3b). |
Scheme design/ Construction |
An access gate to the west of the proposed Queensferry Junction will be provided to facilitate an alternative route for NMUs west of the mainline to link A904 with Linn Mill and the recreational area beyond. |
P5 |
Castlandhill Road (B980) – refer to Figure 17.3a. |
Construction |
A new footpath will be created on west side of B980 to link to the right of way (16) at Castlandhill Woods. |
P6 |
NCR 1 on east side of A90 (path 6); NCR 1 on B981 (path 6a); and NCR 76 at Ferrytoll Junction (path 10). Refer to Figure 17.3a. |
Construction/ Operation |
New signage will be installed as appropriate for NCR 1 and NCR 76. |
P7 |
Ferrytoll Junction - NCR 76 (path 10, 80) North end of Forth Road Bridge (refer to Figure 17.3a). Local path across the proposed Queensferry Junction (path 45b) - refer to Figure 17.3b. |
Construction/ Operation |
Traffic signals will be provided to enable safe crossing of roads for all NMUs and crossing points will be DDA compliant. Puffin or Toucan crossings will be chosen ahead of Pelican crossings. |
P8 |
Path from St. Margaret’s Marsh (path 23) to realigned B981 (path 22) - refer to Figure 17.3a. |
Scheme design/ Construction |
Ramp linking paths will be provided. |
P9 |
NCR1/Local Path (path 6). NCR 76 (path 10) Right of way (path 16) Local paths (21) Core path (23) Core path (38) Local paths (46) Local paths (78) Recreational areas - Ferry Hills and Echline fields |
Construction/ Operation |
Planting proposed as part of the landscape/ecology mitigation measures (refer to Table 23.6 and Figure 12.4) will be provided to reduce impact on amenity value. |
Table 23.12: Vehicle Travellers Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
VT1 |
Throughout scheme |
Scheme design/ Construction /Operation |
All landscape mitigation in Table 23.6 will be provided. |
Table 23.13: Disruption Due to Construction Mitigation
Mitigation Item |
Approximate chainage/location |
Timing of Measure |
Description |
Land Use |
DC1 |
Agricultural land throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Appropriate measures will be undertaken to reduce damage or disturbance to field and forestry drainage systems and to the agricultural capability of soils in accordance with mitigation measures LU3 and LU9 in Table 23.1. |
DC2 |
Firth of Forth |
Pre-construction |
The Contractor will seek appropriate consent from the Forth Ports Authority regarding marine traffic and any construction activities that require use of the shipping lanes in the Firth of Forth. |
DC3 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Existing access will be maintained or alternative access provided for all properties during construction in accordance with the requirements of the Bill. |
DC4 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Suitable signage to businesses and local amenities will be provided. |
DC5 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Landowners will be notified in advance of construction works in accordance with mitigation measure LU4 in Table 23.1. |
DC6 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Best practice will be adhered to in order to control dust generation and disposal (refer to mitigation measures DC13-17). |
DC7 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Screening will be used to reduce the visual intrusion of construction compounds (refer to mitigation measure DC9). |
DC8 |
Firth of Forth |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
A Marine Traffic Management Plan will be implemented specifying procedures and measures to manage operations within the Firth of Forth and reduce the impact of marine works on navigation. |
Geology, Contaminated Land and Groundwater (refer to Table 23.2) Water Environment (refer to Table 23.3) Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology (refer to Table 23.4) Estuarine Ecology (refer to Table 23.5) |
Landscape/Visual |
DC9 |
Construction compounds |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The layouts of construction compounds and storage areas will aim to reduce disruption. Where practicable, existing trees to be retained and screening bunds and planting provided. |
DC10 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Works will be programmed to minimise the disruption period. |
DC11 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Night-time working will be restricted to essential activities to minimise light pollution. |
DC12 |
Construction compounds |
Construction |
Dust and noise will be kept to a minimum through the provision of mitigation measures DC13-24. |
Air Quality |
DC13 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will implement the CoCP and employ Best Practicable Means to control dust and air quality pollution. |
DC14 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
The Contractor will implement a Dust and Air Quality Management Plan to limit dust and air pollution from the transportation and storage of materials and to limit emissions from construction plant and vehicles. |
DC15 |
Transport/Haul Routes |
Construction |
Traffic routing, site access points and hours of operations will be discussed with Fife Council, West Lothian Council and City of Edinburgh Council to reduce potential impacts on local receptors. |
DC16 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
A dust and air quality monitoring programme for construction activities will be agreed with the local authorities. |
DC17 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Blasting works will be avoided where reasonably practicable. |
Noise and Vibration |
DC18 |
n/a |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The Contractor will implement the CoCP. |
DC19 |
n/a |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The Contractor will be required to develop and implement a Noise and Vibration Management Plan which will include noise and vibration monitoring. |
DC20 |
n/a |
Construction |
Best Practicable Means as defined in Section 72 of the Control of Pollution Act will be used to minimise noise (including vibration) during construction. |
DC21 |
n/a |
Construction |
Best Practicable Means will be employed to minimise construction activities undertaken outside of 07:00 to 19:00 Monday to Saturday. |
DC22 |
‘Tigh-na-grian’ (2 properties) |
Pre-construction /Construction |
Should the Contractor identify that works are required that will exceed the threshold levels as defined in the CoCP, then he will seek prior approval from the local authority under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act and will carry out or provide a grant in respect of noise insulation to the affected properties. Any noise insulation work will be provided in accordance with the Noise (Insulation) Scotland Regulations 1975. |
DC23 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
No impact piling will be undertaken at night. |
DC24 |
Main construction compound, South Queensferry |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
A bund/barrier, to a height of approximately 5m, will be constructed on the eastern-side of the main construction compound to screen adjacent receptors on the west side of South Queensferry. |
D25 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Solid site hoardings will be provided where necessary and reasonably practicable between worksites and noise sensitive receptors to a height sufficient to break line of sight from the windows of habitable rooms to significant construction noise sources. |
D26 |
Throughout scheme |
Mitigation (permanent or temporary) will be installed as early as possible to afford the maximum benefit to the receptor. |
Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community Effects |
DC27 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The construction works will be programmed in such a manner to reduce the length of closures and access restrictions as far as practicable. Any diversion routes must be safe for NMUs and be DDA compliant. |
DC28 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
The construction site will be fenced and access by non-authorised personnel will not be permitted. |
DC29 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Temporary diversion routes will be provided to maintain access for NMUs throughout the works, and any closure or re-routing of routes used by pedestrians and others will be agreed in advance with the local authorities and in consultation with SUSTRANS where applicable (i.e. for NCR 1 and 76). |
DC30 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Where necessary, bus stops will be relocated safely with a safe access route provided for NMUs. |
DC31 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Best practicable means will be employed to avoid the creation of statutory nuisance associated with noise, dust and air pollution (refer to mitigation measures DC13-24). |
DC32 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions will be undertaken to reduce the visual impact of the construction works where practicable (refer to mitigation measures DC9-12). |
Vehicle Travellers |
DC33 |
Throughout scheme |
Pre-construction/ Construction |
Reasonable precautions will be undertaken to avoid/reduce disruption to the road traffic, including consideration of the timing of works vehicles using public roads and delivery/removal of site materials. |
DC34 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions will be undertaken to reduce the amount of imported/exported material required. |
DC35 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Reasonable precautions will be undertaken to avoid/reduce road closures. No lane closures of the A90/M90 or M9 are to be permitted during peak hours except in exceptional circumstances that are approved by Transport Scotland. |
DC36 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Temporary traffic management schemes will take reasonable precautions to reduce disruption and delays. |
DC37 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Road diversions will be clearly indicated with road markings and signage as appropriate. Closures will be notified in advance and signage provided. |
DC38 |
Throughout scheme |
Construction |
Appropriate lighting will be provided during night-time working. |