A13.3 Built Receptors - Northern Route
A13.3 Built Receptors - Northern Route
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1 Introduction
1.1.1 This appendix supports Chapter 13 (Visual) and provides details of the visual impact assessment for all built receptors (dwellings, historic buildings, workplaces and recreational buildings) that would be affected by the proposed road to the north of the Firth of Forth, along with details of the proposed mitigation measures designed to moderate the nature and extent of impacts where practicable for each receptor.
1.1.2 Please also refer to Section 13.7 of Chapter 13 with regard to potential assessment implications of ongoing design development.
Key to Abbreviations in Table 1.1
Table column |
Abbreviations used |
Type and Number |
dw = dwelling |
Existing View |
u = urban |
Sensitivity of Receptor |
h = high |
Elements of Proposed Scheme Visible |
rs = road surface |
Magnitude of Change |
h = high |
Impact Significance |
n = negligible |
neu = neutral |
Table 1.1: Visual Impact Assessment of Northern Route on Built Receptors
Receptor No. Date assessed House or road name Figure No. |
Type and Number |
Existing view |
Sensitivity of receptor |
Winter Year of Opening |
Summer 15 years after opening |
Description of mitigation measures |
Elements of proposed scheme visible |
Magnitudeof change |
Impact |
Description of mitigation measures |
Elements of proposed scheme visible |
Magnitudeof change |
Impact |
1-RN 21/11/08 Whinnyhill Crescent |
dw 5no |
r |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
rs, v, l |
l/m |
sl/m adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
rs, v, l |
l/m |
sl/m adv |
2-RN 21/11/08 Whinnyhill Crescent |
dw 4no |
r |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
rs, v, l |
l |
sl adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
rs, v, l |
l |
sl adv |
3-RN 21/11/08 Whinnyhill Crescent |
dw 6no |
u, r, i, d |
m |
Limited screening by existing woodland in front of properties. New mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction. |
rs, v, l |
m/h |
sub adv |
Increased screening by existing woodland in front of properties. Established mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction would partially screen some traffic on side roads. |
rs, v, l |
m |
m adv |
4-RN 21/11/08 Whinnyhill Crescent |
dw 7no |
u, r, rd, i, d |
m |
Limited screening by existing woodland in front of properties. New mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction. |
rs, v, l |
l/m |
m adv |
Increased screening by existing woodland in front of properties. Established mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction would partially screen some traffic on side roads. |
rs, v, l |
l |
sl/m adv |
5-RN 21/11/08 Muckle Hill Park |
dw 7no |
u, r, rd, i, s |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
rs, v, l, g |
l |
n adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
rs, v, l, g |
l |
n adv |
6-RN 21/11/08 Forth View |
dw 4no |
u, r, rd |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation at top of road cutting. |
rs, v, l |
l |
sl/n adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation at top of road cutting. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
7-RN 21/11/08 Muckle Hill Park |
dw 1no |
u, r, rd, b |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
cutting |
m |
m adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties. |
cutting |
l |
sl adv |
8-RN 21/11/08 Muckle Hill Park |
dw 1no |
u, r, rd, b |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties opposite receptors. |
rs, v, l |
l |
sl/n adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation behind properties opposite receptors. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
9-RN 21/11/08 Muckle Hill Park |
dw 1no |
u, r, rd, s, b |
m |
Limited screening by existing scrub vegetation at top of road cutting. |
rs, v, l, g |
l/m |
sl adv |
Increased screening by existing scrub vegetation at top of road cutting. |
rs, v, l, g |
l |
sl/n adv |
10-RN 21/11/08 Muckle Hill Park |
dw 1no |
r, rd |
m |
Limited screening for ground floor by existing trees on garden boundary. |
rs, v, l, g |
l/m |
sl adv |
Increased screening for ground floor by existing trees on garden boundary. |
rs, v, l, g |
l |
sl adv |
11-RN 21/11/08 Dunfermline Wynd |
dw 1no |
r, rd, s |
m |
Limited screening by existing trees around adjacent properties. |
rs, v, l, g |
m |
m adv |
Increased screening by existing trees around adjacent properties. |
rs, v, l, g |
l |
sl adv |
12-RN 21/11/08 Hillfield Road & Hillfield Crescent |
dw 28no |
u, r |
m |
Limited screening by existing trees and scrub vegetation on hillside behind properties. |
cutting |
l |
n adv |
Partial screening by existing trees and scrub vegetation on hillside behind properties. |
cutting |
l |
n adv |
13-RN 21/11/08 Castlandhill Road & Hillwood Terrace |
dw 7no |
u, r |
m |
Limited screening by existing trees and hedgerows in gardens. |
rs, v, l |
l/m |
sl/m adv |
Increased screening by existing trees and hedgerows in gardens. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
14-RN 21/11/08 Fairykirk Road |
dw 1no |
u, r, rd |
m |
Partial screening by existing dense woodland adjacent to property. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
Increased screening existing dense woodland adjacent to property. |
v, l |
l |
n adv |
15-RN 21/11/08 Admiralty Road |
dw 11no |
u, r, rd, i |
m |
Limited screening by existing street trees in front of properties. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
Partial screening by existing street trees in front of properties. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
16-RN 21/11/08 Castlandhill Farm |
dw 1no |
u, r, rd, i, rw, s |
m |
Limited screening by existing trees in garden. New mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction. |
rs, v, l, g |
m |
sl/m adv |
Increased screening by existing trees in garden. Established mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction would provide some screening of side roads. |
rs, v, l, g |
l |
sl adv |
17-RN 21/11/08 Lothians View |
dw 9no |
r, rd, i, rw, s |
m |
Limited screening by existing woodland on hillside in foreground. New mixed and scrub woodland planting around Ferrytoll Junction and on Whinny Hill. |
rs, v, l, g |
l/m |
sl/m adv |
Increased screening by existing woodland and established mixed woodland on hillside in foreground. Established mixed and scrub woodland around Ferrytoll Junction would provide some screening of side roads. |
rs, v, l, g |
l/m |
sl/m adv |
18-RN 21/11/08 Castlandhill Steadings |
dw 1no |
u, r, rd, i, rw, s |
m |
Limited screening by existing trees around houses opposite property. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
Increased screening by existing trees around houses opposite property. |
rs, v, l |
l |
n adv |
19-RN 21/11/08 Dunfermline Waste Water Treatment Works |
i (sewage works) 1no |
r, rd, i, s |
l |
Limited screening by existing trees and scrub vegetation along eastern boundary. New scrub and mixed woodland planting around northern and western boundary. |
rs, v, l, g, sdb |
m/h |
m adv |
Increased screening by existing trees and scrub vegetation and established mixed and scrub woodland around facility boundaries. |
rs, v, l, g, sdb |
l/m |
sl adv |
20-RN 21/11/08 St Margaret’s Lodge |
dw 1no |
r, rd |
m |
New mixed and scrub woodland planting around property. |
rs, v, l, b, g |
h |
sub/se adv |
Limited screening of side road by established mixed and scrub woodland planting around property. |
rs, v, l, b, g |
h |
sub/se adv |
21-RN 18/03/09 South Knowe |
dw 5no |
u, r, rd, i |
m |
Partial screening by rolling landform and existing scrub vegetation adjacent to the road. |
v, l, g |
l |
n adv |
Partial screening by rolling landform and existing scrub vegetation adjacent to the road. |
v, l, g |
l |
n adv |
22-RN 18/03/09 New housing, Crossgates |
dw 3no |
u, r, rd, i |
m |
Partial screening by rolling landform and existing scrub vegetation adjacent to the road. |
v, l, g |
l |
sl/n adv |
Partial screening by rolling landform and existing scrub vegetation adjacent to the road. |
v, l, g |
l |
sl/n adv |