8 Conclusions
8 Conclusions
A framework approach has been adopted for evaluating the performance of the FRC proposals against the goals of the Sustainable Development Policy. Under the three headings of economic, social and environmental issues, 17 sustainability objectives were identified in the Sustainability Appraisal Framework (refer to Appendix 2) for the FRC. This report has presented the progress achieved against the FRC sustainability objectives for the Stage 3 design (refer to Appendix 3).
Opportunities for future design innovations and measurement have also been identified for future progress to be made against the targets within the suite of sustainability objectives (refer to Section 5, Tables 15 to 17).
A framework for delivering sustainable resource management has been produced (refer to Appendix 5) together with a materials plan and these have been developed in order to ensure that the scheme:
- uses materials wisely (through recovery, reuse and recycling);
- sources materials responsibly; and
- reduces its carbon footprint where practicable.
An approach to carbon management has been developed and a carbon footprint at Stage 3 design has been calculated (refer to Appendix 6). This will be used as a basis for measuring and monitoring the footprint as the scheme progresses and will act as a guide to adopting design strategies for reducing carbon emissions where practicable.
Through the use of indicators and monitoring targets (refer to Section 6), the sustainability and carbon management objectives for the FRC can be progressed throughout the life cycle of the scheme.
It is anticipated that the work undertaken to develop and achieve this Sustainability Appraisal and Carbon Management Report will aid the wider Transport Scotland project assessment process in the future.