for Transport Accessibility |
Initial Indicator Set for Transport Accessibility |
More disabled people make successful door-to-door journeys, more often |
- Use of local bus and train services in the past month
(Scottish Household Survey)
- Use of ferry services (Scottish Household Survey)
- Whether experienced difficulties when changing between
public transport modes (Scottish Household Survey)
- Statistics on multi-stage journeys (e.g. different modes used)
- Factors discouraging public transport use
(Scottish Household Survey)
- Views on convenience accessing services
(Scottish Household Survey)
- Satisfaction with distance of bus stop from beginning
of journey (Bus Passenger Survey)
Disabled people are involved in the design, development and improvement of transport policies, services and infrastructure |
We don't have measurement for this activity at present so we
will need to start to collect information. We will do this as part of
the engagement process with disabled people which is
described in Part 6. |
Everyone involved in delivering transport information, services and infrastructure will help to enable disabled people to travel |
- Satisfaction with driver – helpfulness/time to get to seat etc.
(Bus Passenger Survey)
- Whether used assistance and satisfaction with assistance
(Rail Passenger Survey)
- Views on whether finding out about routes and times is easy (Scottish Household Survey)
- Number of accessible buses (Scottish Transport Statistics)
- Number of wheelchair accessible taxis
(Scottish Transport Statistics)
- Whether station met needs as a passenger with a disability
or long-term illness (Rail Passenger Survey)
- Views on information provided (Bus and Rail Passenger Surveys)
Disabled people feel comfortable and safe using public transport – this includes being free from hate crime, bullying and harassment when travelling |
- Views on toilet facilities on train/at station (Rail Passenger Survey)
- Availability of staff on train and at station (Rail Passenger Survey)
- Satisfaction on bus with – availability of seating; comfort of seats; amount of personal space (Bus Passenger Survey)
- Percentage of buses with CCTV (Scottish Transport Statistics)
- Whether feel safe and secure on trains/buses during the day/evening (Scottish Household Survey)
- Views on personal safety while at bus stop/whilst on bus (Bus Passenger Survey)
- Whether experienced crime while travelling or near transport facilities and whether the incident was related to disability
(Scottish Crime and Justice Survey)