Going Further: Scotland’s Accessible Travel Framework
ISBN 978 1 909948 82 2
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Part 1: What We Want to Achieve
Delivery of vision and outcomes
Part 2: Why We Need an Accessible Travel Framework
The rights of disabled people
The experiences of disabled people
What the statistics tell us
Part 3: Our Approach to Developing an Accessible Travel Framework
Listening to concerns
Encouraging conversations
Working together to tackle the issues
Part 4: How the Framework Fits in the Bigger Picture
Equality and human rights
Linked Government policies and legislation
Part 5: Where We are Now in Transport
Overarching transport policy
Engagement, advocacy, advice and guidance
Transport providers
Disability organisations
Travel information and journey-planning support
Assistance and support when making journeys
Part 6: How We Will Deliver this Framework
Changing cultures
In society
In transport
Maintaining good governance
At the national level
At the local and regional levels
Ensuring continuous engagement and participation
Longitudinal study
Accessible travel hub – accessibletravel.scot
Other ways to engage and participate
Transport accessibility Framework
Part 7: High-Level Action Plan
Appendix 1: Measurement of outcomes
Appendix 3: Transport accessibility Steering Group membership