Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2014

7. Child Casualties (Table 4)

7.1 There were 1,040 child casualties reported in 2014 representing 9% of all casualties (1,040 out of 11,240) and a reduction of 24 (or 2%) on 2013. Of these, 171 were seriously injured and 7 died, 2 fewer deaths than in 2013. Four of the seven children killed in 2014 were in cars and three were pedestrians. The numbers of fatalities are small, so care should be taken when drawing conclusions from year on year changes and trends should be looked at over the longer term. The three year average used to monitor progress against the Road Safety Framework targets shows individual years as fluctuating around the longer term trend [Table 7].

7.2 There were 502 child pedestrian casualties recorded in 2014. They accounted for 29% of all pedestrian casualties of all ages (502 out of 1,739). Of the child pedestrian casualties, 116 were seriously injured (3 died). The number killed was two fewer than in 2013 but the number of seriously injured was 24 more than in 2013.

7.3 In 2014, there were 392 child casualties in cars, 6% of all car user casualties (392 out of 6,760). Of the child casualties in cars, 27 were seriously injured (4 died): a decrease of seven in the number of serious but 2 more killed than in 2013. In 2014, there were 80 child pedal cycle casualties (9% of the total of 885 pedal cycle casualties of all ages) including 18 who were seriously injured, there were no children killed on pedal cycles in 2014, compared with two in 2013.

Table 4: Child casualties by built-up and non built-up roads, mode of transport and severity, 2012-2014 & 2004-08 average
Mode of Built-up roads Non built-up roads All roads
Transport Killed Serious All Killed Serious All Killed Serious All
2004-08 average 4 210 976 2 9 21 6 218 997
2012 1 127 513 0 5 10 1 132 523
2013 3 88 452 2 4 12 5 92 464
2014 prov. 2 115 494 1 1 8 3 116 502
% change on 2013 * 31% 9% * * * * 26% 8%
on 04-08 average * -45% -49% * * * * -47% -50%
Pedal cycle
2004-08 average 2 27 194 1 2 9 2 29 203
2012 1 18 115 0 3 7 1 21 122
2013 1 9 105 1 2 7 2 11 112
2014 prov. 0 17 74 0 1 6 0 18 80
% change on 2013 * * -30% * * * * * -29%
on 04-08 average * * -62% * * * * * -61%
2004-08 average 1 18 316 6 44 353 6 62 670
2012 0 14 224 0 20 227 0 34 451
2013 0 7 210 2 27 204 2 34 414
2014 prov. 0 3 208 4 24 184 4 27 392
% change on 2013 * * -1% * * -10% * * -5%
on 04-08 average * * -34% * * -48% * -56% -41%
2004-08 average 0 3 68 0 0 20 0 3 88
2012 0 1 33 0 0 10 0 1 43
2013 0 1 27 0 2 24 0 3 51
2014 prov. 0 2 33 0 0 1 0 2 34
% change on 2013 * * * * * * * * -33%
on 04-08 average * * -51% * * * * * -61%
2004-08 average 1 9 39 0 3 23 1 13 62
2012 0 1 17 0 5 14 0 6 31
2013 0 2 9 0 1 14 0 3 23
2014 prov. 0 6 27 0 2 5 0 8 32
% change on 2013 * * * * * * * * *
on 04-08 average * * * * * * * * -48%
All child casualties
2004-08 average 7 267 1,593 8 59 426 15 325 2,019
2012 2 161 902 0 33 268 2 194 1,170
2013 4 107 803 5 36 261 9 143 1,064
2014 prov. 2 143 836 5 28 204 7 171 1,040
% change on 2013 * 34% 4% * * -22% * 20% -2%
on 04-08 average * -46% -48% * -52% -52% * -47% -48%

1 Figures for 2013 and earlier years may differ slightly to those previously published due to late returns, or corrections to earlier returns.

2 * indicates that a percentage change is not shown because the denominator is 50 or fewer.