Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2014

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ISBN 978 1 909948 48 8
ISSN 1351 3869

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This bulletin presents provisional statistics of reported injury road accidents (i.e. road accidents reported to the police in which one or more people were killed or injured) in Scotland in 2014. Final figures will be published in October 2015.


An errata was published on 19/06/2015 at table 2 column 'Killed and Seirous' 2013 percentage row from 2% to 3%.

The pdf and html have both been updated within the document to reflect this change.


1. Main points

2. Background
Summary Infographic

3. Reported numbers of Accidents

4. Reported numbers of Casualties by Severity

5. Casualties by Type of Road

6. Casualties by Mode of Transport

7. Child Casualties

8. Progress towards the casualty reduction targets for 2020

9. Accidents and Casualties by Police Force and Local Authority area

10. Casualties by Gender, Age and Severity

11. Source and definitions

Scottish Government Statistician Group

A National Statistics Publication For Scotland

Figure 1: Killed from 1950 - 2014

Figure 2: Killed & seriously injured casualties and seriously injured casualties, 1950 - 2014

Figure 3: All casualties and slightly injured casualties, 1950 - 2014

Figure 4: Progress to casualty reduction target: Casualties killed

Figure 5: Progress to casualty reduction target: Serious injured casualties

Figure 6: Progress to casualty reduction target: Children killed

Figure 7: Progress to casualty reduction target: Children seriously injured

Table 1: Injury road accidents by severity

Table 2: Casualties by severity

Table 3: Casualties by built-up and non built-up roads, mode of transport and severity

Table 4: Child casualties by built-up and non built-up roads, mode of transport and severity

Table 5: People killed by mode of transport

Table 6: People seriously injured by mode of transport

Table 7: Children killed by mode of transport

Table 8: Children seriously injured by mode of transport

Table 9: Slight casualties by mode of transport

Table 10: Accidents by police force division, council and severity

Table 11: Casualties by police force division, council and severity

Table 12: Casualties by gender, severity and age, 2004 - 2014

Published Date 17 Jun 2015 Type Mode of transport