4. Reported numbers of Casualties (Tables 2a, 2b and 4)

4. Reported numbers of Casualties (Tables 2a, 2b and 4)

4.1 In 2019, 168 people were killed in road accidents in Scotland: 7 (4%) more than 2018. Since 1978, there has been a clear, steady, long-term downward trend. More recent years' figures have fluctuated around a less pronounced downward trend [Figure 1]

4.2 In 2019 there were 2,001 people seriously injured in road accidents. As outlined in section 2.4, this figure cannot be directly compared to the reported figures for previous years. Table 2b provides adjusted figures to show how many serious casualties there would have been in previous years if they had been recorded using an injury-based reporting system. These experimental statistics, produced by the Department for Transport, make it possible to compare the most recent statistics to previous years. On the basis of the adjusted figures, the number of people seriously injured in 2019 increased by 12% on 2018. Figure A shows how the adjusted and non-adjusted figures compare since 2004. The long-term trend has generally been downward since the early 1980s  [Figure A]. 

4.3 There were 5,425 people reported as slightly injured in 2019. Once again, this figure cannot be directly compared to the reported figures for previous years. Table 2b provides adjusted figures to show how many slight casualties there would have been in previous years if they had been recorded using an injury-based reporting system. On the basis of the adjusted figures, the number of people slightly injured in road accidents in 2019 decreased by 16% on 2018. Figure B shows how the adjusted and non-adjusted figures compare since 2004. There has been a clear downward trend in these figures since 1997 [Figure B].

4.4 There were a total of 7,594 casualties (of all severities) reported in 2019: 830 (10%) fewer than in 2018 and the lowest number since annual records began in 1950. Between circa 1970 and 1990, the figures fluctuated around a general downward trend, with numbers falling from the short-term peak in 1989 & 1990 (of over 27,000).  Since 1998, there has been a consistent reduction every year, with numbers falling below 12,000 in 2013, which was half the level of the early 1990s [Figure 3].

Table 2a: Casualties by Severity, 1950 – 2018
    Killed Serious injury Killed and Serious Slight injury All Severities
1950 529 4,553 5,082 10,774 15,856
1955 610 5,096 5,706 15,193 20,899
1960 648 6,632 7,280 19,035 26,315
1965 743 8,744 9,487 22,340 31,827
1970 815 10,027 10,842 20,398 31,240
1975 769 8,779 9,548 19,073 28,621
1980 700 8,839 9,539 19,747 29,286
1985 602 7,786 8,388 18,899 27,287
1986 601 7,422 8,023 18,094 26,117
1987 556 6,707 7,263 17,485 24,748
1988 554 6,732 7,286 18,139 25,425
1989 553 6,998 7,551 19,981 27,532
1990 546 6,252 6,798 20,430 27,228
1991 491 5,638 6,129 19,217 25,346
1992 463 5,176 5,639 18,534 24,173
1993 399 4,454 4,853 17,561 22,414
1994 363 5,208 5,571 17,002 22,573
1995 409 4,930 5,339 16,855 22,194
1996 357 4,041 4,398 17,318 21,716
1997 377 4,047 4,424 18,205 22,629
1998 385 4,072 4,457 18,010 22,467
1999 310 3,765 4,075 16,927 21,002
2000 326 3,568 3,894 16,624 20,518
2001 348 3,410 3,758 16,153 19,911
2002 304 3,229 3,533 15,742 19,275
2003 336 2,957 3,293 15,463 18,756
2004 308 2,766 3,074 15,428 18,502
2005 286 2,666 2,952 14,933 17,885
2006 314 2,635 2,949 14,320 17,269
2007 281 2,385 2,666 13,573 16,239
2008 270 2,575 2,845 12,747 15,592
2009 216 2,287 2,503 12,540 15,043
2010 208 1,969 2,177 11,161 13,338
2011 185 1,878 2,063 10,722 12,785
2012 176 1,981 2,157 10,555 12,712
2013 172 1,667 1,839 9,653 11,492
2014 203 1,701 1,904 9,398 11,302
2015 168 1,602 1,770 9,207 10,977
2016 191 1,698 1,889 9,009 10,898
2017 145 1,594 1,739 7,694 9,433
2018 2 161 1,584 1,745 6,679 8,424
2019 3 prov. 168 2,001 2,169 5,425 7,594
2004 - 2008 average 292 2,605 2,897 14,200 17,097
2015 - 2019 average 3 167 .. .. .. 9,465
2019 percentage change 3:
on 2018 3 4% .. .. .. -10%
on 04-08 average 3 -42% .. .. .. -56%

1.  Although regular records of the numbers of casualties began in 1947, the level of severity was only collected from 1950 and the number of injury road accidents weren’t collected until 1970.

2.  Some figures for 2018 and earlier years may have been revised slightly from those published previously due to late returns, or due to late corrections being made to returns that had been received earlier.

3. Due to changes in severity reporting, the number of serious casualties cannot be compared directly to those reported in previous years. 

These % change figures for serious casualties have therefore been omitted

Figure A: DfT Adjusted/unadjusted serious accidents, 2004 to 2019

Figure A: DfT Adjusted/unadjusted serious accidents, 2004 to 2019

Source: Department for Transport.

The unadjusted figures in this chart are National Statistics

The adjusted figures in this chart are Experimental Statistics

Figure B: DfT Adjusted/unadjusted slight casualties, 2004 to 2019

Figure B: DfT Adjusted/unadjusted slight casualties, 2004 to 2019

Source: Department for Transport.

The unadjusted figures in this chart are National Statistics

The adjusted figures in this chart are Experimental Statistics

Table 2b: DfT serious/slight adjusted and unadjusted casualties, 2004 to 2019
DfT adjusted serious DfT adjusted Slight Dft unadjusted Serious  Dft unadjusted Slight  DfT Serious/Slight total
2004-2008 average 2,919 13,774 2,558 14,136 16,694
2004 3,141 14,944 2,737 15,348 18,085
2005 3,002 14,507 2,597 14,912 17,509
2006 2,991 13,830 2,607 14,214 16,821
2007 2,685 13,078 2,315 13,448 15,763
2008 2,778 12,513 2,535 12,756 15,291
2009 2,552 12,244 2,269 12,527 14,796
2010 2,188 10,928 1,960 11,156 13,116
2011 2,082 10,495 1,873 10,704 12,577
2012 2,161 10,244 1,959 10,446 12,405
2013 1,857 9,462 1,667 9,652 11,319
2014 1,876 9,164 1,694 9,346 11,040
2015 1,800 8,988 1,597 9,191 10,788
2016 1,902 8,790 1,694 8,998 10,692
2017 1,775 7,506 1,589 7,692 9,281
2018 1,761 6,473 1,580 6,654 8,234
2019 1,965 5,457 1,998 5,424 7,422
2019 change on 2018 11.6 -15.7 -9.9
2019 change on 04-08 average -32.7 -60.4     -55.5

Source: Department for Transport.

The unadjusted figures in this table are National Statistics

The adjusted figures in this table are Experimental Statistics

Unadjusted figures in this table may not match those in other tables in this publication as DfT close its database each year but Transport Scotland keep its database open.

Figures for serious and slight injuries are as reported by police. Since 2019, Police Scotland has adopted a new severity reporting system which means that serious injury figures, and to a lesser extent slight injuries, are not comparable with earlier years. Adjustments to account for the change have been produced. 

More information on the change and the adjustment process is available at the following address.


Figure 1: Number of casualties killed, 1950 to 2019

Figure 1: Number of casualties killed, 1950 to 2019 

Figure 2: Killed and Seriously injured casualties and Seriously injured casualties, 1950 - 2019

Figure 2: Killed and Seriously injured casualties and Seriously injured casualties, 1950 - 2019

Figure 3: All casualties and Slightly injured casualties, 1950 - 2019

Figure 3: All casualties and Slightly injured casualties, 1950 - 2019